Once again confirming your problem. You lack the actual education and decided to "believe" things rather than get to properly understand them. Nope. Because you didn't understand what you were told either! Nope, not like me. Meaningless gibberish. No, you have to make the effort to understand what you are reading and avoid frequenting sources of batshit. Since you have no idea how to tell the difference, there is your second problem! Utter hogwash. They get away with corruption in small doses mainly because it is a closed network, but this isn't the damn US government! This is the entire scientific community responsible for virology and medicine. I have no doubts that the large corporations are making copious amounts of money, but to suggest they are doing some sort of genocidal killing spree is foolish batshit. Good, understanding its existence is half way to using it. Now you need to apply it to everything you read, not just idiotic batshit that you keep falling for. It doesn't, but using such things as a mechanism for confirmation bias is just plain stupid. The major problem is not asking the right questions, it is understanding all the answers. You do not! Seriously?? That is one of the dumbest things I've seen in a while. The US obesity rate has vastly increased: Diabetes: https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/statistics/slides/long_term_trends.pdf "The prevalence of diagnosed diabetes increased from 0.93% in 1958 to 7.40% in 2015. In 2015, 23.4 million people had diagnosed diabetes, compared to only 1.6 million in 1958." Bullshit. Bullshit. Ludicrous LOGIC failure. Every serious illness that has ever existed, requiring a vaccine has declined! Electricity? My god, that is just moronic.
Logic bomb. This platform records anything from numerous sources, without ANY correlation or causation. Logic. How many total vaccinations administered? 7.2 billion. This makes this number miniscule in percentage. Bullshit and NONE of the deaths has ANY correlation or causation established. How the hell can anyone possibly accurately establish that! Yet more bullshit speculation based on the favorite trufer paper about the likelihood of lower reporting. The logical omissions would relate to minor symptoms rather than death!
It's not too difficult to deny bullshit, because all that was used was fearmongering scare campaigns by the media and bureaucrats. Do the clowns know something we don't, while many were in lockdown masked up and craping their pants, here are our entitled ones doing the complete opposite. Private jets and no masks — how Obama’s party was the height of elite hypocrisy Rules for you but not for thee.
The bottom people (laborers, engineers, medical professionals, scientists, teachers, etc.) don't need to know the agenda of the top echelons of power. They carry out specific jobs in their field of expertise and basically live in a bubble. It takes a major awakening or discovery for them to make the decision to come forward out of their comfort zone and publically expose wrong-doing. The financial, professional, and personal risks they take in doing so prevents many more from doing so. And even when they do, their efforts in making essential changes & in spreading the truth are often unrewarded. That's because the govt has numerous safeguards in place to keep people dumbed down & ignorant of what's really going on. I never said there's an agenda of genocide, although the manner in which 'medical care' is administered, the numbers of people killed by it, the extreme perennial push to force or scare the public into accepting toxic vaccines, and the suppression of safe/natural/nontoxic/effective therapies, one would think there is such an agenda. There may be or there may not be. If I were a betting man, I'd be inclined to believe that at the very top there is such an agenda of genocide/depopulation, considering that they already got all the money they need. It makes no difference anyhow because all we need to know is that viruses don't exist and vaccines are neither safe nor effective in mitigating any illness. Where's the confirmation bias when one's argument is backed up with evidence & facts? As far as your position is concerned, however, you've yet to provide scientific evidence of even a single claim you've made about vaccines or viruses. You won't succeed, however, because there is none. The official narrative (which you blindly buy into) is a story based on lies, deception, pseudoscience, and propaganda. If you ask the wrong questions, it doesn't matter if you understand the answer or not. The answer would be irrelevant. You're not asking the right questions. You just proved my point. What did I just say? I said, "Even despite the growing healthier shift in lifestyle & diet, the rate of debilitating chronic illness continues to grow, and I was curious as to why this was." Millions of people have tried to lose weight and have tried every which way to do so, but are unable to or struggle endlessly to keep weight down. (Oprah Winfrey & other celebrities are good examples. They're rich and have the money to try every therapy/diet/program, yet they can never maintain a stable weight). There's a reason why obesity is rising, and it's not diet or lack of exercise, but the inability to process normal dietary nutrients effectively because of EMF-induced metabolic dysfunction (which affects not only the mitochondrial & O2 pathways but also the thyroid & endocrine system, and the digestive & nervous system). For this reason, many people have had to adopt freak diets like keto, raw vegan, carnivore, a mono-diet, intermittent fasting, etc. just to lose/maintain a reasonable weight & stay reasonably healthy. If we didn't have EMF & vaccines to contend with, we could eat virtually anything we wanted and still maintain good health & weight. This is proven by observing the health of various cultural groups before and after they adopted electricity (with no change in traditional diet & lifestyle), and which is also observed in animals. No doubt vaccines & other man-made toxins are involved in this as well, but it's difficult to determine to what extent because there are now so many assaults on our bodies, with exposure to EMF being 24/7. And it's not just obesity, but every disease (plus new/modern ones) continues to rise. Mainstream science & medicine has a very poor understanding of how the body really works. What evidence do you have that any vaccine was instrumental in the decline of any disease?
