Respectable clones? One more time.

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Flanders, Dec 6, 2011.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    CORRECTION: This message was removed because I mistakenly posted the wrong link at the end of the article. I believe I have it right this time.

    Judi McLeod begins her December 5th column with this:

    President Barack Hussein Obama is not the last standing Community Organizer. ‘Community Organizer’, as an industry, is being showcased and immortalized in the 2012 Presidential Election Campaign.

    Let me begin my comments with a few reminders.

    The acronym ACORN stands for Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now.

    ACORN’s claims to fame include tax dollar funding, lack of accountability, embezzlement by top officials, promoting child prostitution, and stealing elections for Democrats who, in turn, give ACORN more tax dollars. In plain English, every taxpayer is forced to pay for a political agenda they do not agree with. It’s no different than one organized religion forcing everyone else to contribute.

    After ACORN got caught promoting child prostitution, ACORN branches changed the names on their letterheads, but it still receives tax dollars in spite of the harrumphing members of Congress engaged in about halting funding.

    Judi M calling community organizing an industry nails it to perfection. Not only is it an industry staffed by the most useless parasites in the parasite class it is an industry that is completely dependent upon tax dollars. It is an industry whose sole purpose is to acquire more tax dollars. It is an industry that never produced anything of value in a local community, or for society as a whole.

    Now, go back to 2008. McLeod points out that community organizing was:

    “. . . the only Obama stint not protected from public view.”


    During the campaigns for the nomination, Hillary Clinton could not attack Hussein because he was a community organizer. Besides, as a Democrat, Clinton supported ACORN. Ditto the other Democrats in the race.

    Hussein’s biggest negative was still a serious problem for media liberals. They could not hide it. Well-knowing that the problem would grow in the general election it had to be resolved before Hussein got the nomination.

    How did the MSM handle Hussein’s biggest negative?

    After much hand wringing throughout Liberaldom the MSM decided to turn a negative into a positive. Result: Community organizing got respectability, but it was the media, not Hussein, that did it.

    Finally, I will forever be puzzled by the number of Americans who believe everything the media tells them. At the same time a substantial number of Americans get their opinions from talking heads the public gives Congress the lowest approval rating in history.

    It’s true that Congress is guilty of funding community organizing, but the media in 2008 was solely responsible for giving community organizing the respectability it enjoys today. Note that without that cloak of respectability it would be political suicide for any member of Congress to fund ACORN clones. Also note that tax dollars are being used to help reelect Hussein just as tax-dollar-funded ACORN helped elect him in 2008.

    Judi McLeod details some of the consequences of the MSM’s machinations on Hussein’s behalf:

    Obama clones self as Community Organizer
    Judi McLeod Monday, December 5, 2011

    President Barack Hussein Obama is not the last standing Community Organizer. ‘Community Organizer’, as an industry, is being showcased and immortalized in the 2012 Presidential Election Campaign.

    A call to action for “Obama Organizing Fellows” and its Fellowship application vows: “The Obama Organizing Fellowship Program will train and develop the next generation of community organizers and will help the campaign expand its outreach efforts in communities throughout the country.”

    Obama’s much criticized vanity virtually enshrines Community Organizers in American political history. By breathing new life into Community Organizers, Obama showcases his Chicago Community Organizing days—the only job he’s ever held outside of politics and lawyering as an adult, and the only Obama stint not protected from public view.

    How many Obama Organizing Fellows will sign up for duty knowing that Community Organizing once propelled a largely absentee senator with no credentials into the Oval Office?

    Interesting to note that Sara El-Amine, National Training Director, Obama for America, would open her recruitment for Obama’s Organizing Fellowship Program with the query: “Know anyone who wants to go above and beyond to help re-elect President Obama in 2012?”

    What does El-Amine mean by wanting “to go above and beyond” to help re-elect President Obama in 2012?

    Everyday Americans in Tea Parties know that anything about Tea Party dissent gets it mainstream media-nailed for going above and beyond the Obama regime in their ongoing attempts to save USS America.

    El-Amine hints that a stint in Obama Organizing Fellows during the campaign could lead to a full time job.

    “We know that our power lies in the individuals behind this movement, and there’s nothing more important than the one-on-one conversations they have in this campaign—whether while knocking on doors or leading voter registration drives on the weekends. It’s hard work, but it’s one of the most meaningful ways to build this movement.

    “That’s what we’re looking for in our organizing fellows. And that level of dedication is why many join us as full-time staff after their fellowship is over. I’m living proof of that. Having started as an intern in 2007, I worked my way up through the organization to where I am today—heading up our national training programs.”

    Included in information on the WELCOME TO THE OBAMA ORGANIZING FELLOWSHIP APPLICATION in the Related Sites section is Attack Watch.

