Main goal of the USA always was not to allow the union of Russia and Germany.

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Kiwi33, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. Kiwi33

    Kiwi33 New Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Pay attention to a slice of its performance in 25 seconds from 5-35 till 6-00 about need for the USA to unleash wars in Europe and worldwide and on his words: "It was cynical, it was immoral, but it worked".

    In the modern world in connection with development of media (Internet) Americans aren't isolated from the world and places of events any more, and information on a mean role of the U.S. Government in the conflicts, anyway, influences on the conceiving part of Americans and the mode ruling in the USA needs to change views of the American society of the standard things - it is necessary to convince Americans that meanness and dishonesty is normal if its useful for the USA if "it works" ?
  2. Draco

    Draco Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
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    Wow, I can't believe the things you Russians think.

    Germany and Russia have not liked each other for quite a while, and you seem to be implying the US started WW1 & 2. Wow, just wow
  3. Kiwi33

    Kiwi33 New Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    I will raise a question differently.
    The USA refuse conscience and morals and organize wars for murder of people worldwide because it is favorable to them.(it talk from video, not mane) Logical Means... people worldwide which kept conscience and morals, have to kill Americans in all ways and worldwide?
    Why this official makes such broad statement?
  4. CJtheModerate

    CJtheModerate New Member

    Jul 8, 2013
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    Russia and Germany have never gotten along.
  5. Draco

    Draco Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
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    You guys did just fine taking Crimea by yourselves, didn't need for that.

    Take your RT tripe elsewhere
  6. Kiwi33

    Kiwi33 New Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    What long time? After World War I, Germany the first western country which began to trade with Russia... The Soviet Union and east Germans right after World War II started building the friendly relations. So was in the history several times, Germans and Russians were at war and were quickly on friendly terms. This official correctly speaks about Germany and Russia. R.F and Germany have an opportunity to make strong economy as the USA and Canada...
  7. Kiwi33

    Kiwi33 New Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    You and Canada openly support fascism in Ukraine. Russia fight against fascism...
  8. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    East Germany with all the Russian troops on its soil after WWII really didn't have much of a choice. If I remember my history right, right after WWII, Germany was still one country. But was divided into 4 occupation zones. It wasn't until 1949 that the countries of West and East Germany were formed. Still East Germany then still had no choice except to be cozy with Russia.
  9. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Russia has nothing to do with Friedman and he's the one who said it. He's the founder and head of the Stratfor Institute which might be affiliated with the CIA. Frankly I don't agree with Friedman. He wasn't born or nurtured in this country, so his views might be a little off. Personally I think we were highly influenced by Britain and that's why we entered WW I and later WW II. I even think the bombing campaigns and the mass killings of German civilians in WWII was because of Britain's influence. I find it very alien to our American values...but that's my opinion.

    As for today, yes Washington and those who control it are trying to keep Germany and Russia separated. Even the lies about the fighters of Novorussiya shooting the airliner down when all the intelligence points to Kiev, was to keep them apart. I fear now that Germany and Russia are starting to draw closer again, that it will lead to another false flag attack in order to keep them apart. The authorities in the separate Novorussiya regions of Ukraine, have intelligence that Kiev will do something on May 9th, the day Russia will be having its Victory Parade in Moscow.

    It's so typical of the juveniles in Washington, to attack on the day of a Victory celebration over Nazism just to annoy Vladimir Putin. It's the same as when they started the protests in Kiev during the Olympic Games. Boy Washington has some issues, and to think these are the people who hold the world's survival in their hands.

  10. Kiwi33

    Kiwi33 New Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    In Ukraine there is a site of the government,(Миротворец_(сайт)) there publish personal information of the people involved in support of separatism in Ukraine. There some thousands of personal information about people (anyone can publish...) In particular, on it personal information of the ex-deputy Oleg Kalashnikov and journalist Olesya Buziny shortly before their murder near own apartments was published. After Kalashnikov's murder and Elder in official the twitter account of the site there were two messages about "successful performance of a fighting task by the agent "404"" the Site is located on the server of Canada. I'm simply shock. A few years ago I created the site on the server UCOZ - the site about employers... this the site was closed at once because personal information someone, without consent it is impossible to extend. In Ukraine where there is a civil war everything is possible. Canada doesn't excite that it breaks the international treaty on personal information as a result of which the person is threatened really by death...
  11. Kiwi33

    Kiwi33 New Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    What's deferent ? Russians didn't burn Germans in furnaces... they made friends.
  12. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Actually Russia and Prussia have a history and relationship that goes way back. Many of the Tsars were raised in Prussia, and it was even the Emperor Frederick who chose Katherine the Great as the wife of the future Tsar. Had Tsar Nicholas II known that Germany was going to enter WWI on the side of Austria he would never have gone to war. The Kaisar was just bluffing, but when Nicholas was told it was too late, the army was at the front and couldn't be called back.