Jacques Attali "The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We start with the old, because as soon as they exceed 60-65 years, people live longer than they produce and that costs society dearly. Then the weak, then the useless that do not help society because there will always be more of them, and above all, ultimately, the stupid. Euthanasia targeting these groups; Euthanasia will have to be an essential tool in our future societies, in all cases. Of course we will not be able to execute people or build camps. We get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good. Overpopulation, and mostly useless, is something that is too costly economically. Socially, too, it is much better when the human machine comes to an abrupt standstill than when it gradually deteriorates. Neither will we be able to test millions upon millions of people for their intelligence, you bet that! We will find or cause something a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and stupid will believe in it and seek treatment. We will have made sure that treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots then takes care of itself: You go to the slaughter by yourself."
You have to laugh at the conspiracy theorist, virus-denier, citing an "expert" for one thing as he shoots down in flames the other: " ......a virus affecting the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and stupid will believe in it and seek treatment. We will have made sure that treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots then takes care of itself: You go to the slaughter by yourself." Meanwhile in planet reality, the global population steadily increases. Chart and table of World population from 1950 to 2023. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. The current population of World in 2023 is 8,045,311,447, a 0.88% increase from 2022. The population of World in 2022 was 7,975,105,156, a 0.83% increase from 2021. The population of World in 2021 was 7,909,295,151, a 0.87% increase from 2020. The population of World in 2020 was 7,840,952,880, a 0.98% increase from 2019. The most moronic plan imaginable, having the opposite effect.
It may get worse. This guy may turn out to be right. Time will tell. http://politicalforum.com/index.php...es-deadly-blood-clots.606446/#post-1073919694 http://politicalforum.com/index.php...es-deadly-blood-clots.606446/#post-1073922228
I've always argued with certain members of this forum that it is a slow-burning fuse. Set it off too quickly and the quarry will get wary and wake up to it, do subtly and it will be perceived as a coincidence or something else attributed to the victim's death.
Mr Bullshit. Who is "we"? You know nothing. Your insane claim cannot be disproved because you don't accept any of the evidence and you don't understand what you are reading. Hilarious. The conspiracy theorist thinks his batshit is "facts". What sources will you accept The thousands of scientific papers? Electron-microscope images? Exactly what? All futile as you have already bought the batshit hook line and sinker and haven't the education to understand any of it. The colossal irony in this statement. Every single conspiracy theorist does this very thing, without fail - lost in batshit and lacking the understanding to see why. It doesn't matter whatever the question is if you don't understand any answer. With you and team-batshit it most certainly is. You seek that which confirms your crazy preformed belief. I'm asking every correct question and understanding the answers. And you cluelessly missed mine. The decline in health has been a steady progression caused by technology inducing laziness and nutrition loaded with junk, Your "doubt" is irrelevant and moronic. Total bullshit. Copious amounts. The problem is that you don't understand any of it and will use every batshit excuse to dismiss it. 14 Diseases You Almost Forgot About (Thanks to Vaccines) | CDC
Sorry, but I'm afraid that in this case, correlation IS causation. There's just too much corroborating evidence & data from multiple sources, such as clinics, medical professionals, nursing homes, research studies, pathologists, live blood analysis, funeral homes, embalmers, autopsies, insurance companies, the FAA & pilots, athletes & athletic coaches, whistleblowers, biostatisticians, foreign govt vax moratoriums, court rulings, FDA vax warnings, twitter & facebook feeds/stories, data/documents from vaccine makers, and so on----not to mention, the spike in sudden deaths in otherwise healthy individuals (including celebrities) began at the time the covid vaccines were being roled out in the beginning of 2021. Further, 17,000+ medical scientists & physicians have organized to form the Global Covid Summit in order to sound the alarm about covid vaccines, to urge state govt's to cease using them, and to call for the indictment of Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, Janssen, Astra Zeneca, and their enablers for fraud. So, in fact, we don't even need VAERS to see that vaccines are causing mass injuries & deaths. Besides, all the VAERS reports occured post-vax, and were not symptoms that were typically experienced until after being vaccinated. That's why they were reported. Check out VAERS entries from 1990 to 2023. Note the spike in numbers for 2021 when covid vaccines began to be widely distributed. Note also that already in 2023 there have been 27,320 entries. That's 27,320 cases in less than 2 months! 