The Arc

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by David2004, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. David2004

    David2004 New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    The arc A Formal Structure for a Palestinian State produced by the Rand Corporation. It is a giant leap in the right direction into finding a peaceful solution in the Palestinian-Israeli crisis. It is a ten year plan to develop the West Bank one day connecting it to Gaza. It addresses many of the problems the people of Palestine face in forming a viable state. Only with a prospers Palestinian society that resembles the society of the State of Israel will the people of both societies have any real security.

    They spent more than 3 million dollars and four years in the development of this plan. It is a thirty-three billion dollar plan over ten years that addresses the Palestinian issues of transportation, housing, education, commerce, justice and the contiguity of the State of Palestine. It is a very comprehensive plan creating a clear image of a much better way of life for the Palestinian people. Restoring their dignity and hope for a better future for their children is the best first steps towards peace.

    This is the link to an 8 minute and 35 minute video outlining the Arc.The Arc: A Formal Structure For a Palestinian State | RAND

    Here is a link to the Rand Corporation’s web page to the Arc Reach Brief. There is a link to the full outline version of the Arc at the bottom of the page.
    The Arc: A Formal Structure for a Palestinian State | RAND

    These are two links of Doug Sulsman presentation of the Arc at the J Street YMCA New York, NY.
    THE ARC AT J STREET Part - YouTube
    [ame=""]THE ARC AT J STREET Part - YouTube[/ame]

    THE ARC AT J STREET Part - YouTube
    [ame=""]THE ARC AT J STREET Part - YouTube[/ame]

    There is no way to peace, peace is the way. The Arc is the way for long term peace to become a reality in the Palestinian/Israeli crisis. The challenges are to make the Arc a reality that more people can see, as well as working out the full implementation of the Arc’s plan. The earlier more people get behind a plan like the Arc the sooner it could become a reality. Everyone should write to their elected representatives letting them know about the Arc and your support of the plan. Who could not support such a plan of a way to peace as the arc. Global Crier
  2. David2004

    David2004 New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    If you think starting with the implementation of the Rand Corporation’s plan the arc A Formal Structure for a Palestinian State is a good step toward peace. Write to your elected representatives informing them of your support of the Arc plan and or email them at http// Global Crier
  3. David2004

    David2004 New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Let there be more love
    World leaders that are doves

    A world with fewer guns
    More mothers with their sons

    Instead of fighting war
    We help the poor

    With all of our might
    We are not always right

    People have to care
    To make things fair

    Let there be more flowers
    With all of our powers

    Let there be peace
    In the Middle East

  4. David2004

    David2004 New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Arc & Palestine United Nation Membership is Progress Towards Peace(*)

    (*) Amidst everything going on with the Arab Spring in the Middle East. The Israeli government would be in a much better position going forward. Letting the Palestinians gain full United Nation’s membership while supporting the implementation of “the arc” A Formal Structure for a Palestinian State. Giving Palestine full membership status to the United Nations would give them a legitimacy among the international community. Making them equal to any other nation. It would lift the morale of the Palestinian people giving them a victory in restoring their dignity and pride as a recognized nation among the body of the United Nations. The Arc would be a good starting point in the reparation to the Palestinian people for their great losses and hardships over the last sixty plus years.(*)

    Only by the Israeli government helping create an equal counter partner (the Palestinians) will the Israelis have any chance for peace and security to grow among their neighbors. As long as the Israeli government continues to suppress the Palestinian people keeping them in a depressed state of affairs. There will continue to be acts of violence leading to rage and more conflicts. The Israeli governments cooperation on the full implementation of the Arc will help change the realities on the ground for the better on both sides.(*)

    The Israeli government will have to promise the international community of nations that they will not bomb out the new Palestine infrastructure that they paid for. As the Arc plan is completed, new opportunities will arise on both sides. Many more tourists will come to see the Holy sites in the region. This will bring a lot more new revenue creating prosperity. Neither side can let the lone wolf derail the progress that is made. It will take generations for the hate and contempt that is on both sides to change to tolerance, understanding and trust. If either side waits until they trust the other side progress will never be made towards peace.(*)
  5. kenrichaed

    kenrichaed Banned

    Dec 24, 2011
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    Only way to solve the problem over there is to combine Palestine and the Jews into one State with equal rights for everyone. A few generations after people get used to it they will consider themselves as one nation not two individual peoples.
  6. CoolWalker

    CoolWalker New Member

    Jun 9, 2010
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    No one wonders what the Rand Corporation gets for all this? Who is really behind it? How easily everyone forgets that terrorism pretty much started there and expanded to cover the world. Arabs do not like Jews or Americans and will do anything to throw sand in our collective faces. Thousands of years of fighting because of utterly stupid. And who ends up paying for it? The entire world! religious nuts make me puke!

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