It’s getting bad out there, folks

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by Balto, Jul 22, 2020.

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  1. Balto

    Balto Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2013
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    Since March, without a second thought we have seen our nation transform from a nation of liberty to one of pure authoritarianism. At first, the justification was to keep from overloading the hospitals. Then it was to protect the elderly. Then once we saw the elderly recovering, the nation ate an insanity pepper. Literally.

    Aside from individual liberties having been trampled on from coast to coast, we are reaching the point of local governments becoming tyrannical, not just authoritative. In Colorado, fines range from $300 to a $1000. Not only that, but one can face months of jail time instead of a fine. When a friend of mine out there told me this, we both agreed the governor out there has, without a doubt, gone over the edge.

    When a government begins locking up its own people, this meets the textbook definition of tyranny. Russia does this, The Philippines do this, China does this, are we supposed to liken ourselves to those authoritative countries? Using “public safety” to justify this abuse of power, such government overreach would make our Founding Fathers want to vomit. “Did we really fight the British just to end up having a country like this?” would be their exact thoughts.

    It is no longer simply mere opinion, proof of a nation falling apart is unfolding in front of us. And it’s not about wearing a mask. It’s about the creation of a nanny/police stare trying to control the will of the people, state by state, county to county.
  2. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    IMHO, it's those elements in government that seek to disarm America's citizenry that are the greatest tyrannical threat, not medical experts that are asking you to wear a mask.

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