Priests & Public Trough Intellectuals

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Flanders, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    In the interest of full disclosure this message combines some thoughts I’ve posted in the past plus adding a few new ones. Part two is brief: 325 words.

    Of all the tyrannies known to man the religious tyranny is the worst because it follows you into the grave. Democrat opposition to repealing the inheritance, or death tax, defines socialism as a tyrannical religion because it too will follow you into the grave without claiming God as an ally.

    In truth, organized religions sell eternal salvation to the workers while socialism promotes tax dollar slavery without offering any spiritual reward in the hereafter; leading to the conclusion that socialism is one sorry-ass religion when you get right down to it.

    Socialism/communism is a religion to be sure, but it is a religion that does not require any of its priests to take a vow of poverty. As a matter of fact there is no religious order that demands a vow of poverty; at least not Christian orders.

    It took countless centuries to get traditional religions out of government. Success has been hard-fought and far from complete as Islam’s theocracies attest to. Sadly, the Socialist priesthood is taking us back to a government religion funded by tax dollars. Our present-day religious elitists truly believe that all wealth belongs to the government class in every country.

    Socialism is only a word used to promote the same old garbage ruling priesthoods have been dumping on private sector citizens since the beginning of time. It never changes: Keep your mouth shut; do as you’re told, and we will take care of you because we only have your best interests at heart. There is one new twist to the old scam which goes something like this: Socialists and the United Nations are your only hope for a better village.

    The international aspect of socialism is the main reason America’s priesthood have to lie and hide their true objectives. If their agenda was strictly domestic it would quickly be identified as another crackpot religion whose end game cannot stand up to open debate. That is why every Socialist program is put forth as though it has nothing to do with worldwide socialism/communism. That is why every individual liberty is being stolen away by legislative sneak thieves under the guise of helping the children, the elderly, the environment, and the all-important common good.

    Also, socialism/communism is the only religion I know of that is not divided into different churches and sects promoting the same belief. Christianity seems to have the most divisions, but the others have theirs as well. Oddly enough, it is possible for every person in the world to belong to one of the traditional organized religions. Every religion except socialism, the one religion without numerous churches, would gladly embrace everyone.

    Socialism’s true believers must feed on the labors of others without giving anything of value in return; so there must always be a large percentage of the population barred from joining the congregation. Logically, only Socialist priests can live on tax dollars; everybody else must pay. Useful idiots may think of themselves as Socialists but the priesthood has no more use for them than they have for avowed “atheists.” More to the point, every Socialist priest hates the useful idiots because they are never pure enough.

    Throughout history the hierarchies of organized religion took all the best of it because they, too, lived on the labors of their flocks. In return for a church’s riches its priesthood offered the laity God and a better life in the hereafter. As socialism gains political influence through taxation its liberal priests must finally be exposed as the frauds they are because they cannot offer eternal life to the people who do the work.

    Indeed, Socialists dare not bestow church membership on the lower economic classes because it is absolutely impossible for everyone to live well on tax dollars —— somebody has to do the work and that somebody is not going to be a liberal Socialist. Unhappily for Socialist priests the Garden of Eden is the only Socialist paradise known to man because no one had to work for a living.

    Government-sponsored job tenure is the machinery that runs communism. Lifetime tenured employment is the reward offered for working for communism/ socialism to the detriment of every other religion. That is not the same as saying Socialists in government will do a whole lot of actual work; it simply says that they will have a paying job.

    Whether or not a private sector job pays anyone enough to buy the creature comforts that everyone hopes to acquire is not open to question as failed Socialist paradises have shown. Only a fool will work hard under socialism, while leeches will figure out how to do no work at all knowing their job is secure. In time, it is those freeloaders who run every collectivist society.

    Lifetime tenure under Socialism dictates that no private sector worker can have a better life than a co-worker no matter how much more an individual’s labors might produce. It follows that a worker’s life in the private sector can never be better than a life the lowest-level Socialist in government enjoys.

    Of course socialism’s advocates try to cover all bases by claiming: "From each according to his ability; to each according to his need," or so the Socialist B.S. goes. The precise translation of that little Socialist gem means that if you are a tax dollar rich Socialist you are entitled to all you can get, but if you work your tail off struggling to remain one jump ahead of abject poverty and the tax collector that’s all you need.

    Lenin was wrong when he said “Capitalists will sell us the rope that we will use to hang them.” Communists will hang themselves with the rope they buy from Capitalists. My only fear is that the rope will not be “Made in the U.S.A.”

