Power, anger and populism all because of Tax

Discussion in 'Budget & Taxes' started by Xanadu, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. Xanadu

    Xanadu New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Tax should be ended (but not via politics/media)
    Politics wanted to end the FED, but more important is to end it tax/taxes.Tax is used to cause a couple of things, when the system is raising taxes it is causing anger in masses of people and can be used to gain politically (populism, because most people don't want higher/high taxes, or tax in common), and the system gains wealth (power in this capitalistic system) when increasing, the same with VAT and increasing gas and food prizes. It's all revolutionairy economics (all financial systems come from one big fundament, the current capitalistic global system, thats why they have spread and are spreading capitalism, they can gain power and get control over the people, create mega banks (giant pilars) and take over the banks, gather wealth)
  2. Redalgo

    Redalgo New Member

    Oct 5, 2012
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    Taxes are the price paid for goods and services produced courtesy of the state. Though from the perspective of the anarchists and some types of libertarians I can see how an end to taxation could seem desirable, I do not think most people want to do away with the practice. Instead, they disagree about how much should be paid, by whom, and for what purposes. Politics is fundamentally about answering the question of who should get what in society. Some frustration and imperfectly rational, emotionally-charged responses arising from conflicts between people who passionately disagree on that matter is to be expected. If it were not "power, anger and populism" concerning taxation it would be all of those same things regarding something else pertinent to politics, no?
  3. endfedthe

    endfedthe Banned

    Sep 10, 2012
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    Democrats aka communists simply love to steal using tax money so obama has really already won before 2012, the very fact that the limits on spending are ignored and that the president can do bailouts without congressional approval and have the same 1000 phd from government schools would couldnt stop 2008 or see it coming say its good for the economy LOL and skip the blame from fed and fanny to wall street somehow is hilarious its all simple economics is simple: dont let dumb people who cant produce aka politicians spend money taken from those who can produce, and let everyone trade freely, if freedom were allowed governemtn school and all universities would go away as no one would other purchasing thier services since th efree market would replace them with video and net content.. all the silly stuff like unions would go away also and private security would be allowed and pensions would all be eliminated, no paying people to sit on ass from unearned pension with automatic secret not voted for increases stupid people like democrats will always blather trith bs but it all comes down to not having to sell whatever great thing thye have, but ramming it down people throat by force

    if public school teachers and unions have such great product or service then release all laws and regualtions and let people buy them willingly ...LOL...... yeah I laughed too, no one would

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