The IEA Parade Their Ignorance

Discussion in 'Science' started by Jack Hays, Apr 28, 2024.

  1. Jack Hays

    Jack Hays Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 3, 2020
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    Forrest Gump's mother famously advised: "Stupid is as stupid does." Here we have a fine example from the International Energy Agency. Their "report" on battery storage of energy is an innumerate screed that would be humorous if it were not so dangerous. The appropriate response is ridicule.

    A Shockingly Inept Report From The IEA On Battery Storage Of Energy

    April 27, 2024/ Francis Menton

    • In my self-designated role critiquing various schemes for total transformation of the world energy system, I get to review large amounts of poor, shoddy, and incompetent work. When people get into advocating for this “energy transition,” the stars regularly align to bring forth the most extreme levels of ineptitude.

    • Start with the fact that the “smartest” people are filled with arrogance and hubris, but are not actually very smart. Add that many innumerate Politics and English majors have flooded into a field that cries out for engineering calculations. Add too that groupthink and orthodoxy enforcement prevent anyone from pointing out obvious flaws. And then throw in a strong dose of religious zealotry that obstructs the intrusion of anything resembling critical thinking. All in all, it’s a prescription for catastrophe.

    • But in a field rife with bad, worse, still worse, and even dangerously incompetent work, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anything as shockingly inept as the Report just out from the International Energy Agency with the title “Batteries and Secure Energy Transitions.”
    Mushroom likes this.
  2. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    To be honest, it always bothers the hell out of me when "scientists" get political. And I do not care which political spectrum or cause they support, it always leads to the same thing. Shoddy work that is inherently biased and should largely be discarded.

    And like you, I now largely consider those pushing such beliefs more as a religion than actual science. Complete with attacking any who they think opposes them in any way, except they use "deniers" instead of "heretics" as their term of choice.
    Sunsettommy and Jack Hays like this.

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