    Also it's East Germany today that is the most upset over the friction with Russia. Merkel had to run to Dresden to explain her position. Western Germany of course thinks differently.
  13. blackharvest216

    blackharvest216 Banned

    Jan 4, 2015
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    It's not about whether their governments "liked each other" its about how powerful a nation that aligned germany russia and everything in between would be or wouldve been. whether it was under hitler, stalin or some unified democracy

    the borders of both nations have changed enormously over the past century

    1942 germany


    1960 USSR


    both have had their army in the others capitol city. considering the majority of americans did not want too enter ww2 until FDR allowed pearl harbor too happen proves that the American government has been working against a berlin-moscow empire for a long time
  14. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    facts, I suppose.
  15. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    Back prior to WWI regardless of country the monarchy was all related to each other in someway. I can also believe some in what use to be East Germany still having some love for the old USSR. That's to be expected.
  16. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    Actually, I think they have historically, but it's been a while.. And just recently there was no reason for Germany and Russia not to become closer without this Ukraine mess getting kicked off and, vitally, the US stepping in immediately with finger-pointing and an active effort to get Germany and the rest of Europe to lay the blame on Russia and even participate in hostile acts in the form of economic sanctions and so on.
  17. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Kiwi, Friedman was not born or nurtured in the US, and he interprets things in a way that reflects his own cultural upbringing. What he is saying about today is right. Washington wants to keep Russia and Germany apart. He is wrong though in what he is saying about the actions of the US in the past.

    The US was an isolationist nation before WWII, which means they didn't want to have anything to do with the rest of the world. We entered WWI because the elite in Washington leaned towards Britain and were influenced by Britain...and for no other reason.

    The sinking of the Lausitania which turned the American people against Germany, was a false flag attack meant to bring us into the war. Winston Churchill was the one in charge of the British Admiralty at the time. Before that, the American people tended towards Germany because of the large amount of Germans in this country...not to mention the Irish who hated Britain. The propaganda then against Germany was just as ridiculous as it is now towards Russia. I'm amazed that people are still falling for it.

  18. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    Why do you say Lusitania was a false flag? I rather suspect it was as it seemed, but that the US had been sending aid to the UK via such ships, giving Germany reason to attack them..
  19. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    The sister ship of the Lusitania was hit three times and it didn't sink. The Lusitania was packed with explosives, and there is a suspicion the Germans were notified. Frankly I don't trust the British, and especially Churchill. They seem to have had very little regard for human lives...even the lives of their own men.

    I read that they were going to court marshall and shoot a pilot who escaped from his plane because he didn't save his machine gun. Someone also said that they refused to give their men parachutes for fear they might jump out of the plane unnecessarily. I can't find anything about it though.
  20. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    And how do you know the Lusitania was packed with explosives? You're just making claims without backing here. Another ship being hit more than once and not going down doesn't mean you can jump to such a conclusion.

    Of course, if Lusitania was carrying munitions, those may have acted as explosives when the thing was hit...
  21. stanfan

    stanfan New Member Past Donor

    Mar 15, 2015
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    The treaty of Brest-Litovist, which Germany imposed upon Russia when she exited World War I, was much harsher than the famous Treaty of Versailles which the allies imposed upon Germany after the end of World War I. It called for major reparations and shipment of much of the later USSR's raw materials to them. German troops waiting on the border with Poland, actually witnessed Soviet trains delivering reparations material, crossing over the border bound for Germany, the evening prior to attacking Poland in 1939.

    Hitler's mistake in attacking the Soviet Union in 1941, was the same one that Japan made in attacking China and Korea in 1939. Both treated a welcoming population from tyranny, so badly, and brutally, that the Russians and the Chinese / Koreans, never forgave Germany and Japan, and would never be allies. The USSR occupied half of Germany after World War II, having cut the heart out of the German Army. They were responsible for the Berlin Airlift by closing the city in 1948; the Berlin Wall in 1961, penning in a population willing to die to escape USSR's control.

    As for Japan, once they invaded China, Roosevelt cut off all trade, particularly scrap metal which they needed for their war machine. They responded with surprise attacks on Pearl Harbor to neutralize the American Navy in the Pacific, and sunk the British battleships a day later in the South China Sea, the "Prince of Wales" and the "Repulse" ending Western influence for over a year before we got ready to strike back, which the Midway victory allowed. Japan chose the wrong path attacking the Dutch East Indes where they obtained oil, rubber, tin, all the necessities of warfare, but they should have attacked the USSR from the East, when Germany was rolling along destroying the Soviet army, retreating into the interior. Failure to do so allowed Marshal Zukov to move the 40 Siberian Eastern armies into the Stalingrad fray, surround the attacking German Army, and bring their march to a 1000 year Reich to an end.