'Miniscule'? LOL So it's okay if only a few hundred thousand or even millions become permanently injured or die? Would you be saying that if you were one of the victims? By the way, I thought vaccines were supposed to be 'SAFE'!?!? Besides, these are very conservative/bare minimum figures (ie, both reported AND entered cases). We know for a fact that VAERS data has been manipulated----eg, data purging, retroactively adding data, altering data, 'throttling' of data, severe under-reporting, and using misleading definitions. The under-reporting alone of vaccine adverse events is vast: * FDA: Former FDA commissioner David A. Kessler estimated the reports “represent only a fraction of the serious adverse events, less than 1%". * CDC: Only about 10% are reported. * Congress: Has heard testimony that medical students are told not to report suspected adverse events, despite federal law requiring doctors to report suspected adverse events. * National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) survey: 1 out of 40 doctor's offices (2.5%) in New York report a death or injury following vaccination. * Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS): Only 10% of serious vaccine adverse events are reported. Also, an AHRQ-funded study by Harvard Medical School of 715,000 patients tracked reporting to VAERS over a three-year period at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care. It concluded that “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.” This low rate is confirmed by the rate at which anaphylaxis after covid vaccination is reported to VAERS. Further reading on this HERE. Speaking of millions of deaths, the death numbers may actually exceed 13 million worldwide (see HERE and HERE). And that's only deaths. How many millions beyond that figure have been permanently injured (and who may end up dying at a later time)? Further reading: * Funeral director (info/video): "95% of corpses received covid vax within 2 weeks of death." * VAERS has been caught changing its case data. * And what about follow ups? How are the vaccinated doing now? Are they sicker than they were before, or even still alive? How will they do in the future? Follow-ups are important because they give us indication of the vaccine's long-term health risks. Not surprisingly, VAERS excludes follow-ups. * Pfizer’s own initial trial results show ~3% (over 1200) of injected individuals died, and another ~28% were not recovered or were left damaged from the injections. And that's in only 3 months. * See also HERE for the CCCA's (Canadian Covid Care Alliance) analysis & assessment of the article, Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine, published in the NEJM on December 2020. The CCCA is an alliance of over 500 independent Canadian doctors, scientists, and health care practitioners. * And see HERE for Dr. Daniel Nagase's input on the Pfizer vaccines. Dr. Nagase treated 'covid' successfully with a few safe pills, and was fired from Rimbey Hospital, Alberta. See above. To see what changes have been made to each case you have to use the VAERS Wayback Machine. 'Minor' symptoms are both reported & listed everywhere. Obviously they're not omitting them. Besides, to make the vaccine look 'safe' it would behoove the vaccine makers to INCLUDE more (not less) of the 'minor' events and fewer of the major/death events. You're obviously not informed about Pfizer's history of corruption.
Note also: Not all doses distributed have been administered to individuals, many individuals have been 'boosted' multiple times, and there have been recalls of millions of doses due to 'contamination'. These factors, when taken into account, would increase the percentage of AE's per distributed doses.
Global population continues to increase because standard of living remains low & infant mortality remains high for most of the world's population. These two factors are what affect most the population growth rate. The population explosion is thus primarily due to the burden imposed by the monetary/capitalist system—imposed by people like Jacques Attali. So I find it ironic that he (and his ilk) want to cull the population when they themselves were instrumental in making it explode.
