Neozionists cut contact with UN Human Rights Council

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by moon, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. moon

    moon Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    This is precisely the sort of human rights degradation that the UN committee wants discussed. Can you wonder why the neozionist fascists sre only too happy to break contact with it ? Of course, fascists fear Amnesty International. It exposes them.
  2. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    From what I have read of National Socialism, in it could be WW2 propaganda, but a harshness was encouraged in society, and in the minds of all that were militarised.

    Things such as compassion were not seen as virtues....but something to be mocked and sneared at.

    I cannot 100% say if National Socialists formally did encourage or try to indoctrinate their society with that mindset, like I say, it may just be left over stuff from WW2.

    However, I can 100% say that Zionism is culpable of this, they reward harshness, and deceit, and cruelty, and turning away from anything spiritually good.

    For about 30 yrs now, but esp in the last ten, they have pumped these anti virtues into the minds of Americans, mainly through mass media, but other methods as well.

    Even in our 'entertainment', such as it is.

    People don't think about these things, because people don't think!

    If they did, the World would be a better place, a different place.

    The elites and social engineers think, what they think and how they engineer it may be 'evil', but at least they are organised, they think and they plan.

    The dumbed down masses don't think, they have their thinking done for them, their enemies decided for them, and even their values can all be shaped, by exposure to the products of media companies.

    Let's take an example of such an 'entertainment' programme.

    I am aware of these shows, even if I do not approve of watching them, or their tone.

    'The Apprentice'. They have it on both sides of the pond.

    Laughably, in the US they had Donald Trump as the lynchpin. As if he is a beacon of how to do business.

    Look closely at his record, and you see he is anything of the sort. He is a failure as a businessman, but a master at getting banks to lend to him, despite the fact he either defaults entirely or partially on the loan.

    But what is the sub text to this show? What message is it really giving, to the many young minds that are exposed to it?

    To crave only materialism?

    That to be a 'success' in trade, you must be a cheat, a liar, and someone that routinely back stabs your colleagues?

    First of all, he who craves the material above all else, is truly lost.

    Secondly, it is an entirely false and wrong message to have people believe that to be a 'success' in trade, you should have those anti virtues.

    I believe it entirely possible for one to be a trader or in business, without excsessive greed, without knowingly exploting anyone, without plagarism and back stabbing.

    These should not be the virtues of business.

    Those are the virtues of con men.

  3. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Have you?

    That is both good and bad news.

    Let's begin here....

  4. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    The Israeli Foreign Ministry's statement said that turning to international bodies "is a breach of concluded Israeli-Palestinian agreements." It said Palestinians should resume "direct and unconditional negotiations on all core issues within the framework of a comprehensive agreement" if they want to solve the settlements issue."Their deliberate choice to foster confrontation and provocation rather than compromise and reconciliation is nothing but a destructive strategy that the international community should firmly reject." The US meanwhile said the investigation would "do nothing to promote a just and lasting peace" and only serve to "push parties apart".
  5. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    It is necessary to learn the intricacies of the problem before throwing 'acid' on its face!
    The Land of the Jewish people existed long before history was created, and the scurrilous attempts by some to trivialize its authenticity will end to nothing, for it is indicative of an ingrained assault on Jews worldwide dictated by the Qur'an... who states 'Kill the Jews'!!!

    There is nothing written in any holy book that even attempt to copy the virulent Muslim dictates.

    I hope the following VIDEO will help those that still carry 'the evil wish' of another holocaust of the Jews in the 21 St Century AD

    The Legal Right to Palestine
  6. Belus

    Belus Banned

    Jan 5, 2012
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    The U.N. is a laughable joke and has been for awhile now. It's a play ground for losers like Ahmadinejacket, Ghaddfi had his fun there, Hugo Cancer Chavez, and other monsters. Good for Israel. Wish America would break away from that sinking ship.
  7. Belus

    Belus Banned

    Jan 5, 2012
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    It's words that racist anti-Semitic people use to get away with their hate on this forum so they don't get banned. Every time you see those words replace them with Judaism, and Jews because that's what these people mean when they say those words.
  8. moon

    moon Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    Abject nonsense. Anybody is free to say that they despise jews on this forum if that is what they wish to convey. You'll find very few who do because that isn't what anti-zionists wish to convey. You'll find dozens of common-or-garden bigots who state that they despise muslims though. Do they get banned for such bigotry ? No. Likewise, any bigots who state that they despise jews per se won't get banned either. Your post is comprised of misinformation.

