Ronald Reagan: The Greatest President Ever

Discussion in 'History & Past Politicians' started by PatriotNews, Nov 22, 2011.


Who was the Greatest American President?

  1. Ronald Reagan

  2. Barrack Hussien Obama

  3. Abraham Lincoln

  4. FDR

  5. Thomas Jefferson

  6. William Jefferson Clinton

  7. George Washington

  8. James Earl Carter

  9. George W. Bush

    0 vote(s)
  10. John Fitzgerald Kennedy

    0 vote(s)
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  1. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    The latest polls show that the greatest American President is and was Ronald Wilson Reagan. People are beginning to see through the lies of the media and finding out through research that this man is the single greatest president ever. This thread I am dedicating to listing as many of Reagan's accomplishments, and I invite you to post stories about those accomplishments as well as videos of your favorite speeches, or other articles and links that present the truth about him, not the ugly lies of the left please.

    Here are some of the poll results:

    Here is his first major political speech. Later in this thread, I will post videos of his Inaugural speeches and his state of the union speeches as well as some of his funniest lines and other speeches:

    [ame=""]"A Time for Choosing" by Ronald Reagan - YouTube[/ame]

    Here he was named the Greatest American (much to the chagrin of the shows sponsors):

    The Republican Party historically from it's creation has been the party of freedom. Lincoln freed the slaves, millions of them; and Reagan free the people trapped behind the Iron Curtain. If you listen to the speech above and the one below, you will see this was one of his goals, and though it didn't come completely to it's fruition while he was still in office, it came soon after:

    [ame=""]"Berlin Wall" Speech - President Reagan's Address at the Brandenburg Gate - 6/12/87 - YouTube[/ame]
  2. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    The Free world grew because of Ronald Reagan:

  3. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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  4. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Less that one year after Reagan left office:
    [ame=""]Nov. 9, 1989: The Berlin Wall Falls - YouTube[/ame]

    Peter Jennings couldn't wait to get there:
    [ame=""]Nov. 10, 1989: Celebration at the Berlin Wall - YouTube[/ame]
    Gee, did he not mention Reagan?

    [ame=""]Berlin Wall - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame=""]Ronald Reagan Celebrates Fall of Berlin Wall, November 9, 1989 - YouTube[/ame]

    From the man himself who is responsible for the fall of communism and the freedom of hundreds of millions of people around the world. Thank you Ronald Reagan.
  5. FearandLoathing

    FearandLoathing Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
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    While I agree that Reagan was the greatest president in modern history, I have strong issues with the list.

    What the hell are Carter, Bush and Kennedy doing there? And where is Theodore Roosevelt? He would rate at least second consideration considering he accomplished more in a single term than most presidents do in two.
  6. Trinnity

    Trinnity Banned

    Feb 3, 2011
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    Ronny was a great prez. We need another like him now.
  7. Heroclitus

    Heroclitus Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
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    Reagan was a dream for liberals like me compared with the nutcases and mediocrities lining up to lead the GOP right now. He may have backed murder squads in Latin America who killed thousands of innocent people, in pursuit of the evil Kirkpatrick doctrine, but he was a long way from the isolationist cretins who want America to shut its borders and turn in on itself (the Tea Party).

    The right wing myth that Reagan defeated communism singlehandedly is another example of the kindergarten thinking of the Right. The reasoning is laughable. Put a map of the world up that describes a change between two dates that straddle the Reagan period...and hey must be due to Reagan. What else could it be?

    Communism was defeated by a combination of the relentless economic pressure that the arms race with the USA put on its economy - over decades; the inner contradictions of its flawed bureaucratic ideology - which could not develop the economies of communist countries; and the aspirations and brave actions of their peoples - who risked their lives (unlike Reagan) to topple despotic regimes. Gorbachev was a significant factor too. At least as significant as Reagan.

    Right wing Americans insult the bravery of those who actually toppled communism when they suggest that a few over the top speeches by Reagan brought down tyrannical regimes across Eastern and Central Europe. People died to end Stalinist tyranny.

    And when Europe was free its new nations chose to emulate their fellow European democracies, and not the USA, in their political systems. Only Russia followed the US political model of Presidential rule...and we now have an elected tyranny as a result.