Why do you take what I say out of context? Here's what I said: "I never said there's an agenda of genocide, although the manner in which 'medical care' is administered, the numbers of people killed by it, the extreme perennial push to force or scare the public into accepting toxic vaccines, and the suppression of safe/natural/nontoxic/effective therapies, one would think there is such an agenda. There may be or there may not be. If I were a betting man, I'd be inclined to believe that at the very top there is such an agenda of genocide/depopulation, considering that they already got all the money they need." I'v always been less interested in the 'conspiracy' details per se and more interested in the facts. The facts alone will lead us to what's going on without having to resort to some grand conspiracy. With that said, one cannot deny a conspiracy has been in the works regarding the fake pandemic and covid vaccines. Such a successful effort to push the false narrative of 'pathogenic viruses' and 'safe & effective vaccines' upon billions of people worldwide requires a grand (international) conspiracy—ie, it's an inside job by top international elites. The players & the details of the conspiracy may be interesting or shocking, but are less important than understanding that (1) the top holders of wealth are all corrupt & will use their power/influence to both maintain & grow their wealth/power/influence, (2) these people own/control the govt & all industries, including the medical industry, and so the medical industry is corrupt & cannot be trusted, (3) viruses don't exist, (4) vaccines (and most medical drugs) are neither safe nor beneficial in any way, and (5) we, the people (not the elites) have the final say in how we shape our world, including who (if anyone) we wish to put into positions of leadership/power/influence. Hence, with or without a conspiracy, these facts remain and need to be kept in mind if one wishes to not become a victim of this systemic corruption. What's insane is to claim that viruses exist & that vaccines are scientifically based, safe, and beneficial when in fact there is absolutely ZERO scientific evidence of any of this. So again, I'm waiting for that 'proof' of a virus that you base your entire argument on. Either put up or shut up. Because they are. Just ONE will suffice. Can you even provide ONE? And no, electron micrographs don't count. Those are photos, not proof of either a virus nor of a pathogenic virus. You need to know what you're looking at by physically examining & testing the alleged 'virus', not taking a photo of a mass of dead tissue & cellular debris and claiming this or that is a 'virus' that causes X disease, and then fabricating its genome sequence using computer modeling. LOL Talk about 'batshit' pseudoscience. Just the reverse. The facts lead me to what's true. For you, you seek that which confirms what the govt tells you is true. You're not asking for the science behind the claims. You just believe the claims. You really are clueless! These chronic diseases began LONG before people began eating junk food & being less active. The trend these days, however, is towards a healthier diet & lifestyle. This is because people are getting sicker & sicker and the medical establishment has no answers. So people are taking their health into their own hands and opting for better foods/diets & lifestyles. This is why you can now find organic, keto, gluten-free, whole grain, additive-free, pasture raised, grass-fed, and every other kind of healthy food in every grocery store. The demand for such foods is very high now so it's marketed everywhere. Yet people, by and large, are still getting sicker. That's because these same people are being exposed to EMF and most also accept vaccinations. We're also exposed daily to pesticides, plus other man-made toxins, but these are less impactful on a global basis than EMF & vaccines. I think not. See HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.
Either it's a euphemism for 'it doesn't work' or that they simply got caught adding unlabeled ingredients in the vaccine that aren't supposed to be there.
I read the explanation for smallpox in this site you posted. http://vaxinfostarthere.com/did-vaccines-save-us/ It does make sense provided the data are true. It doesn't seem consistent with the eradication of smallpox that was supposedly carried out out the seventies though. http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?threads/do-viruses-exist.582791/page-2#post-1073943781 It looks like they were dealing with some kind of microbe. Do you have any info on that?
Proving that you have not the slightest clue what it means. The trufer lie. The tactic of clumping together all your garbage "evidence", failed claims, third-party accounts from antivaxxers. You did mention it and it is a major piece of proven deception. The serial forum spammer got his backside handed to him when he cited it. Who the hell gives you this crap? Looks like a trufer has hijacked the title of the summit hosted by Biden and built a website. WHO Director-General's live speech at 2nd Global COVID Summit – 12 May 2022 It doesn't prove your claim anyway. VAERS merely logs adverse events whether they relate to the vaccine or not. Statisticians work with the data to see if there is genuine correlation and then seek to establish causation. Again a mind-numbingly obvious thing that doesn't mean what you think it means! Atypical reactions most definitely point to coincidence. And before we get the huffing and puffing about how many coincidences, the atypical responses closely correlate with normal figures. Trufer statistics. There is a very strong reason why VAERS became so popular. Firstly this was a damn PANDEMIC, instructions were given for its use and the media highly publicized it! And 27,320 cases of WHAT! A genuinely concerned person would seek out figures for a number of things. How many Covid-19 vaccines administered worldwide in that same period? Specifically what ailments? How do these ailments change according to their normal occurrence? Are there significant numbers for any batch? etc. etc. What you do, and what you all do with total ignorance is to attribute causation and correlation when none exist. The idiotic "LOL". How would you describe 0.015966% ? A complete lie again! You trufers sure know how to be untruthful don't you. Of course it is not ok for anyone to get a negative reaction from a vaccine. But the massive majority of the reactions are localized pain, swelling and flu-like symptoms. And like a dishonest trufer you suggest "millions" injured or dead! Notable that you claimed the TOTAL was just shy of 1.5 million! That's the thing with an open plan data gathering system. Unreliable. Yet, it's the trufer goto bullshit extractor. I have no doubt that the number is massively larger with 99% of the people thinking their sore arm is not worth reporting. Just like me! LYING about deaths. Citing batshit - dismissed. ZERO credibility. Did this batshit already. By a trufer website? And of course none of these sources would ever lie about their content to get views! Follow ups?! The covid-19 pandemic is not eradicated - it is utterly moronic to attribute any subsequent illness to the vaccine. Correct. It would be moronic. Pathetic. Do you research this bullshit yourself or just ignorantly parrot it? "Conclusion: VAED may present as severe or unusual clinical manifestations of COVID-19. Overall, there were 37 subjects with suspected COVID-19 and 101 subjects with confirmed COVID-19 following one or both doses of the vaccine; 75 of the 101 cases were severe, resulting in hospitalisation, disability, life-threatening consequences or death. None of the 75 cases could be definitively considered as VAED/VAERD." I saw a totally useless assessment of the paper. I suspect you are just parroting batshit. Ivermectin batshit. The doctor talks about treating the VIRUS! Another expert who contradicts your batshit claim about viruses. The vaccine makers aren't responsible for VAERS reporting. You're obviously not informed about anything not batshit.
