The Catholic Church’s contemptuous attitude towards its “flock”

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Marlowe, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. Sadanie

    Sadanie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 9, 2011
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    You are rewriting history.
    There is no debating with someone who is unable to recognize that a man is a man is a man. ..that the pope (every pope) is a man, and that they make mistakes. . .HUGE mistakes sometimes.

    I find it actually offensive towards God to give so much blind faith and credence in the "sanctity" of a MAN.

    Maybe instead of reading your Catechism, you should pick up a few history books!
  2. AbsoluteVoluntarist

    AbsoluteVoluntarist New Member

    Apr 15, 2010
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    I'm not rewriting history. Show me one specific thing I said that was factually incorrect. Would you rather the pope have risked even more persecutions, as the bishops in Holland did, over the mere utterance of words? What good would that have done? What would you have said if you were pope during the 40s, with Nazis and their allies in control of most of Europe, including Italy?

    Of course, you have no idea what the Church doctrine actually says. The pope as a man has no particular sanctity and there have been many very sinful popes. The office has sanctity in that it's guided by the Holy Ghost in promulgating doctrines.

    Maybe you should read the Catechism so you can know what the Church actually teaches before pontificating on it.
  3. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Sheep like , continuing as they were taught ? Never stood back to examine theor reasoning going through the same routine as their parents . ?
    More often as not its blind faith , nothing to do with "truth ".

    Same applies to doctrines of Catholicsm

    He didn't. ? it's an undisputed fact ? UNDISPUTED ?

    " Yes - he did , - Oh! No he did;nt Oh " Yes he did " then dialogue follows like a christmas pantomine.

    I'm afraid there's considerable amount of evidence to DISPUTE your obvious biased claims. Here;s a C + P extract for starters , there are tons more from numerous source proving that the Pope remained silent .


    Nazi Germany and the Catholic Hierarchy

    As early as 1933 Edith Stein wrote a letter to Pope Pius XI alerting him to the Nazi program of anti-Semitism and calling upon the Vatican to issue strong condemnations. She never received an answer. Stein, a brilliant philosopher who had converted to Catholicism, was a Carmelite nun, eventually deported to Auschwitz and gassed.

    Within Germany, Catholic prelates, with minor exception, approved of the Nazi agenda and stated so in sermons and articles. Such attitudes were based on 1,500 years of anti-Semitism, often expressed violently. Hitler, himself a Catholic, reminded papal representatives of this long history several times, referring to Jews as “parasites.” The only papal document that might have averted the Holocaust would never be published.

    -The Silence of Pope Pius XII Over Jewish Persecution

    More on this topic
    The Controversy Over Pope Pius XII, the Nazis and the Holocaust Hitler, Pope Pius XII and the Rise of Nazi Germany Anniversaries Point to Child Abductions and Religious Feuding
    Despite numerous attempts requesting Pius XII to issue a statement on the mass deportations of Jews and other non-Aryans, including a note from United States Secretary of State Hull, the pope remained silent. Pius XII said nothing when the Nazis deported the Jews of Rome, two thirds of them women and children, to eastern death camps; only 14 survived. The pope’s silence was duly noted by the Nazi leadership. On one occasion, Heinrich Himmler thanked the papal nuncio for the “discretion” of the Vatican. There is documented evidence that as early as 1942 the pope was made aware of the atrocities

    btw even before WW2 the Pope blessed Mussolini's fascsist soldiers who set off to invade /slaughter North Africans + Coptic Ethiopeans - Abyssinia.

    click to enlarge


    tatty byeeee.

  4. AbsoluteVoluntarist

    AbsoluteVoluntarist New Member

    Apr 15, 2010
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    So if people disagree with the Catholic Church, that proves the Catholic Church wrong. But if people disagree with you, they're unreasoning and blind. Isn't that convenient?

    That's not what you said before. Before, you said it was disproven by the behavior of its members, not its doctrines. So which is it?

    No, it is not. As I said, "He condemned the ideas of Nazism several times, as had his predecessor. Meanwhile, he privately instructed monasteries and convents to hide Jews, with several hundred being hidden in the Vatican itself. He was, of course, walking on a tightrope, with millions of Catholics under the thrall of Hitler and the Vatican itself in the center of Mussolini's Italy. Indeed, when Dutch Church leaders publicly condemned Nazism from the pulpit, it only drove the Nazis in Holland to round up ethnically Jewish converts and ship them to the camps. You can claim Pius miscalculated in weighing how forceful he might have been against the potential consequences to Catholics and Jews, but it's simply more propaganda to suggest he was apathetically twiddling his thumbs throughout the persecution."

    And in 1937, Pius XI released an encyclical condemning Nazi ideology, to which the Nazis reaced by stepping up their persecutions of Catholic clergy.

    The reason Stein was eventually arrested was because of the public condemnation of the Nazis issued by the Dutch prelates as I described above, she being one of the Jewish converts.

    Well, if your source is going to go the "Hitler was a Catholic" route, I know it's crapola. Just because someone's raised a Catholic, doesn't make them a Catholic in any ideological sense. Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, and Henry VIII are all Catholics by that standard. As are George Carlin, Julia Sweeney, Bill Maher, and Tom Cruise. Catholics all.
  5. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Did the Catholics condemn racial segregation and oppression in America? Yet they were expected to go to bat for the Jews because _________________?
  6. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Jesus said that he was the shephard and that his followers were sheep in his flock. It's tradition.
  7. Sean Michael

    Sean Michael New Member

    May 3, 2012
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    First of all this metaphor is used in many different religious beliefs. As to the Catholic Church having mand made doctrines is wrong. The Catholic Church was given authority by Jesus it has developed practices over time but the teachings have remained the same. Protestantism with its idea of Sola Scriptura is man made. There was no such idea of this until after the reformation, when Martin Luther sulked because the Church did not accept his interpretatino on certain things. So he formed a religion based on his own theology whilst removing 7 books from the Bible which regarded as authorative for over 1000 years.
    What institution compiled the Bible?.
    Where they infallible in the books they chose to make up the Bible?.
    Under what authority did Martin Luther remove 7 books?.
    If the Church was wrong about 7 books could they not have been wrong about them all?.
    Why did Martin Luther remove 7 books?.

    I would very much appreciate a Protestant answering these questions.
    If any Protestant has any queries or any questions on any particular Catholic doctrine, I will try my best to answer their questions, and explain why Catholics believe what they do.
  8. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    A V . Unlike you I've learnt to think for myself , I do not necessarily expect everyone /anyone to agree with me. Each person has the right to his'her own opinions/conclusions , DONT YOU THINK SO. ? Or do you think we should all follow your church's doctrines or be d=amned to hell ?

    Pls do NOT distort what i've said .

    Poppycock - post war fabrications.

    Jewish records show while there were some instances when priests hid some wealthy Jews (for a price ) there was also a large number of instances where priests cooperated told the Nazis where they could find the Jews.

    btw - one can only guess , what the Church's position would have been if the war finally ended in Axis countries favours. Would the Church has had the alls to condemn Hitler + Mussolinn ? hmm - I think not.



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