Social Bots and Strategic Communications

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by Dorkay Winthra, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. Dorkay Winthra

    Dorkay Winthra New Member

    Mar 21, 2013
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    Strategic Communications: How NATO Shapes and Manipulates Public Opinion

    A collection of documents recently obtained and published by Public Intelligence provides a complete guide to NATO’s training process for “strategic communications” activities, including public diplomacy, public affairs, information operations and psychological operations.

    These activities are designed to contribute “positively and directly in achieving the successful implementation of NATO operations, missions, and activities” as well as “influence the perceptions, attitudes and behaviour of target audiences . . .

    Social Media in Strategic Communication (SMISC)

    With the spread of blogs, social networking sites and media-sharing technology, the conditions under which our military forces conduct operations are rapidly changing. These conditions and speed with which information is pass are further accelerated by proliferation of mobile technology. Addressing the implications of these trends is part of preventing strategic surprise. DARPA’s mission is to prevent such surprise.

    do you know who you're talking to?

    should this deception be legal? I wonder what people think this do to the value of speech and ideas on the internet and then how it will carry over to defending laws IRL.
  2. Dorkay Winthra

    Dorkay Winthra New Member

    Mar 21, 2013
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    I think it threatens to make a mockery out of free speech and destroys the value of any ideas.

    How will anyone know what popular opinion is if you look for it on the internet thinking you've found many different people talking and you're reading opinions that are coming from the DoD or some marketing company that works for them presented as the majority? How many people would question support for laws changing when online it seems there is a majority support?

    If people look for clarity online about what's going on out there, they aren't going to find it. Add to that it seems were trying to find a disorder label in need of drugs for everyone. How will the majority make informed decisions if they are too messed up in some alternate reality having imaginary battles with someone that is being paid to try to keep you in your seat? or say tries to convince you a potato is a tomato? What sort of actions (maybe seeming appropriate for that online reality but disastrous IRL) will this encourage?

    If you want to do something about wrongs you see happening in this country, or you are supporting a particular candidate ( including not D or R) and go to some discussion forum first to talk about it: are you going to be discouraged from taking productive action if you encounter a place that is dominated by accounts being ran by people that present one opinion and could have access to your personal information and due to categorizing of people think they have some emotional triggers they can hit to discourage you?
    What if you're persuaded by social bots?

    and maybe you don't notice how friggin weird these places are. If someone appeals to sentiments you feel are positive about yourself and this country are you more likely to trust the messenger?Are you more likely to believe what they're saying? Do you feel empowered by ridiculing and shaming people for having lives that aren't socially conservative? Or when someone else does it? Do you care if they make absolutely no sense? Do you want someone to blame your lack of a pure life on? Your failures? If you don't: does that make you a liberal?
    just stupid stupid sht

    People have negative moments and there are people who go online to rant but it burns out. There is no way I can believe that there are so many people here that come to a site to talk who are so negatively energized day to day to end any productive discussion. Its pure calculative hate trying to figure out how to come across as human.
    The sense of humor, mockery, how they approach people who come across as sincere -- everything is the same.There is nothing of value to listen to and any real person would burn out and do something else. Its either agenda financed or maybe now even bot talk.

    Most people conservative, liberal, libertarian anyone are far more decent , genuine and HUMAN than what you encounter on the internet.

    so mostly to the younger crowd that might be more activist inclined.. please don't let these places represent ANYONE to you in real life. Just remember that you have no idea who you're talking to and who's watching what you say and logging it.

    If its important enough to get upset about take it offline and DO something productive about it in the real world.

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