The genocide of the fighting American Pit Bull Terrier

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Kabuki Joe, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. Kabuki Joe

    Kabuki Joe New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    ...this is painful for me to watch because of my admiration for thing the general public doesn't seem to understand about pitblls is they are just dogs...even the ones that are "combat bred"; they like to be pet, they like belly rubs, they like sitting on the couch watching TV, and they like playing fetch...just a dog with a different use...this tape is from a bust a few years ago but it's just plain sad seeing what has become of our society and pitbulls...this is just one of many "situations" that have happened over the last 20 years with reguard to pitbulls with the end result of hundreds and hundreds of pitbulls needlessly put down out of fear...pitbullphobia...
  2. custer

    custer New Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Hide your beagle,

    Vick's an Eagle
  3. countryboy

    countryboy Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Statistics say otherwise. Yes, they often behave like any other dog, right up to the point when they attack and kill someone. Unfortunately, I have personal experience with this, so I admit to having a biased opinion. I also admit, it's not the breeds fault.

    Oh and please don't play the, "it's how they're raised" card. In my case, this is totally untrue. Though again, I will admit it can play a role. This is true of any breed.
  4. Kabuki Joe

    Kabuki Joe New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    0 first experience with a pitbull was a guy that hung kittens in a pillow case and let his dogs have at it, he said the dogs needed to taste blood and he let his dog hump the legs of people that were visiting his I got to know more and more "dogmen" (dogfighters as most people know them) this was not something these guys agreed with and even frowned upon...there are things people learn from the media that is outright dishonest and made to vilify dogfighters...I have never met a dogman that didn't have a problem with his dogs biting people or used animals (stray dogs, neighborhood dogs or cats) to train his dogs to fight...these are all falicies that the anti-dog fighting lobyiests use to "horrify" joe public into allowing the slaughter of pitbulls...2 things need to be clear, #1 pitbulls need to be kept the same way as guns under lock and key and #2 people aggresive pitbulls should be put down (in my opinion) or at the very least not allowed contact with people so we don't have accidents...killing off pitbulls by these supposed Humane Organizations is outright hypocritical...

    Kabuki Joe

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