Riots all across Europe

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by Anders Hoveland, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    There have been violent muslim protests in virtually all the Western European countries.
    Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, France, Spain, and Italy

    Muslims have already rioted in France and Sweden, two countries which have large immigrant muslim populations. It is not unlikely that they will do the same in North America once their numbers have increased there. The rioting in Sweden has been particularly vicious. They have overturned cars and set them on fire. They have thrown Molotov cocktails at police. Ethnic swedes have fled a whole section of Malmö after riots around Rosengård.

    the rioters set fire to cars, houses, and stores:ö_brand03.jpg

    They have also rioted in Oslo.

    Realize that Norway and Sweden are the most racially tolerant countries in the world. The governments make every effort to accomodate and integrate all immigrants, especially muslims. The financial assistance that the muslims get in these countries would be unbelievable to most americans. Essentially a free apartment, free healthcare, free bus transportation, free university. If this is how muslims repay the generosity and kindness shown to them by Sweden and Norway, imagine what the muslims will do in the USA once they have taken over part of a city.

    There have been many disorderly protests in Britain, but up until the recent London Riots, none of them have resulted in any serious vandalism or assault.

    a third of muslim immigrants to europe are anti-semetic:

    one of them stole the cap of a police officers had and set it aflame:

    Even Greece has had muslim violence:

    Here is a map showing all of the violent muslim riots that have taken place in France in the last decade: burning.gif

    Although the USA has a large number of muslims, it is also a very big country with many other people. The muslims are spread thin, so fortunately there does not really exist a big enough muslim community anywhere to support a riot.

    Muslim prisoners in Britain have doubled in the last decade to reach a total of between 4000-4500—amounting to 9% of the total prison population—which is triple their proportion of the total population. One out of eleven prisoners is Muslim. Over 65% of these prisoners are young men between the ages of eighteen and thirty. Not all offenders are men; 10% are women. These statistics actually come from a muslim-run site:

    Let us compare the difference in the crime rate in Sweden between fifty years ago (before all the muslim immigration) and now. In 1950, there were 2,785 crimes committed per 100,000 people. As of 2007, the rate increased to 14,333. In Sweden, rape victims are often mutilated after the rape (estimated that as many as 1 out of 8 women who have been raped). This is a common practice in Islamic African cultures, a cruel signature to mar the victim for life. A very small, but still very disturbing, number of swedish female rape victims have been genitally mutilated, typically before the intercourse. 467 rapes against children under the age of 15 were reported in 2004, which is double what it was a decade ago (258 rapes in 1995).
    Only three decades ago Sweden was one of the safest countires in Europe. It now tops the list as the European country with the most rapes per capita — 46 incidents per 100,000 residents.(study financed by EU). In July 2005, a study from the Swedish Crime Prevention Council, Brå, revealed that rapists in the country were four times more likely to be foreign born. The report also revealed that “resident aliens” from Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia compose the largest number of rapists. The number of rape charges in Sweden has quadrupled in just above 20 years. Rape cases involving children under the age of 15 are six times as common today as they were a generation ago. In 2005, Swedish lawyer Ann Christine Hjelm found that 85 percent of the convicted rapists were “born on foreign soil or from foreign parents.” Sweden has a larger immigrant population than any other country in northern Europe.

    Malmö, set to become the first Scandinavian city with a muslim majority within a decade or two, has nine times as many reported robberies per capita as Copenhagen, Denmark. Unemployment rates in the city are over 50 percent and in 2005, police figures recorded that 68 percent of all rapes that year were committed by immigrants, mainly second and third generation immigrants from muslim countries.

    In 2006, immigration accounted for more than half of Norway’s population growth. In that year, official statistics from Statistics Norway Bureau (SSB) showed a record 45,800 immigrants arriving in Norway — 30 percent higher than 2005. By some estimates, norwegians will be a minority in their capital city, Oslo, within only 25 years. Norway's main newspaper, Aftenposten, recently ran a story saying that 65% of the rape crimes in Oslo were committed by foreigners, even though they only represent a mere 23% of the population in the Norwegian capital. Foreigners are six times more likely to commit rape than native norwegians in Oslo.

    [ame=""]YouTube - Oslo: ALL Sexual Assaults ending in Rape commited by Non-Westerners[/ame]
    If this video will not make you admit that there might at least be a possibility that muslim immigration into your country could cause serious problems, then there is nothing else left for me to post that will convince you.

    Just remember that more poor minorities in your country will mean higher taxes and lower quality government services available to your children (health, education, legal, law enforcement). Lines will be longer, roads will have more traffic, and everything will be more crowded. It will also mean that the people your children go to school with and work with will be almost entirely from a different race. The chance of your female descendants being raped will be several times higher than it would otherwise have been.
    Do you really think there will be enough decent paying jobs to go around with all those additional people? Your children will also be competing with more people for a place to live. Houses in many areas have become increasingly unaffordable.

    As jobs pay less and things become more unaffordable, white people will have fewer children. Meanwhile, the poor immigrants who live in poverty will not hesitate to keep churning out more babies, even though they cannot even really afford to live on their own.
  2. JoanMiró

    JoanMiró Banned

    Aug 17, 2011
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    Wow man, nice copy-paste from a "nutter blogger".

    This is just crazy, not to mention outright unacceptable. I wonder what people will say when we swap "Muslim" and "Islam" with "Jew" and "Judiasm".

    There is something very wrong in American indeed -- a total lack of sanity.

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