    Roosevelt and the War Department knew an attack was coming by Japan, most thought it would come in the Philippines, nobody ever expected them to boldly strike at America in Hawaii. Another such surprise in the nuclear age would result in the death of the USA. Such surprises and lapse of judgment are major faults in our intelligence community, as November 22, 1963 and September 11th were. We should have been more alert, and prepared.

    Germany and Russia are not partners - not friends - not particularly trading allies, and have always had animosity betweem them. Hitler's "breathing space" philosophy always was to take that territory away from the USSR, the Slavic people were treated horribly, as cattle to be slaughtered, like the Jews, and I doubt if the two countries will ever be friends, now that Germany is reunited. America maintains massive military troops and installations in Western Germany, solely for the reason to keep the Russian's at bay. As for tiny, unprotected Poland, it has disappeared from the European map many times in history due to the conflicts between Germany / Prussia and Russia / USSR.

    Roosevelt didn't arrange Pearl Harbor and Stalin, who knew an attack was coming, stalled the Nazi's in Poland with the Ribbentrop Pact, giving half of Poland to the USSR, without firing a shot. The German General Staff, in existence for about 100 years, didn't even know about it; General Jodl responding when he heard the Russian were on the move in 1939 during the invasion of Poland - said "against whom?" Russian / USSR / Russia's policy has always been, since the end of World War II, with the Warsaw Pact, to maintain a military buffer between them and the West, as all invasions of the Soviet space have always come from the West. Germany isn't going to suddenly turn on the Western democracies and trust someone like a Putin for anything, the Russian Bear has always acted the same, whether corrupt under the Czar, or Communist control.............
  22. Kiwi33

    Kiwi33 New Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    I agree - the facts (''similar processes of friendship'') between the USA and Japan
  23. stanfan

    stanfan New Member Past Donor

    Mar 15, 2015
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    Actually, Germany issued a warning than any ship departing from Ireland or England into the Atlantic, would be far game to German U-Boats. They issued such a statement warning American's in the British Isles not to travel on those ships, however, about 1500 American's went down on the Lusitania, and there also was the issue of the letter criticizing Wilson through the Mexican embassy, which turned American opinion against Germany. As for German's outnumbering Irish in America, as our British cousins, America always seemed more friendly toward the British as the "home team" in these endless European wars, than they were toward Germany. It was America's entry into World War I ("The Yanks Are Coming), which turned the tide of that war in the favor of the West, against Germany, which didn't have an Eastern front, Russia having withdrawn from the war by the Czar. The stalemate, which was the Western Front of World War I, probably would have resulted in a German victory over Britain and France, with a negotiated peace, had America troops not arrived to turn the tide..........
  24. Europe2050

    Europe2050 New Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Although there are some points in your post, I can agree with, I think there is a lot that I have to put in right light, being a (non-prussian) German.

    Indeed ancient Prussia and ancient (and obviously now risen again) Russia are quite comparable. Both dominating and occupying their neighbors (esp. Poland) and both preventing (or at least fighting) a peaceful unification of Germany (Pr.) and Europe (Ru.) and putting an imperialistic model instead.

    But you have to notice, that prussian domination of Germany ended in 1945 after some 200 years, Prussia brought war and anger to Germany and our neighbors. Southern and western Germany (most, but not only the catholic lands) always had the idea of living together on equal rights and brougt them to the foundation of EU as Country "West Germany". I want Germany to continue this on not to fall in old prussian - imperialistic and "geostrategic" - shemes.

    From WW1 you might compare the war aims of the nations at the beginning (while the war went on they changed indeed and got more imperialistic on each side):
    - Austria: Restore peace on Balkan, get rid of bellingrent Serbia, survive as multinational construct in nationalistic times.
    - Russia: Occupy Lemberg and Königsberg, get Europes No. 1 Continental power
    - Germany: Get Russia and France weekened so they can't attac Germany the next 20 years.
    - France: Get back Elsass-Lothringen
    - Great Britain: Restore and secure ally Belgium
    - US: Stay out of war

    And yes, escecially in east Germany there is a small but loud group of prussia nostalgic, german nationalistic, retarded socialistic or simply antidemocratic people, who support every figure, that opposes to democratic, western structures. Actually Putin serves them well, in former times those kind of people were supporters of Wilhelm II, Hitler, Stalin or Mao. Leaders like Franz Josef I, Ebert, Brandt or Merkel simply are to weak for them.

    So the conclusion: Prussia and Russia had a lot in common in history, but Germany has learned of it and Germany is no longer Prussia (Today the much more world open, but much less bellingrent Hanseaten, Rheinländer, Schwaben and Bayern have the most influence). We accept neighbors rights and are happy to join multiethnical communities, built on equal rights like the EU.

    And Russia?
  25. AlpinLuke

    AlpinLuke Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2014
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    East Germany was invented by Soviet occupiers, so I wouldn't talk of "friendly relationships", it's like to say that Albania, after Fascist occupation had "friendly relationships" with Italy ...

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