    To take the post as a case in point, it's small wonder that neozionists nursing such bigotry would want to disassociate Israel from human rights.
  9. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    For a long time now I have thought about the pernicious nature of programmes on tv that fetishize materialistic behaviour and attitudes to the point that it is now regarded as being 'normal' amongst large sections of society. This is what capitalism does, it dehumanizes and degrades core human values, commodifying everything and thereby reducing everything to its own debased logic. The aim, therefore, is to turn all of us into money-worshipping customers in which products are to fetishized over. In this way, for example, therapy is to be found through shopping (hence retail therapy), passengers on public (ie privatized) transport become 'customers' as do patients within private health systems. Everything is reduced to the logic of the market and nothing is sacred. Karl Marx understood this over 150 years ago during a time when capitalism was in its infancy.

    So it is we have programmes like The Apprentice and Top Gear, the aim of which is to step up the level of the programming of the masses. The latter perpetuates the fetishizaton of cars as materialistic objects of desire in a world where global warming is informing us that the combustion engine is wrong. You explained the former very well. But I would just like to add that they made a Junior Apprentice which is brainwashing these pernicious ideas into people at even a younger age.
  10. SiliconMagician

    SiliconMagician Banned

    Apr 15, 2010
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    Not a lie.

    The State of Israel is the Manifest Destiny of the Jewish People and the manifestation of a dream shared by virtually all Jewish people around the world. To call Israel illegitimate is to deny the Jewish People their legitimate right to a homeland of their own that is politically and socially controled by Jews and is an indirect form of anti-jewish prejudice. You can deny it all you want, but if you disallow the existence of Israel you are an anti-semite.
  11. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Okay, why don't the f**k off to it then?
  12. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Since when has it been regarded as legitimate to illegitimately expel existing inhabitants from a land to make way for another people who have no connection to that land on the basis of words allegedly written by the great real estate agent in the heavens?
  13. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    Since Israel was established by the will of the world (expressed in the UN partition resolution) it's far more legitimate that most other states like the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the entire South and Latin Americas.
  14. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Debunked many times on here by moon and others already. I have no intention of going over old ground. You fail.
  15. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    New antisemitism is the concept that a new form of antisemitism has developed in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, emanating simultaneously from the far-left, radical Islam, and the far-right, and tending to manifest itself as opposition to Zionism and the State of Israel. The concept generally posits that much of what purports to be criticism of Israel by various individuals and world bodies, is, in fact, tantamount to demonization, and that, together with an alleged international resurgence of attacks on Jews and Jewish symbols, and an increased acceptance of antisemitic beliefs in public discourse, such demonization represents an evolution in the appearance of antisemitic beliefs

    Proponents of the concept argue that anti-Zionism, anti-Americanism, anti-globalization, third worldism, and demonization of Israel, or double standards applied to its conduct, may be linked to antisemitism, or constitute disguised antisemitism. Critics of the concept argue that it conflates anti-Zionism with antisemitism, defines legitimate criticism of Israel too narrowly and demonization too broadly, trivializes the meaning of antisemitism, and exploits antisemitism in order to silence debate.
  16. SiliconMagician

    SiliconMagician Banned

    Apr 15, 2010
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    More truth was never placed into print.
  17. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Okay, my first thought was that the UN was going to question Israel's disbanding of a West Banks settlement, and that's why Israel left the UN Human Rights Council.

