Just Whippin' Up The Anger And Hatred In The Base As Usual

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Tobaccoroad, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. Tobaccoroad

    Tobaccoroad Member

    Oct 3, 2012
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    Just more "Show me the money!!!!!!"

    If the population statistics were reversed, containing only 13 per cent white instead of 13 per cent black in America, Jessee, Al, Jeremiah, Barack, and Eric would be holding a 'Wanssee' style conference figuring out the answer to their current "White Problem" instead of occupying themselves with simply whipping up the froth of racial hatred and unrest among their followers and supporters. 38 per cent of blacks consider themselves racist, versus only 24 per cent of whites. Add to that AG Eric Holders alleged carrying of a card in his wallet that reads "The black attorney has more in common with the black criminal than he has with the society he is sworn to represent" What statue of the "Blind Justice"? Certainly not in today's DOJ. Then there's Comrade Barack's "The Cambridge Police acted stupidly" and "If I had a son he would have looked liked Trayvon". Unfortunately, since this administration has turned the green traffic lights on permanently for any and all assaults on whites, Delbert Belton's and Chris Lanes' murderers also look like Comrade Barack's sons.

    The reason the 'Blade Runner' kept a gun within easy grasp allowing him to accidentally shoot his fiancee was the general unrest about the ethnic cleansing going on in post apartheid South Africa at the hands of the majority blacks.

    If I were Chris Lane's family contemplating any law suit in the States for the untimely death of their son, one of the groups named in the law suit would be the person or persons who paid Al Sharpton's judgement subsequent to the Tawana Brawley defamation lawsuit for him since that payment for Sharpton allowed Sharpton to escape any and all punishment or retribution for his criminal, unlawful activities that resulted in the judgement enabling him to focus his sights on a highly lucrative career of incessantly "Yelling fire in crowded theaters" unscathed. Its the same as a parent's handing the keys to the family car to their minor kid and then having the kid then embark on a evening of drunken erratic driving behavior that ends up kiling all six occupants in the car and a dozen innocent bystanders on the street.


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