Political Racism Gives Way To Political Pragmatism In California

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Brtblutwo, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. Brtblutwo

    Brtblutwo New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    In California, Republican state lawmakers have finally come to understand the conservative/neoconservative racism that is the basis for the rank-and-file voter loyalty to the GOP has run its course.

    With Hispanics as the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population, the old anti-Latino stance of the Republican Party is hurting more than helping. So, breaking tradition with the National Republicans, California state Republican Senators and Assemblymen are now calling for immigration reform that will lead to an eventual “pathway to citizenship” for many undocumented workers.

    Nationwide, the Republican leadership wants the undocumented Hispanic workers to remain, and always has. These workers have long been valued as a source of cheap labor, and have become the perfect employees for today’s economy. They easily replace many of the obsolete U.S. workers fifty years old and older because, being undocumented, they have no rights, and cannot hold employers accountable for nonpayment of wages, or work related injuries.

    California state lawmakers truly feel no differently about the “wetbacks.” But to survive in the ever-increasing Latino influenced political environment of that state, the Republicans are beginning to realize they must feign interest in the plight of the illegal immigrants.

    For many white voters, their only reason for voting against their own best interests was the GOP’s politically motivated racism. But with the losses mounting in California (and a few other states), the Republicans’ political pragmatism has them abandoning these loyal whites and instead courting the Hispanic voters.

    Successfully scamming these millions of undereducated voters would give the GOP a growing voter base instead of a base in decline. Within a very few years, the newly embraced Hispanic Republican voters would be convinced to vote against their own best interests, just as the white Republican voters did during the previous decades.


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