    Can you imagine if that were really the case? The some doomsday cults need their judgment day, how dare Israel stop its illegal expansion?
  18. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    There is no imperailaism and stalinist united nations road to Freedom for the palestinian People ,the genocide is cried over but will never be intervened against by the United nations ,the resolutions have all come to naught tears of sorrow on barren Earth.Lenin called it the "kitchen of Thieves and Imperialist Intrigue' and human rights are Class rights first and foremost ,All to do with Money the capitialist Class particularly is corrupt ,BTW, by class definition of the scientific historical materialist type.

    Let alone its real human form ,rupert murdoch comes to mind ,the shaper of the mind of the UN maybe not but a loyal ally against the Proletariet ,our heart is always with the Long suffering Palestinian proletariet.

    Forget the UN its time to join the International Workers political movement called the 4th International .SEP!
  19. moon

    moon Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    Yes, these repeated mantras of debunked claims ought to be catalogued and numbered. Klipkap does an excellent job of undermining myths. Who fancies compiling a numbered myth list ? :mrgreen: We could then comment along the lines of ' ' Debunked myth #5 ' and link to it. It could quickly become a fearsome anti-troll tool.
  20. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Oh dear a Zionist that thinks it thinks ,goody!

    the historical Abortion called Israel a waste byproduct of a Stalinist\imperialist created United Nations by a Vote ,like no other nation in all human History ,Deserves to perish from the face of the planet !

    Oh and before we get to the anti-democratic nature of the God given ,2300 year history gap nature of the Nominal NOT Historical Abortion called Israel.hey ,if you want to live tribally go back to the bush ,just get up and go ,go walkabout ,see you ,6000 year ago thinking dosen't belong in the 21st century !

    haven't you been educated in Science yet ,do they teach it in Israel???????

    democracy calsses must be a hoot ,when the rabbi on the teachers shoulder prays everyday that the students don't see" their history"as Arab\Asia\ Africa not European\American.Oh sorry Trotsky's Permanent Revolution ,oh dear oh my ,Lev Davidovich's[Leon Trotsky Read Him on Zionism I am Tame]he didn't like them in fact he despised them ,so tell me was trotsky for instance a "Anti-semite"?because i can assure you he was Outright hostile politically and culturally to Zionism .. greatest contrabution to Marxism of the 20th century [Including lenin]Read Permanent Revolution,or Trotsky on the" Jewish question" ,he and I say death to Israel ,creation of Stalinism and Imperialism deserve to perish! get on the same page as 21st century real politic.!

    Oh and his opposition to anti-semitism from a Scientific Marxist position is worth a read as well .Not his greatest works but advanced and from reading a boring labourede task he was forced rather then wanting to do,but still Materpieces of modern political science .
  21. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    The two anti Semitic so called Links/VIDEOS depicts a small sect (Neturei Karta) of less than 5000 members.
    Read what Prof S. Plaut of Haifa University writes about them.
    Suject: An Open Letter to a Leader in Neturei Karta

    ~by Prof. Steven Plaut

    As you know, I recently published an article entitled "I am Ashamed to be
    an Israeli". The article seems to have had a very wide exposure and I
    have received many responses.

    Among those I received were a series of email letters from someone
    associated with the wacko Neturei Karta movement, and - if I am not
    mistaken he is actually the guy who runs their anti-Israel web sites. He
    and I have carried on a correspondence of sorts all week. Below I have
    collected the essence of the notes I sent him and compiled them into this
    "Open Letter to a Leader of Neturei Karta".

    But first, some background information. Neturei Karta is a small
    s of ultra-Orthodox "Jewish" religious extremists, best known for marching arm in arm with Arafat and Ahmedinejad,

    endorsing every anti-Israel terrorist and anti-Semite on the planet. It wants Israel destroyed and does not care if a Second Holocaust must take place in order to achieve this lofty goal, because Israel must not be set up at all before the Messiah comes (in
    their opinion) and - more generally - because many Israelis are
    secularists and some eat pork. No one knows how many people the sect has;
    they claim about 50,000 but I suspect the correct number is one zero less.