You say that no matter how silly your argument is. The viewers can look at the info I posted and decide for themselves. http://www.politicalforum.com/index...rlds-population.602347/page-5#post-1074032715 Spam is unwanted emails. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spamming The pro-official version camp has co-opted the word "spam" to describe info posted by the other side on forums. When we post alternative info, they say we're spamming.
You had your ass handed to you and as always are too cowardly to admit it, or most likely too clueless to actually understand. The regular cut and paste spam statement, the appeal to imaginary viewers! Only fellow followers of batshit will maybe agree with you. You are a serial forum spammer who has been banned from over 100 websites/forums for posting identical cut and paste crap. You dump link after link after link with zero checking or analysis. You never once admit your multiple failures, move on to the next forum and post the same crap again. PATHETIC. The term is used to describe someone who dumps the same crap duplicated across hundreds of forums. That's you. "We"? No, just you around these parts. You just repeat the same debunked crap over and over. Twenty years doing the same crazy bullshit - that's borderline insanity.
This is the only way I know to get around the censorshjip in the mainstream media*. Of course you're going to call it crap. You're on the official version side. The viewers don't need you to tell them how to judge the stuff I post. They can decide for themselves. To see the kind of stuff he's referring to, check out my posts in this section. http://politicalforum.com/index.php?forums/conspiracy-theories.63/ * http://politicalforum.com/index.php...at-the-lies-furiously.583345/#post-1072353798
If the vaccines are causing great harm & a great many deaths, we should see this being revealed from all walks of life—from normal individuals & families to the highest professions & govt agencies, and on a global level. And that's exactly what we see. The weight of the evidence (even without VAERS data) is overwhelming. And no, most of the victims are not anti-vax (not that that matters). Most are/were pro-vax (even vax zealots). Most of the physicians & medical scientists are also prov-vax, but are alarmed by what the covid vaccines are doing to people, and in such a short time (as opposed to prior vaccines which tend more to have latent AEs). Just a small sampling of the millions afflicted with injury or death by the covid vax: * Huge list of pro-vax & vax zealots who were injured or died after getting jabbed. Some (including celebrities) even expressed rabid belligerence towards anti-vaxxers/vax skeptics. * 80 Canadian MDs “boosted” & died. * A collection of celebrities who have been killed or injured by the jab. * Pfizer trials: All injected mothers lost their unborn babies. * Captain Alan Dana reports on some of the recent scary events involving covid “vaccine” poisoned pilots. More HERE and HERE. Plus, the FAA now mandates that no pilot can fly for at least 48 hours after each dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Novavax, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. * 1750 athlete cardiac arrests or serious issues, 1214 of them dead, since the jab. * List of people who had their limbs amputated shortly after the jab. * More deaths & injuries, including many children. More HERE and HERE. * Vaccinated residents die in COVID cluster at Kansas nursing home with low staff vaccination rate. (This is a typical example of blaming vaccine AEs/deaths on 'covid' to give the appearance that the vaccine is both 'safe & effective', and is how ALL vaccines in the past were made to appear against other 'epidemics'.) And here again they're blaming the rise in nursing home deaths in the US not on the vaccine, but this time on the 'omicron wave'. And here's one dated FEB 2023: New AARP data: Spike in Virginia nursing home COVID cases and deaths last month. (Hmm...Let's think about that. The claim is that the vaccines are 'effective'. But obviously they're not effective if the deaths were due to 'covid'. So what's the culprit? Well, since there's no virus, the vaccines must be the cause of the spike in deaths since vaccinations are the only thing different that we can account for.) * Site: Real Not Rare - a platform where the vax victims & injured share their stories (with pics & videos). * Site: React19 - more stories of loss, grief & injury caused by the vaccine. * There's much more similar stuff from international sources, but it'll make this post too long. Further info: * "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome is now the most common cause of death in Alberta on a death certificate,” says Dr Roger Hodkinson. * Official figures show Fully Vaccinated accounted for 82% of Covid-19 Deaths & 66% of Hospitalizations in England during the past month. * Top cardiologist ties 'unexpected' deaths & collapses to COVID shot. * (video) Dr. John Campbell: Excess Deaths Continue. * (video) It's so bad that even the health agencies can no longer hide it. FDA to add