    Sarcasm from conservative bloggers dominating the site did not apparently kill off the snitch line.

    The Newsfeed for Attack Watch has been current as of Nov. 21.

    Meanwhile through the Obama Organizing Fellowship Program, Obama, the Community Organizer of All Time, has found a way to clone himself.
  2. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    ACORN is now an employment agency:

    “At least five Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now leaders have visited the White House this year alone. One of those ACORN officials has been involved in vetting Department of Justice hires who may help to enforce the voter fraud-enabling National Voting Rights Act (NVRA), also known as the Motor-Voter law.”

    And this:

    “According to documents obtained by Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act, former ACORN attorney Estelle H. Rogers, who is now director of advocacy at ACORN-affiliated Project Vote, wrote T. Christian Herren, Chief of the Voting Section in the DOJ's Civil Rights Division, recommending three prospective new DOJ employees.

    Project Vote is the unit of the ACORN network that President Obama worked for in 1992 when he ran a successful get-out-the-vote drive in Illinois that helped to solidify his reputation as an effective leader and organizer. Obama went on to train ACORN activists and represent ACORN in court as the group's lawyer. Project Vote's official position is that voter fraud is a myth invented by Republicans to disenfranchise Democratic voters. The group vilifies as a racist anyone who thinks voter ID requirements are a good idea and constantly presses to make voting requirements even more lax than they now are.

    In a Feb. 23, 2010 email to DOJ's Herren, Rogers wrote, "I want to heartily recommend two candidates to you." (The names of the candidates were redacted.) In a follow-up email dated April 20, 2010, Rogers wrote, ‘I look forward to continuing to work with you, Chris. And please let me know if you need any more feedback regarding hires’.”

    Employment agencies in the private sector are contracted by businesses and paid a fee for supplying needed employees. Apparently, the government gave ACORN a contract to supply civil servants. I don’t know the amount of the fee ACORN is receiving, but both Republicans and Democrats must have agreed to pay it —— with tax dollars.

    Oh yeah! I forgot. ACORN was defunded after the child prostitution story broke. So can someone tell me which Republican wannabe is addressing ACORN’s present-day influence? I know that every politician has bigger fish to fry, none bigger than saving the world, but I’d still like to hear one of them tie Hussein to ACORN’s on-going spot at the public trough.

    Here’s the link to full article:

    ACORN Visits Obama White House
    By Matthew Vadum on 12.8.11 @ 6:08AM
  3. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    ACORN leaders ramp up White House visitations
    Author: Strategy developing to tilt elections to Democrats
    Posted: December 24, 2011
    10:40 pm Eastern

    Operatives of the radical left-wing ideology of ACORN appear to be working with the Obama administration on a strategy to tilt the 2012 elections in favor of Democrats, according to award-winning investigative reporter Matthew Vadum. ACORN leaders have made multiple visits to the Obama White House and the Department of Justice, new evidence shows.

    Their goal is to get the government to spend more money on registering welfare recipients and the poor, who are typically Democratic voters, said Vadum, author of the explosive new book "Subversion Inc.: How Obama's ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers."

    Obama long ago endorsed the strategy of using welfare recipients to expand the size and scope of government.

    "All our people must know that politics and voting affects their lives directly," he said in 1992. "If we're registering people in public housing, for an example, we talk about aid cuts and who's responsible."

    Obama's Department of Justice has come under fire for refusing to enforce Section 8 of the National Voting Rights Act (NVRA), also known as the Motor-Voter law. Section 8 requires states to remove the names of ineligible felons, the dead, and non-residents from voter rolls. At the same time DOJ has been vigorously enforcing Section 7 which compels states to register voters at welfare offices.

    In his book Vadum writes that Section 7 of NVRA amounts to a huge taxpayer subsidy for Democratic candidates. Sanford Newman, founder of ACORN affiliate Project Vote, has acknowledged his group's work helps the Left almost exclusively.

    "While our work is nonpartisan, it is realistic to assume that upward of 90 percent of the people we register on unemployment and other social service distribution lines will oppose politicians who have supported cuts in the programs on which they rely," he said. "They are likely to vote Democratic in most instances."

    ACORN leaders are pressuring the government to drop pending investigations of massive voter fraud across the nation, said Vadum, a senior editor at Capital Research Center, a think tank that studies left-wing advocacy groups and their funders. His book is the product of nearly three years of research and hundreds of interviews.

    So far this year five ACORN leaders visited the White House. One of those ACORN leaders, former ACORN attorney Estelle H. Rogers, is now director of advocacy at ACORN-affiliated Project Vote.