    The Neturei Karta were originally set up as a splinter breakaway
    movement in 1938, mainly by fanatical ultra-Orthodox Hungarian Jews,
    splitting from the more mainstream Agudat Israel party and movement.
    Agudat Israel has made its peace with Israel's existence and has
    participated in the country's affairs, run for and been elected to the
    parliament, and even held cabinet posts. Neturei Karta is Aramaic and
    means "Guardians of the Gate". It is motivated by intense hatred not only
    for secularist Jews but for all Orthodox and observant Jews who happen not
    to share its ideas. It openly calls for Israel to be destroyed and it
    openly supports the worst genocidal anti-Semites on the planet from
    Arafat to Asad - in order to "punish" those evil Jews who refuse to accept
    its religious notions.

    Naturally, Neturei Karta has been adopted by all the Bash-Israel
    organizations in the world and is celebrated by them as the only "true"
    representatives of Judaism. Curiously, the people who hail Neturei Karta
    are themselves often-leftist secularists who would never consider backing
    religious lunatics from other faiths. The Islamofascists of course also
    love them. The Neturei Karta "Rabbis" are cult figures roughly like Jim
    Jones from the Jonestown story. I guess Jewish Elmer Gantries might also
    be an accurate description.

    The most famous image of Neturei Karta may be

    Here is my message to the member of the Neturei Karta with whom I
    conducted the "dialogue" this week:
    "Open Letter to a Leader of Neturei Karta".

    Dear Sir:

    In the Amida prayer, which Jews recite three times every day,
    there is a section in which the "minim" are denounced. The "minim" refer
    to small treasonous groups of Jews who collaborated with the Roman enemies
    of the Jewish people, and the prayer explicitly mentions that these minim
    were tattlers, snitches, people who served the anti-Semites of their day
    as agents, and worked against Jewish existence and survival. Since then
    of course the segment in the daily prayer is understood to be a curse in
    general upon anti-Semites, and especially Jewish anti-Semites working
    against their own people. Jewish anti-Semitism was not born with the
    modern Israeli Oslo Left.

    I mention all this because I can think of no more apt illustration of
    a cult of Minim than the Neturei Karta. Your cult is nothing more than a
    pseudo-Jewish pagan group working against Judaism and for the
    enemies of the Jews.

    You claim that you are simply opposed to Israel because it is full of
    pork eaters and people who trample upon Jewish observance. Well, let me
    tell you something. The most secularist pork eater on any kibbutz in
    Israel is halakhically (by Rabbinic law) far more Jewish and far more pure
    than all the "Rabbis" in the Neturei Karta cult. And why do I say this? Because, as
    you know, there is a clear halakhic rule that says that living in the Land
    of Israel is itself "shakul" or equivalent to observing all 613 religious
    commandments or mitzvoth! All of them! Even the ones reserved for
    priests and even the ones that may only be performed in the Temple and so
    may not be performed today.
  22. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    in addition

    There is not a single "Rabbi" in Neturei Karta who performs these 613
    mitzvoth. Yet the worst pork eater in Israel is already deemed equivalent
    to one who observes them all, even before he gets started. If he was
    circumcised at 8 days, that already puts him even one more
    mitzvah/commandment ahead of you and your "Rabbis". No, I am not
    suggesting that living in Eretz Ysrael, the Land of Israel, should be
    regarded as a legitimate blanket exemption from all other religious
    precepts. I am simply saying that even someone who observes nothing at
    all in Judaism but lives in Israel is more Jewish and more religiously
    pure than the "Rabbis" of your minim cult.

    When you march in anti-Israel demonstrations alongside anti-Semites
    (the Durban conference comes to mind), when you endorse Arafat together with Ahmedinejad and their storm troopers and serve as their public relations agents, when you support terrorists and excuse mass murders of Jews, you are acting as followers of
    the Evil Bil'am, not as sons of Jacob.

    You say you want Israel destroyed because it was not set up properly,
    because the Messiah has not yet come? Do you really think that Israel can
    be destroyed without a Second Holocaust? Don't you realize this is the unavoidable consequence of what you are proposing, and what the people you are supporting seek?