    As to the list, Jefferson I think is the greatest American on that list, but the greatest president has to be George Washington, and for one reason alone. He refused to be crowned King. He was the first head of state in modern times (maybe ever) to willingly hand over power to an elected successor. That act was the mightiest act committed by any American in the history of the world. That act in itself contributed to the defeat of communism two hundred years later. That act rings down the centuries and across the globe.
  8. thebrucebeat

    thebrucebeat Banned

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Great post. The truth will set you free!
    Other highlights of Reagan's legacy:
    The Cut and Run policy he took in Beihrut after the embassy attack.
    Amnesty for illegal immigrants.
    Negotiation with terrorists from Iran.
    He would poll at about 3 percent with today's Tea Party ideologues, if they were knowledgable and consistent with their opinions.
  9. bottle

    bottle New Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Ronald Regan was mediocre at best. You fail to take into account earlier polices of containment regarding the Soviet Union, the creation of the EEC/EU and NATO etc and how they challenged the Soviet block.

    Hell even Nixon did more for the USA than Reagan did by improving relations with China.

    Regan massively increased the US debt for no good reason and told people they could buy toys without paying for them. He started the problems that the USA now endures.

    What Regan did was tell his supporters they could have anything they wanted without paying for it, just use credit. He encouraged greed and selfishness and built up the military industrial complex.
  10. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Remember that Reagan was responsible for the closure of asylums for the mentally ill..

    They were put out on the street with a prescription.

    And he raised the debt ceiling 18 times.
  11. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    Reagan was the WORST president in US history. Besides the screwups mentioned here by Margot, bottle and thebrucebeat, Reagan singlehandedly changed the definition of a Conservative from the TRUE conservatives of the Eisenhower era (high taxes to the rich, BIG,strong government, protectionist against foreign nations and illegal immigration) to a new definition of exactly the opposite of those things.

    And the economic results of Regan have been a disaster. The record clearly shows that when taxes (on the rich) were high (as during the Eisenhower era), job growth & GDP also were high. When taxes plunged to almost record lows of 28% (top bracket) under Reagan, job growth & GDP sunk to their lowest levels.

    What a comparison between a REAL Conservative president like Eisenhower, and a phony like Reagan. Ike was the Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe in World War II, while Ronnie was in Hollywood making movies about it. And after Ike chased millions of illegal aliens back to Mexico in Operation Wetback, what was Ronnie doing then ? He was giving them amnesty.

    Today's Reagan-conservatives don't even know how NON-Conservative they are.
  12. London John

    London John Banned

    Nov 23, 2011
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    I voted for Washington. Margot: lol, Obama? Are you sure? :mrgreen:
  13. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    your trying to be funny right? actually its lies by the media.If you do some REAL research,you would know he was easily one of the most corrupt presidents really need to read the book TEARING DOWN THE MYTH.It tells the true story how corrupt he really was.
  14. akc814ilv

    akc814ilv New Member

    Nov 6, 2006
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    Reagan was average. Below average in my opinion.

    Compared to the modern Republicans though he was a genius.

    Oh by the way, he raised the debt ceiling multiple times and GASP!! Even raised taxes!!

    imo Franklin Delano Roosevelt was our greatest President. Followed closely by Lincoln in 2nd. If people want to rank Lincoln first I wont argue with them.

    After that George Washington. More so for setting the standard of term limits more than anything. But also just being a great leader.

    #4 Teddy Roosevelt.

    #5 Harry Truman.

    Most every poll out there has Lincoln and FDR in the top 5. Yes a few who are anti social program will disagree with FDR but for the most part, every poll I have ever seen has these two in the top 5.

    Most also have Washington and Theo Roosevelt high. I doubt too many will argue with those.

    Truman wont be a popular choice with many people. As a Presidential historian (very amateur lol) I say he was great. Obviously Hiroshima and Nagasaki will be debate forever. Although I always believe that you can find a way other than bombing someone to resolve conflict, I DO think that in the long run he saved many, many lives. He ended WW2 from an American standpoint. He also did a TON for civil rights, and despite heavy opposition he was able to hold on to enough of FDR's programs that workers rights were able to sustain much better than they would have, if he would have been a pushover.

