Religious people rights... gay rights... illegal immigrant rights

Discussion in 'Humor & Satire' started by carloslebaron, Jul 7, 2013.

  1. carloslebaron

    carloslebaron New Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    In a construction company, there were a Christian worker, a sissy-man worker and an illegal immigrant worker.

    The government heard about some irregularities in this working place and sent an inspector to check the complaints of the other workers.

    The inspector hid himself behind a window and made a video of the Christian worker reading loudly some verses of the bible trying to convince others to rise up their hands and recognize Christ as their saviour.

    Immediately the inspector approached the Christian worker and took him to the supervisor and showed the video. After the review of it, the Christian worker was fired.

    -"But"... claimed the religious man, "the law says that we enjoy the right of freedom of religion".
    -"Yes", replied the supervisor and the government inspector, "and this company accepted you as such, but this doesn't mean that you can preach to others your religion, this is a working place".

    After the firing of the Christian worker, the inspector went to another section of the building to target the sissy-man. Again, the inspector made a video, at this time of the sissy-man walking funny trying to call the attention of the other male workers, and started to paint his nails, raising up his pants to show his shaved legs, put down a little the waist to show his pink bloomer, and started to blink his eyes while sending kisses to them.

    The inspector approached the sissy-man and took him to the supervisor and showed the video. After the review of it, the sissy-man was fired.
    "But"... claimed the sissy-man, "the law says that we enjoy the right of sexual orientation".
    "Yes", replied the supervisor and the government inspector, "and this company accepted you as such, but this doesn't mean that you can flirt with males, neither dress like a woman and similar to distract others, this is a working place."

    Now the inspector went to the last complaint and before reaching for the illegal immigrant, he used his comnputer to verify the Social Security number of the employee in question. After his verification he went straight to him and carry him to the supervisor. When they met in the office, he showed the supervisor the stolen Social Security number and the fake ID of the worker. The illegal immigrant was fired right there.

    "But"...claimed the illegal immigrant, "we also have rights in this country... the right of..."
    "No", replied the supervisor and the government inspector", at first, you have NO RIGHT to be here [this country] ..."
  2. DarkDaimon

    DarkDaimon Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    Still waiting for the punchline.
  3. Dethklok

    Dethklok Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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    It's a shaggy dog story.
  4. carloslebaron

    carloslebaron New Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    Sad for making you wait, but this joke wasn't for you but for the other guy...

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