    Let me tell you something. A ketuba marriage contract signed on the
    Sabbath is still a valid one and must be respected, even though signing it
    on the Sabbath is a prohibited violation of the day. A Cohen or priest
    who marries a divorcee has sinned because such a marriage is prohibited by
    the Torah, but the marriage must be acknowledged and even accepted and
    honored. It stands. Whether or not Israel was created properly or at the
    correct time, the fact that it exists changes how Jews must behave and
    requires a certain amount of responsibility and "arevut ze l'ze" or mutual
    support and defense, even from the most smug, self-righteous pretenders at

    Whatever you think about the erection of Israel, you have no right to
    endorse those seeking to destroy it and its population through violence,
    people seeking genocide of Jews. And if you DO endorse such people and
    march with them, you are nothing more than a disciple of the Evil Bil'am.
    You are a collaborator with Haman. You are worse than Dotan and Aviram.

    Had you lived in Shushan in Persia in the days of Queen Esther and her
    Uncle Mordecai, you would have been marching arm in arm with Haman. After
    all, those Persian Jews also included many who no doubt violated the
    Sabbath and other religious principles. The Neturei Karta would have
    supported Haman as a way to "punish" them. How many Rabbis of Rabbi
    Akiva's generation served as PR agents for the Romans, to justify their
    murdering Jews? How many said the murders were justified because - after
    all - so many Jews were not properly observing mitzvoth? In Elijah's
    generation all except a few thousand Jews were acting as pagans. Strange,
    but I do not recall Elijah justifying anti-Semites murdering them.
    Indeed, Elijah endorsed the very worst pagan of all, King Ahab, when the
    King went on the war path to kill anti-Semites. Of course, if Neturei
    Karta Minim had been around in those days, they would all be in Syria
    helping the evil Ben-Haddad murder the Jews.

    The Neturei Karta "Rabbis" are not recognized as Torah Authorities
    by any Torah Authority outside the cult. No Sephardic Rabbis, no
    Ashkenazim, no Mitnagdim, no Chassidim. No one recognizes Neturei Karta
    as a legitimate movement of Judaism. In essence, these Rabbis - like
    me - see Neturei Karta as a pathetic minim cult. Can you name a single Rabbi
    outside Neturei Karta who endorses the view of your own "Rabbis"? Of
    course you cannot.

    So you think collaborating with the worst anti-Semites on the planet
    who openly endorse genocide of Jews is better than collaborating with
    misguided radical secularists who need to be pulled back to the traditions
    of Israel? You believe that when a Jew sins he ceases to be a Jew. I
    wonder which books you are reading as replacements for the Torah. This
    is the level of the "logical reasoning" they are teaching these days in
    Neturei Karta ashrams? (I hesitate to call them yeshivas).

    You insist the Zionists are the Devil, not the Palestinians. And of
    course, if the Palestinians are not the Devil, why should anyone think the
    Germans were? Since you defend the Palestinian right to murder my family,
    and as it happens we do not eat pork, then what is wrong with the Germans
    murdering lots of Jews? Why don't you guys march around in your pro-PLO
    parades with swastikas and put one on your web site? And if someone
    happens NOT to keep the religious precepts of Judaism, what gives you the
    right to act as Public Relations man for the people who seeking to murder
    such sinners?

    The Neturei Karta cultists are inverted Bil'amim. The Evil Bil'am was
    ordered to curse Israel, yet ended up blessing the Tents of Jacob. You
    are the reverse. You are ordered by the Torah to bless Israel but you
    curse the Jewish people. You have no concept of Jewish solidarity because
    you are not Jews; you are a pseudo-Jewish minim cult.

    I really think you need to grow up or see a good shrink. So should
    your "Rabbis".

    For more information, see: (Note the translator link into Arabic)
  23. moon

    moon Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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  24. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    This tiny weird medieval orthodox sect (Naturei Karta) which believes that the land of Israel belongs to the Jews but it should be given to them by the messiah, not by the UN has no powerful voice, in fact no one takes them seriously.

    Oh, it's them too:
    View attachment 13218 View attachment 13219
  25. moon

    moon Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    Ahmadinejad's circle of friends is enviable.


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