I think the flight attendant probably didn't mean anything. But I guess it's necessary to root out any non-progressive expression. I wouldn't assume an entire worldview based on just one word:
If she had said that allah wishes them a good night, the right would be fulminating in the opposite direction.
If she had said that allah wishes the a good night, do you think this woman have complained or have gotten so upset?
I'm pretty much an atheist but the uproar from the left and some other atheists over things like this, or over wishing someone a Merry Christmas, is stupid. I would feel like a pretty simple Jack if I spent any amount of time fretting over a word in that manner. Yes yes, slippery slopes exist sure sure sure but sometimes the slope is short and you're going to be just as fine at the bottom as you were at the top. We can still perfectly oppose religious oppression when it occurs, or unnecessary religious traditions, without trying to stamp out every mention of something even loosely religious like some crazy wife with a boot on each hand trying to kill cockroaches in a shitty apartment.
Who the hell takes anything mother Jones says seriously anyway? Oh that's right.... Her far left progressive audience. Since when did the word "bless" belongs solely to the domain of the Christian religion?
Definition: Blessed also means bringing happiness or comfort: Example of usage: "She found the routine of a regular job a blessed relief." https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/blessed
Indeed, thanks for proving my point. This incident is the sort of Russian propaganda farm fodder that aims to exacerbate tensions and rile people. I’m sure a reverse anecdote is being pushed somewhere else as well. Why is every social media brain fart worth repeating?
No we wouldn't have because this leftist twit would have never been put out enough to complain. One should also note the the word blessed is a common idea to all religions not just Christianity.
This is a far right wing trash blog. it is known for making stuff like this up to trigger its audience. And, of course, the right wing nois sewer will amplify it to feed the grievance and false victimhood of their audiences too. Nobody else cares. The OP fell for it.
I feel very blessed just being able to spend my time reading such important and blessed threads such as this. Have a blessed day wrapped in the thoughts of all the blessed people that exist on this blessed forum.
The left is always offended and angry about something, they lead unhappy lives. A campaign fundraiser for Vice President Kamala Harris also chimed in. “Respectfully, I’m a pretty left-leaning guy and I wish folks a blessed day fairly often,” offered Armand Domalewski. “It’s just a nice thing to say.” The Washington Examiner’s Kimberly Ross also took issue with the post. “This is not ‘creeping Christian nationalism,'” wrote Ross. “This is someone showing kindness to others. It’s not offensive. It’s not a demand for religious conversion. The issue here is you processed it as a problem that requires a public complaint while tagging the airline. Time to grow up.” Care to read more of her work? Clara Jeffrey's - Can dogs be racist? (slate.com)
I'd love to hear from the actual flight attendant, but the airline probably wouldn't let her speak publicly:
Jeffery, is like a lot of irrelevant big mouths, she has to complain about something in order to stay relevant. She got the attention she was seeking. A village is missing a moron.