Scathing Reviews

Discussion in 'Environment & Conservation' started by Flanders, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    If the United Nations’ Rio+20 Summit had been a Broadway play it closed with scathing reviews from everybody except the actors who performed:

    Here’s a small sampling of the plot:

    Ecuador shaking the can for donations is nothing more than a standard United Nations hustle, but the rest of us are in deep do-do when Maldives and Granada join forces.

    This next bit had me scratching my head:

    Environmental Floundering at failed Rio+20 Summit
    Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh Sunday, June 24, 2012

    Who the hell has been leading the environmental scam if not UN-approved scientists in the academy? And isn’t the University of East Anglia considered academia? Academia gave the world the big lie. Environmental hustlers of every stripe picked it up and ran with it. When they saw that it wasn’t working they resorted to telling little lies over and over again in order to reinforce the big lie. Labeling every mention of the global warming fraud a conspiracy theory was the little lie told most often.

    My repeated attempts to connect environmental lies to the United Nations and global government was the cardinal sin. Liberals became angry at every hint of an environmental con job, but they went absolutely bonkers when the well-organized, well-funded, cartel working to establish a global government was exposed. Connecting the UN’s environmental fraud to global government invoked sarcastic cries of “Conspiracy nut” and worse.

    The conspiracy charge worked so well for environmental hustlers and easily-manipulated fools every word opposing any part of liberalism/socialism was labeled a conspiracy theory. Never forget that the conspiracy gambit began with exposing the motives driving environmental ripoffs.

    The conspiracy technique used to trivialize non-believers made those of us who have been posting on message boards for years more aware of what was happening than are most Americans. If a thing does not happen to you it usually does not register —— global warming liars counted on it.

    In 12 years I’ve posted hundreds of messages about the UN and its plan to claim ownership of the atmosphere and the oceans. Christopher Monckton’s summery of the United Nations’ Rio+20 Summit is so concise and comprehensive I feel like I never said a word or posted a message. Monckton is so good TV talking heads burdened by time constraints can learn how it’s done. Please pay extra attention to the parts about global government:
  2. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    In a 20-page report, a former aide to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher warns his hereditary peers in the
    Monckton tells Lords: Obama presidency at risk
    'A dislocation more severe than the fall of Watergate may be anticipated'
    Published: 11 hours ago

    Why is anything Christopher Monckton says about Hussein important? This is what I said in #7 permalink in this thread:

    Monckton’s report to his fellow lords is the first step. He could very well move the British government to releasing everything it has in its embassy’s files. I think it comes down to the number of lords Monckton wins over. It would take more than a few lords to turn British “non-involvement” into embroiling itself in America’s affairs in so dramatic a way.

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