warning about heart inflammation to the Moderna & Pfizer covid shots. There is tons more information I can post. But can you not see the writing on the wall by now? This info may surprise you & many others, but not me because I've known about the issues concerning 'virology' and vaccines since the HIV/AIDS hoax. I knew the HIV scam would fizzle out. And it did. And now as the covid scam is fizzling out the health agencies & big pharma need to do something desperately to keep it going—especially now as massive numbers of people are beginning to awaken to the truth about vaccines (but much more slowly about viruses). In pursuing their agenda, I can see that, for the elites, running a 'pandemic' scam is far more lucrative, more global, less messy, less costly, and a longer lasting scam than fighting wars. So expect much more of this. They'll continue to milk this covid hoax as long as they can (like they're still doing with 'HIV medications') because they don't want you to stop taking the jabs. They'll probably even tell you the jab's 'protection' only lasts a few months to get you to take the shot several times a year, forever. And, they'll keep fabricating more 'variants', plus dig up older fake 'epidemics' like swine flu, bird flu, etc. and tell you that these may 'jump' to humans. It's so easy to read these 'elites' because they have a one-track mind—greed for money/power. I suspect that, even with the mountain of data & supporting evidence, you'll be in denial since you've been jabbed, and are angry at having been duped by the corrupt medical industry & the corrupt CDC/NIH/FDA/WHO/etc.—and perhaps even concerned about the very real possibility that it could cause you great harm later or at any time. With that said, I don't wish you ill. I hope you don't become sick, and hope you (and your family) live a healthy productive life despite the vax. I'm here to warn those people who haven't yet gotten the jab, and to warn against the acceptance of ANY vaccine now or in the future if they care at all about their health. My warning is not for those who have already been jabbed, but I'd certainly advise against getting any 'boosters' or further vaccinations. Once you get the covid jab, there are no second chances. How is it deception if it's true? Some advice: If you wish to appear credible, then you may not want to cite the WHO (or the CDC, NIH, etc.) or any other elite/corporate-run organization or agency as a source for truth, especially with this ridiculous speech by the Dir. General. These so-called 'health' organizations/agencies only tell a small truth when they can no longer hide the whole truth. It's just the same stupid narrative pushing for dangerous (and very lucrative) vaccines & 'pandemic interventions', as well as further restrictions on freedom, and all with still ZERO evidence of a virus. The elites have been using this shtick since the early days of vaccines. Do you not know your history? LOL - You don't need to be a statistician to see that the huge spike in AEs coincides perfectly with the role out of covid vaccines. Did you not listen to bio-statistician Dr. Jessica Rose (in my previous post) who exposes how VAERS manipulates its data & how data is severely under-reported. Did you even know that vaccine deaths are being hidden, suppressed & falsely reported by most doctors/clinics? See HERE also. Anyway, Dr. Rose's conservative estimate is based on a careful analysis of the data is that the events recorded in VAERS should be multiplied by X41. Abstract: Analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database can be used to estimate the number of excess deaths caused by the COVID vaccines. A simple analysis shows that it is likely that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the current COVID vaccines as of Aug 28, 2021. (Another bio-statistician you should keep in mind is Christine Massey. Through FOIA requests she reveals that over 200 health/science institutions around the world have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification. Just more evidence that the virus doesn't exist.) The CDC has even acknowledged reports of long-lasting debilitating illnesses after the covid jab. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials are aware of reports of long-lasting problems following COVID-19 vaccination, an official recently disclosed. “With respect to reports of people experiencing debilitating illnesses, we are aware of these reports of people experiencing long-lasting health problems following COVID vaccination,” Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, director of the CDC’s Immunization Safety Office, said on Jan. 26. Shimabukuro was speaking during a Jan. 26 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) meeting that discussed COVID-19 vaccine safety and effectiveness. Dr. Hayley Gans, a pediatrics professor at Stanford University Medical Center, had asked how federal authorities were tracking problems that have cropped up after vaccination and might not be “amenable” to rapid cycle analysis, or one way of monitoring vaccine safety. Shimabukuro’s comments are