Labor Have Turned The Corner!

Discussion in 'Australia, NZ, Pacific' started by aussiefree2ride, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Hear Hear! No matter what happens between now and the next Federal election, any candidate other than the ALP, or the Greens, Oakshot and WIndsor, will be advantaged by the low standard of the present Federal Govt.. This lowering of the bar, is detrimental to our prospects of competant Government. For too long now, Australia has been "opposition heaven", there has been no viable competition, which has bred a very weak strain. Federal and State politics in this country have become a B grade "reality" show. We need serious, professional people making the decistions that shape this country.
  2. slipperyfish

    slipperyfish Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2012
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    aussiefree firstly you would need the public to actually thhink about the situation. When it is election day I am jumping out of my skin. Unfortunnately for every person like myself there seems to be 10 that gripe about the fact their weekend is somehow stuffed because they have got to vote.

    It is a growing social problem. I mean how else would you explain the fact that the ALP with Gillard at the helm held onto power at the last election. I know they were placed there by independents, but how did they get an equal share of the vote to start with. Rudd got there on lies, and Gillard did the same. What happened to once bitten twice shy.

    People just don't want to hear a government come out and say, " sorry citizens of Australia but we have a bad debt problem that we need to rectify. So we need all of you to donate somewhere between $50 and $100 for the next few years to get out of the pop ". No they would rather hear, " it is important that we here in Australia show support for our environment. We have to do our bit, lead by example. So we will introduce a carbon tax to help fund environmental issues that the world is facing today".

    or better still, remember this one. " there will be no carbon tax. Not on my watch". Quick elect her again !

    Lol. Cynic I am.
  3. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Yep,thye end of the social democratic ALP ,is here ,gee are not we lucky ,to see the Putrid compromise with "capitialists intrests" Party ,called the ALP gone and dusted and good riddence to class collaboration and comprimise .

    One stinking putrid corrupted and decaying party down ,One more to go ,hey the Working class is about to explode as unemployment is increasing and the banks become parasites,on the governments purse.

    This time when we take the path of mass strikes ,occupations and political struggles we don't have either the ALP or the ACTU there to holds us back!

    Gee wilkers with a cherry on top ,stone the flipping crows what a great Historical oppurtunity for the otherthrow of the English Westminster historically and politically as well as intellectually BANKRUPT ,system !goodbye and Good riddence !

    Now who for a Workers Revolutionary government ,I know i am as a democratically minded human.

    BTW, there is still a Working Class Party in Australia ,its of the only other type of working class political perspective that has ever existed ,oh you may ask which are the ONLY 2 political formations in the Working class ,well 1 ,is the social reformist school of political struggle and the other is the Socialist revolutionary!

    There are no others .Hello my name is Comrade Phil ,and the Party that the working Class needs Right now to lead it is the SEP.thats the SOCIALIST EQUALITY PARTY ,holding political meetings in a capitial city near you.

    Which is the 4th Internation Party of Leon Trotsky,only Party of for and by the Working Class,left anywhere all over the World.

    No more ,social democracy,no more stalinism ,nor even trade unionism ,no my Working class brothers and sisters Comrades and supporters .No more trying to reason with capitialism ,Its time for the Overthrow.They don't listen to us they only follow the Money !

    The oldest Political Party in Australia ,is Dead !

    Hey question for all the doubters about the historic nature of the ALP's demise .

    If you have a top heavy apparatus balanced finely on 2 supports ,and one of the supports fractures under pressure ,then what Happens to the top heavy apparutus??????

    Its a question of Politics with Gravity ,there are ,a clue to the clueless.

    G'day how yor goin'.
  4. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Yep,i jump out of my skin every election morn ,as it gives me the opurtunity to front Politicans of the Capitialist type 'Face to Face",got Afony Albanese,a beauty last NSW State election ,on the question of what position he had concerning the Afghanistan War and why they refuse to this day debate the sending of australian troops in Parliament .

    He turned white litterally!

    Had to use the i got my 12 year old son with me excuse.PATHETIC !Loathsome thing !

    this will undoubtably bring a chuckle to the ASIO agents listening in ,[how you goin yes you know what i am talking about they are weird people you defend ,good tackle and head lock at the tent embassy debacle ,hey could you 'accidentally 'fall on Gillard rendering her unconcious next time,or maybe a accidental bullet meant for a terrorist or something ,or maybe a ELECTION,its the people that pay your keep not the Gillard government. ] so lets pretend that ASIO ,isn't listening ,yes we need an ELECTION in order to Overthrow the current government and replace it with the next one to rtest oput under the conditions of GFCmk2,the Depression that Australian Capitilism must have .

    How fantastic is the timing ,the ALP will fall at the same time the Lib\Nat ineptitudes get smashed by the GFC mk2,couldn't have planned it better if we Communists tried!

    The next government as this mob is through ,will ALSO be a Party of Economic ,and policy instability !
  5. Recusant

    Recusant Active Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    There's an old saying: "you get the government you deserve".

    Australian ignorance of real issues and actual policy must be approaching that of Americans. We even have our own version of Fox News (The Australian) to help.

    Sometimes i sigh, but i have to remind myself that these problems are "first world problems". It's precisely because we are so fat and happy that we are increasingly dumb about actual policy. People don't read any more. People don't care enough to. If you go to many much worse off places, i'm sure you will find a much stronger understanding of actual policy impacts (according to some books i've read).

    I mean, the 'free-market' stuff that is so firmly Liberal party ideology (if not entirely represented in policy, for reasons i have highlighted before) is a proven disaster for the less well off, and yet somehow the Libs are, atm, firmly the preference of those very people. But, everything is relative, and the poor in Australia are usually vastly better off than the poor in, say, Bangladesh (where such free-market policies are much more prevalent). What the poor here have to lose, is to become more poor should free-market ideology take hold here.

    See, Abbott won't say much about it short of the usual corporate owned, media-friendly one-liners. Give him a majority like in Queensland and you may see very different policy to what was advertised prior to the election. The only thing that will stop him is the potential wipeout in six years he himself could experience. So he'd do it gradually, so it would be less noticed, like Howard did. Workchoices was only a part of his free-market agenda. Yet, it's the only one remembered by most. Tell people about what he tried to do to the PBS now and you'll get blank expressions. Hell, most people (MOST!) knew nothing about it then and it was huge i tell you!

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