    Project Vote is the affiliate of the ACORN network that Obama worked for in 1992 when he led a voter mobilization campaign in Illinois that helped to elect the radical Carol Moseley Braun as a U.S. senator. Obama went on to train ACORN activists and represent ACORN in court as the group's lawyer.

    Project Vote's official position is that voter fraud is a myth that Republicans created to deprive Democrats of their votes. The group demonizes anyone who thinks voter ID requirements are good public policy and lobbies for policies that make voter fraud easier to perpetrate.

    Rogers visited the Obama White House on March 2, 2011, according to the White House visitors' database. She met with Shasti Conrad, senior aide to Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, and Jon Carson, director of the White House Office of Public Engagement. Carson previously served as chief of staff at the White House Council on Environmental Quality serving under green jobs czar Van Jones, the self-described communist forced out for signing a 9/11 "truther" petition that blamed President George W. Bush for the 2001 terrorist attacks.

    Documents obtained by Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act also show that Rogers wrote T. Christian Herren, chief of the Voting Section in the DOJ's Civil Rights Division, recommending three candidates for positions at the DOJ.

    "I want to heartily recommend two candidates to you," Rogers wrote in a Feb. 23, 2010, email to DOJ's Herren. DOJ redacted the names of the candidates. Rogers followed up on April 20, 2010, writing, "I look forward to continuing to work with you, Chris. And please let me know if you need any more feedback regarding hires."

    Rogers wrote another email to Herren on Dec. 7, 2010. "I'd still love to talk for real, but in the meantime, the main reason I called is that you have an applicant for the [REDACTED] position [REDACTED] qualifies ... beautifully for your position, and I hope you will give her every consideration. [REDACTED] So she would be a great fit, and I recommend her without reservation. Please let me know if I can tell you more. And give me a call if you possibly can."

    Documents released by Judicial Watch also show that Associate Attorney General Thomas J. Perrelli met with "civil rights groups" on March 17, 2011, to talk about Section 7 of NVRA. The groups at the progressive pow-wow were Project Vote, Demos, Brennan Center for Justice, NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Fair Elections Legal Network, American Association of People with Disabilities, League of Women Voters, Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and Paralyzed Veterans of America.

    Rogers has been collaborating with the Obama administration since before Inauguration Day in January 2009. She filed what Project Vote called a "voting rights agenda" submission with the Obama-Biden presidential transition team in 2008.

    That agenda includes lawsuits filed recently in several states by Project Vote and the groups it is aligned with. The litigation is calculated to intimidate state officials into not investigating claims of rampant voter fraud.

    "The lawsuits are coming out of nowhere in multiple states and they are coming fast," said Anita MonCrief, a former Project Vote employee.

    "This is part of a coordinated effort," she said. "These groups are very well-funded, and they have lawyers doing pro bono work."

    Rogers hinted at the litigation attack in a July 13, 2010, email to Herren and DOJ political appointee Julie Fernandes. Rogers indicated that she would be bringing Project Vote election counsel Niyati Shah to a meeting at DOJ.

    Shah "will be working on a lot of the litigation we'll be telling you about."

    Rogers said Nicole Kovite Zeitler, director of Project Vote's welfare voter registration project, would also be in attendance.

    As reported in Vadum's book, former DOJ lawyer J. Christian Adams said Fernandes told department lawyers that the agency had no interest in enforcing Section 8 of NVRA because, she said, it "doesn’t have anything to do with increasing minority turnout."

    Incidentally, Barack Obama wasn't the first leftist to come up with the idea of registering welfare recipients to vote themselves greater benefits at the expense of taxpayers. The idea was put forward in the mid 1960s by communist sympathizers Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. The Marxist duo said "massive numbers of new voters" had to be registered in order to bring "fundamental change" to the nation. Cloward and Piven helped to write the Motor-Voter law. Even today Piven is a member of Project Vote's board of directors.

    Four other ACORN operatives visited the Obama White House on March 22, 2011, for a meeting with White House policy assistant David Pope. They are Brian Kettenring, Darlene D. Battle, Steven Fletcher, and Leigh Dingerson.

    From 1995 to 2009 Kettenring served as deputy director of national operations for ACORN.

    Battle ran ACORN in Philadelphia and is now executive director of Delawareans for Social and Economic Justice, one of two dozen new ACORN front groups that have popped up around the nation. ACORN, the shell corporation that ruled ACORN's network of 370 affiliated groups, filed bankruptcy in November 2010 after ordering its state chapters to incorporate themselves separately in order to carry on ACORN's work.

    Fletcher is the former top organizer for ACORN in Minnesota. He is now executive director of Minnesota Neighborhoods Organizing for Change (MNNOC), a new ACORN front group.

    Dingerson worked as a community organizer with ACORN between 1978 and 1982.

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