unusual among federal officials, who have been reluctant to connect adverse events with the COVID-19 vaccines. U.S. officials have only acknowledged a handful of serious adverse events as being caused by one or more COVID-19 vaccines. Will the CDC do anything about it? Nope! They're in bed with big pharma. In fact, documents show that the CDC even knowingly left serious adverse events off post-vaccination (V-Safe) surveys. The 'correlation is not causation' reubuttal is thus the only defense the CDC/FDA/WHO and big pharma have. That's why these agencies refuse to follow up the reports with govt-funded medical & pathological examinations, autopsies, confirmation of medical records, and interviews (which should be their job if they're really looking out for the people & wish to know the causes). And, for now, let's ignore the fact that viruses don't exist, which makes the very use of vaccines itself a stupid & dangerous thing. Finally, to get a truer picture of what's going on, you can't just look at the VAERS numbers without also looking at real-world events & data. When you take into account everything going on (that I listed in my previous post), the VAERS data is not even essential. Clinical data, death data, and pathology lab data are more important & revealing. Plus, the anecdotal stories/events shared in social media lend additional useful information because these are real experiences/events, and need to be seriously considered. 'Atypical reactions' = vaccine AEs What about context? What about the fact that the sudden spike in 'AEs'/deaths perfectly coincided with the administration of vaccines? What about the multitude of supporting data & events listed earlier? What about the fact that vaccine ingredients are documented to be toxic, and have historically been observed to have caused permanent injury/deaths & epidemics in cultures worldwide that were once healthy & epidemic-free? If you don't know history, you won't know where first to look. If it's 'atypical', then it's not 'normal'. So, after getting the jab, you think that blood clots, paralysis, diabetes Type 1, stroke, cardiac arrest & myocarditis, dementia, cancer, necrosis, et al. are 'normal'? But of course you do—because you believe the vaccines are 'safe & effective'.
No, VAERS was never 'highly publicized' by the media except in their poor debunking/fact-checking efforts on google & youtube. When was the last time you heard about VAERS on MSM news? That's why most people aren't even aware of it, and also why it's severely under-reported. However, those who became severely injured or had family/friends that died post-vax may have found out about VAERS in their attempt to look for answers (eg, through social media, health sites, friends, etc.). Besides, why would the corporate-controlled media want you to know about VAERS? AEs. You can look up each case, and VAERS will categorize them (including deaths) for you too. How do you know 'none' exists? On what basis do you make that argument? How many Covid-19 vaccines administered worldwide in that same period? [Yeah, how many? We can assume not all doses distributed were actually administered. Plus millions of doses were recalled. Plus millions of doses were canceled. Plus some state govt's placed a moratorium on the vaccines due to AEs/deaths. Plus factor in the 1% under-reporting. All these factors would lessen the number of total doses administered and thus increase the AEs/doses percentage.] Specifically what ailments? [All ailments are listed in the case reports.] How do these ailments change according to their normal occurrence? [We're looking for sudden and/or unusual health conditions arising PM (post-market), including exasperation of any pre-existing condition(s).] Are there significant numbers for any batch? [I believe you can look at specific categorized AEs per vaccine brand and see for yourself which brand produces more of a specific type of AE.] etc. etc Of course even if this figure were accurate (which it isn't) it would still equate to a huge number of AEs. So we need more info: * Which vaccine (Pfizer, AZ, Moderna, JJ)? * Is this for the US or globally? (Note: Different countries use different vaccines.) * How many doses actually administered vs shipped/distributed, recalled, and canceled? * Of the administered doses, how many received multiple doses, and how many doses did each of the repeats receive? * And don't forget to account for the 1-10% under-reporting. And let's not forget that these are tentative, short-term figures. We don't yet know the long-term effects of covid vaccines like cancer, autoimmune disorders, Alzheimer's/dementia, Parkinson's/ALS/fibromyalgia/other neurological disease, kidney failure, etc. In terms of deaths, recall that bio-statistician, Dr. Jessica Rose, used the following methodology: Source: file:///C:/Users/user2/Downloads/CDC-2021-0089-0024_attachment_1-1.pdf The VAERS database can be used to estimate the number of deaths caused by the COVID vaccines using the following method: 1. Determine the significant adverse event under-reporting multiplier by using a known significant adverse