The connection between Legalization and 60's bands.

Discussion in 'Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco' started by The Amazing Sam's Ego, May 8, 2014.

  1. The Amazing Sam's Ego

    The Amazing Sam's Ego Banned at Members Request

    Jan 24, 2013
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    In 2012, marijuana was legalized in Colorado, with 53% voting yes, and 47% voting no. I'm not sure about the voter statistics of Washington State, but it also was legalized there. A domino effect is happening, and other states are planning on passing bills to legalize marijuana.

    I had a theory that this topic. My theory is that the popular rock bands of the 60s, mainly the Beatles, are the cause of pot legalization.

    Most of the popular 60's bands-The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix etc, all did drugs. Many people during the 60s idolized those bands and singers (mainly the Beatles, but also those other bands to a lesser extent). The rock bands of the 60s did not start the hippy subculture. They were a byproduct of it, but because of the fact that so many people idolized them, those rock bands caused a lot of people at the time to get involved in the hippy subculture, which involved marijuana use.

    If it wasn't for the Beatles, a lot less people would have gotten involved in the hippy movement, and a lot less people in the 60s would have become pot smokers.

    Many of the people who voted to legalize pot in Colorado and Washington, were around during the 60s and the beatles era. People who lived during that era were very impressionable and gullible, and the Beatles influenced them to get involved in the hippy subculture and become potheads.

    If it wasn't for the influence of the rock bands like the beatles, who influenced them to become hippies during the 60s those voters probably wouldn't be so willing to vote yes on legalizing pot.

    If it wasn't for the influence of the beatles, a lot of the older voters probably would have voted no on legalization. With just 3% less votes, marijuana wouldn't have been legalized in Colorado. I'm not saying that the Beatles were the only cause of marijuana legalization, there were other factors, such as NORML lobbying to legalize it, but if the beatles and those other bands never became famous, it's highly likely that less voters would have voted to legalize marijuana, and it wouldn't have been legalized in colorado and washington.
  2. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    But the main reason it was legalized is that most of the voters wanted it to be legal.
    Why they wanted to make it legal isn't important.
  3. The Amazing Sam's Ego

    The Amazing Sam's Ego Banned at Members Request

    Jan 24, 2013
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    If 3% less voters voted yes on legalization, pot wouldn't have been legalized in Colorado.
  4. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    If wishes were horses beggars would ride...
  5. markt2530

    markt2530 Banned

    May 21, 2014
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    And most of those drug-promoting rock stars ended up dying from their self-indulgent ways. So did most of their original fan base.

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