    He used executive orders to end racial discrimination in the military. He played a big part in the formation of NATO, and the United Nations. Some people may despise these groups, but obviously when nations are united there is less chance they will be fighting.

    The Truman Doctorine and the Marshall plans were both very important. They essentially are the reason we have a CIA and an Air Force and are the sole reason we have a DOD.

    So anyways I figured I should explain Truman because he ends up on some worst Presidents lists and also on some Best's. It just kinda depends how you view it.

    I would rate Clinton above Reagan. Easily. Reagan imo was pretty average. IMO his economic policies are what have continued a downward trend for our economy. His pro business stances gave us an economic boom, but set a horrible prescedent, and sure enough the corporation grew too big, and grew too greedy.

    I will say though that he was a tough old S.O.B. He was the right guy for the job at that time on foreign policy issues.
  15. Heroclitus

    Heroclitus Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
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    This is a great debate. Conservatives are choosing the Gipper. Liberals are choosing George Washington.

    Just goes to show...
  16. Cal

    Cal Banned

    Jul 23, 2011
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    Reagen was by far a very influential President and certainly fulfilled what an American leader should be. He did a lot for America. I think the title should stick.
  17. akc814ilv

    akc814ilv New Member

    Nov 6, 2006
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    Reagan was definitely the first Republican in office to be extremely pro big business. He was the first President for the modern Republican party.

    I mean even Nixon wanted Universal Health Care. Taxes on the wealthy under Nixon were at 61%. I believe under Eisenhauer they were 91% for the top 1% of all earners.

    I would have been a Republican most likely under the OLD Republican party. They actually believed in Government, and believed that if you tax the top 1% that you have the money to do what the Govt needs to do to take care of the greater good of the people. Plus their foreign policy was non interventionist. As much as FDR is a hero of mine, it was the Republicans who were warning him not to go to war during WW2 and he kept looking for ways to get into the war. Obviously after Pear Harbor everyone was on board, but he waited too long to get us involved when we could have made a bigger difference earlier.

    Reagan was a strong leader and a likeable guy. I give him credit for those things. I wish Obama had some of Reagans mental toughness. However Reagan was a spokesperson for large Corporations for years and years and then when he got into politics he held onto those ties and ushered in the era of big business being tied to politics and really ushered in the modern Republican party.

    For a modern Republican, obviously they are going to love Reagan. He represents everything they love. Big Business, a mighty military, a strong, decisive leader, and a never back down, no compromise attitude. If that was my way of thinking I would list him as a great President as well.

    However I trust Government more than big business, I dont trust corporations to do the right thing for the good of the people, I dont believe in having a Military that has more spent on it than the next 20 nations combined, I want our wealthy taxed higher and I believe in negotiation and compromise. I appreciate Reagans strength, and I give him credit for the fall of the Soviet Union (he played a part, he wasnt the sole person responsible) and he was smart enough to raise taxes when he needed to, and also the debt ceiling when it was needed. He was what the country needed at the time. I give him credit for that.

    But I rank him as an average President from a historical perspective. He was no Lincoln or FDR or Washington, Jefferson, Eisenhauer, Truman, Madison etc etc.
  18. clarkatticus

    clarkatticus New Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Reagan started free trade, the beginning of the mess we now have. I can forgive him Iran/Contra but not his cronies. Future historians will laugh heartily if they read these posts. Lincoln, FDR, Truman, Teddy. I would include Jefferson but he died leaving his own children in slavery.
  19. fifthofnovember

    fifthofnovember Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    I voted Jefferson. Instead of looking at a map of the world before and after Reagan, how about the changes in the map before and after the Louisiana Purchase? I think that change is much more impressive. Reagan was pretty good for modern times, but he can't compare with the best of the Founders.
  20. MaxRiga

    MaxRiga Banned

    Nov 8, 2011
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    I'm not American to know that Reagan is the greatest one or not but by my opinion F.Roosevelt should be on the top.
    Reagan is well know that he was the president when USSR collapsed. But it wasn't the Reagan reason. USSR collapsed by inner problems and Reagan has nothing to do with this. At the same time F.Roosevelt fought with Great Depression and WW2 from the very beginning until it's done.
    Well, this is just my 2c
    PatriotNews and (deleted member) like this.
  21. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    again the people that voted for Reagan are clueless as evidenced below.Read the part in there on Reagan.

    also you need to read the books called THE MAN WHO SOLD AMERICA and TEARING DOWN THE MYTH.
  22. akc814ilv

    akc814ilv New Member

    Nov 6, 2006
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    I believe that you would be correct. But for many other reasons than just the war.