event rate 2. Determine the number of US deaths reported into VAERS 3. Determine the propensity to report significant adverse events this year 4. Estimate the number of excess deaths using these numbers 5. Validate the result using independent methods Localized pain, swelling & flu-like symptoms predominate the AE list because they commonly occur as an initial/common AE (ie, prior to more serious AEs), and they can occur concurrent to severe AEs. So of course the more minor AEs will be the most commonly reported. Often people will report multiple symptoms, not just one. Recall that Dr. Rose's & Dr. Denis Rancourt's analysis came up with a conservative figure of around 13 million deaths. My hunch is that it's a far greater number because most doctors & coroners still will not attribute a person's death to a vaccine, no matter if it was taken a few hours or days ago, or a few months or years ago. This we can understand because they're not looking for it for the very reason that they don't know what to look for, nor are they trained to look for it. They'll simply make a judgement based on current symptoms or pre-existing conditions (if any). Only a pathologist (like Dr. Ryan Cole, et al.) knows what to look for. What '1.5 million' figure are you talking about?
It's as reliable as we can get considering that we're dealing with powerful, nefarious govt agencies working in tandem with the medical establishment to bury, distort, and manipulate data, as well as spread its propaganda far & wide through every media outlet & educational institute. But it still gives us a good picture of how harmful the covid vaccines are. And this is backed up by multiple real-world sources as well. I hope, for your sake, that a sore arm is ALL that you will experience. I've looked at the efforts by big pharma/CDC to debunk the embalmers & funeral directors. They never address the fact that the blood clots are not the usual commonly found blood clots found in cadavers, nor do they demonstrate that they themselves have found similar clots (though they claim to have seen them frequently), nor do they demonstrate that embalming fluid can produce such clotting (though they claim that it does). Embalmers are also taking longer to embalm a body because they're constantly having to remove the thick rubbery clots. Also, pathologists have found the same material which they say they've never seen before. Plus, physicians are finding the same material in living patients (which they have to remove to save having to amputate a limb, often unsuccessfully). To get views? LOL Yeah, sure. These sites are all evil & looking to make money, while big pharma are little angels. Funny I never see any adverts on Medalerts. Nothing but useful & important data/info. It seems that the more money a site can draw the more truthful they are to you, eh? What pandemic are you talking about? I see people continuing to get sick & dying from vaccines, EMF, and man-made toxins. Where's the 'infectious' microorganism that's supposed to be killing everyone? Where the unicorns roam? It would not be moronic. It would be prudent. Though it would be moronic if you wanted to increase one's revenue from vaccines. LOL - Again they're duping you by attributing any severe VAEDs to 'covid-19', exactly what doctors, clinic, and the CDC/FDA are doing. Sounds so 'scientific' except for one problem. There's NO VIRUS! So what does this mean? It means the VAEDs/VAERDs are most likely due to the vaccines. Also did you notice the N=42,086? You think that's normal for a 3-month trial period? And why did Pfizer redact the total doses??? Seems a bit suspicious. And why did was a court order necessary to have this document released in the first place? Even more suspicious. Obviously they're wanting to hide something, which isn't surprising. Afterall, this is Pfizer we're talking about, one of the most corrupt corporations ever with a long history of having to pay out billions in lawsuits. You mean like you parrot the FDA/CDC/WHO/govt's narrative without knowing what they're even talking about, let alone that they're lying? Ivermectin works, but not against any virus, because there's NO virus. Ivermectin is very well tolerated, has been around for decades, and has multiple health benefits—particularly as an anti-inflammatory. That's why it works so well for different health issues. And yes, the doctor believes the virus exists, like most do, which I stated earlier. But at least he's smart enough to know when a vaccine is dangerous (it's about time!). Duh! I know that. I said 'vaccine makers' because there's little difference between the govt's health 'regulatory' agencies and big pharma/medical establishment. The health agencies pretend to act as trustful overseers of the corporations, but are actually working as a team. It's well known that corporations are a revolving door for top govt officials. Corporations love them because they have connections & know the ins and outs of how government oversight & regulatory processes work. Former FDA Commissioner, Scott Gottlieb, currently sits on Pfizer's board. What does that tell you?