    Take a close look you’ll see that American Communists succeeded in their efforts to erode freedoms through most of the twentieth century and all of this century. I know this is true because when election time comes around it is Democrat candidates who tell the voters how bad things are for the children, the elderly, and the environment. The only thing they never tell the private sector voter at election time is exactly how much taxation it will take to finally make Socialists happy. If their compassion is legitimate, rather than political, they could at least give us skeptics a number to work with. Speaking for myself, I’m open to some adjustments in my thinking on taxation if the bottom line doesn’t ultimately knock up against 100 percent which is where it has been heading since 1913.

    Socialist priests are not a success until they secure a spot at the public trough. After a tax dollar income is acquired he or she can appear on TV as a professional liberal. (The word “liberal” is another synonym for “Socialist.”)

    The title of Public Trough Intellectual (PTI) comes with the title of professional liberal. TV pundits, who are also Public Trough Intellectuals screen admission to the club which insures membership loyalty in perpetuity.

    The Ministry of Propaganda (FCC) keeps a fatherly eye on its children just to keep them from going astray. Some would say that the Ministry is acting as a censor, but that is an unkind cut when you consider what is allowed over the airwaves.

    There are no professional conservatives. True conservatives are bound by self-preservation and conscience to denounce big government socialism; therefore, a true conservative voice is extremely rare on TV. Obviously, no conservative may lay claim to the title of Public Trough Intellectual.

    No true conservative feeds at the public trough directly or indirectly. For instance: If a collage professor claims to be a conservative, I know that he or she is lying, or is a fool for biting the hand that puts wheat in the bin. I hate to think that a collage professor can also be a fool.

    If anyone spends a little time surfing the tube they can hardly miss all of the Public Trough Intellectuals talking about government helping government. They don’t come right out and say it in those words, but everything they talk about results in more government interference, or solutions to problems that government itself created.

    Whenever Public Trough Intellectuals talk about education they never mention children in relation to the three R’s. That’s strange in itself since the children are always trotted out to justify everything from the National Endowment for the Arts to higher pay for college professors.

    Naturally, none of the PTIs at the federal discussion level ever explain why the tax collector is forcing one adult to help pay for the education of another adult. Seventy percent of the adults in this country never go to collage, but are forced to help pay for the education of the thirty percent who do go on to higher education. There has to be something wrong with that setup, but I’ll wait for the Public Trough Intellectuals to tell me what it is before I can even pretend to understand it.

    No sarcasm intended, but I’d like to know how many PTIs would be Socialists without all of that higher education in them? And with all of the federal money going to institutions of higher learning, I can’t help wondering how much greater Abe Lincoln would have been had his one room schoolhouse been better-funded. And that doesn’t take into account all of the time young Abe spent walking to and from school. Six miles each way if I remember right.
  2. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    All of PTI talk leaves me with the impression that the government is the problem, or maybe it’s the Public Trough Intellectuals who use the government to cause all of the trouble? They always talk about the government helping the private sector by creating more government jobs. That’s supposed to make the government work more efficiently.

    If a collectivist government ever does work as well as the ones in China, North Korea, and Cuba, the rest of us had better head for the hills because the last thing the American public needs is an efficient Socialist government picking their pockets more than does our present inefficient Socialist government. If someone is trying to rob me, I want it to be a schmuck who can’t tell up from down.

    This country was built on individual liberty; so it is difficult for me to understand how taking individual liberty away from private sector Americans is going to make this a better place. The freedoms that Americans once enjoyed was stolen away by Socialists. When FDR said “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” he meant lost liberty is nothing to fear.

    Finally Socialists have been successfully attacking our Right to be left alone from the day they first pulled up a chair at the public trough. Abolishing the American Right to be left alone was a driving force for nineteenth century Socialists. That Right is not spelled out in the Constitution. The Right to make choices in our personal lives springs from the Right to be left alone. The only choice left is the Right to kill infants in the womb. Note that Socialists are trying to force Christians et al. to perform abortions. Where is the Right to choose in that?

    Socialists never solve a political problem by instituting a new individual liberty. If Socialists ever do come up with a new individual liberty it will at least be original and uniquely American.
  3. Blackrook

    Blackrook Banned

    May 8, 2009
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    Yes it is true, Communism/socialism is a religion. That's why Communists/socialists hate Christianty, because they see it as a rival.

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