    He was a strong leader during the war. He nearly saw it through until the very end. He played a major part in bringing us out of the Great Depression. He was a major player in the formation of the U.N. which regardless of your opinions on the U.N. it keeps nations closer and ensures that there is always an open dialogue. Nations who are meeting together and talking are of course much more likely to NOT go to war.

    He gave us much better workers rights, social programs like unemployment benefits and Social Security. He did some good work towards improving civil rights.

    He wasnt perfect. Obviously the Japanese internment camps are a HUGE black mark on his resume. He waited too long to get into the war, and Pearl Harbor happened under his watch (despite conspiracy theorists who say he knew about the attacks, that is in fact a fallacy and has been proven as false). He was also a lousy husband and died with his mistress by his side and not his wife.

    Still though, given the circumstances, the progressive thinking, the worst war in human history and the Depression he handled it like an absolute pro. IMO the only President who comes close is Abe Lincoln.

    I have a few of my personal inspirational historical figures tattooed on me and FDR is one of them. lol. Yes I have a FDR tattoo. If anyone wants to know who the others are feel free to ask or message me and ill tell you lmfao.
  23. Ethereal

    Ethereal Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2010
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    George Washington and then Thomas Jefferson in a close second.

    Washington was the only independent President and he refused the crown. He saw the nation through its infancy.

    Thomas Jefferson fired a bunch of judges, allowed the central bank's charter to expire, obtained the Louisiana territory, and sent the Marines after the Barbary pirates.
  24. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    First of all let me say that not one thing that you have stated is supported with a single link. Secondly, I'm sure as a democrat, you don't like a single one of the republican candidates. None of them stand for the socialist policies that your current president does. We don't expect to win over socialist democrats votes in this or any other election. We do expect the American public to understand that deficit spending will lead this country to financial ruin as does the Tea Party, which is their main objective. Shutting the borders is the main goal of the Minute Men, but I don't expect you do understand well known objectives of political movements you don't understand.

    Thirdly, nobody supported death squads. What the Kirkpatrick Doctrine was basically saying is that we needed to support countries in Latin America that would fight the USSR's attempt to expand communism in the region while seeking democratic reforms for those same countries. By the map that I provided in post #2, that policy is a proven success.
    Reagan was the leader of the USA, the lead superpower of democratic free nations, who with help from Great Britain and Polish Pope John Paul II, helped to hasten the demise of communism throughout most of the world. The military arms race which you are about to give Reagan credit for, was only one of the factors that lead to the fall of the Iron Curtain.
    Gorbachev was and is a communist. He attempted to save communism but failed. All his efforts were just an attempt to stave off the fall of the USSR.
    Communism fell under the weight of its own policies of repression and murder of its own people. In some countries more blood was shed than others, some the fall was bloodless. In the end, communism fell without one shot being fired between the Soviets and the West, thanks to Reagan.
    You may not like democracy, and democracy is not always perfect or pretty, but it is the best system that I know of.
    That is funny. This shows what little grasp democrats have of history to credit George Washington with the defeat of a system of government not even in conceived of until 1848 or enacted until the Russian Revolution in 1917.
  25. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Yeah, thanks to FDR, racial discrimination in times of war are still the law of the land. Hitler gathered up the Jews and through them in camps, and FDR gathered up the Nips and through them in camps. Do you also have a swastika or Hitler? An FDR tattoo is only marginally less shameful as a Hitler tattoo.
    Of course, to continue the theme of this thread that Ronald Wilson Reagan was the greatest president ever, he did in fact not only appologize for the internment of Japanese-Americans, he help pass reperations for them:

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