The Income Tax is the Villain

Discussion in 'Budget & Taxes' started by Flanders, Jun 29, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Before Hillarycare II was rammed through Congress Democrats told horror stories about people without coverage. Now, Democrats are telling happy stories about people who owe life and limb to the healthcare bill. In both cases the same millions were either victims or beneficiaries —— “millions” is the number Democrats want credit for saving. I guess that shows their culture of death isn’t so bad after all.

    I’m not going to waste my time listening to pundits telling me what the bill means. I’ll wait a few weeks to find out if the High Court dealt with the items I want to cover. I’ve selected a half dozen that I think are important enough to merit discussion apart from the rest. Not enough was said about them before or since the bill was passed. I’m pretty sure nobody is going to discuss them on the talk shows now that judges gave Democrats what they wanted by calling it constitutional.

    1. Affirmative action.

    Affirmative action was always an integral part of imposing socialized medicine on the country. Keeping your own doctor is one of the biggest lies Hussein & Company told in order to sell Hillarycare II. The fact is the government is now a giant, constitutionally-approved, HMO. If your doctor retires, or if you have to see a doctor for the first time for any reason, you take the doctor the government tells you to take —— PERIOD. That includes specialists that you or your minor children might need.

    2. Funding Hussein’s Ready Reserve Corps.

    Not only will parasites pour into the healthcare industry, it is anybody’s guess as to how many hate-filled street punks, drug addicts, and perverts will be given GUNS and government incomes when they sign up with the Ready Reserve Corps.

    It is in the healthcare bill:

    Obama's Private Militia, Student Loans, Nuclear Arsenals
    Today’s New Atrocity: The Beginning of USA Disarmament
    By Sher Zieve Friday, March 26, 2010

    Hussein’s Ready Reserve Corps was designed to be a para-military force before it found its way into the healthcare bill. Originally, Hussein called for a civilian national security force. In a speech on July 2, 2008 then-Senator Obama said:

    Hussein’s three prerequisites necessitate well-trained if the Ready Reserve Corps is going to carry out his agenda although he failed to include that little detail. National security was the hook he used to get the Ready Reserve Corps up and running. The healthcare bill gave him the personal goon squad he wanted all along. The Supreme Court put its imprimatur on it.

    3. Universal coverage.

    When Democrats were trying to sell the bill they said that every American would be covered. At the time there were supposedly 40 million uninsured Americans. After Hussein signed the bill it turned out there were 12 or so million who were still not covered. You’d have to be a fool not to know that there will always be millions in need of coverage. So long as there are millions without insurance the parasites can use the same story to keep coming back for more.

    4. Funding abortions.

    Does Obamacare Fund Abortion? Let Us Count the Ways.
    By Steven W. Mosher Weekly Briefing: 2010 (v12)

    Here’s how it’s being done:

    Obama Admin Finalizes Rules: $1 Abortion Surcharge in
    ObamaCare by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | | 3/12/12 7:11 PM

    5. Death panels.

    The death panels that Hussein & Company swore were not in the bill are now securely wrapped in the Constitution.

    Supreme Court decisions are supposed to clarify but more often than not they obfuscate. Upholding the healthcare law decision is an exception in that it did make two things clear; 1) social legislation is about the government’s Right to kill; 2) expanding the size and power of the parasite class. Everything else is misdirection.

    NOTE: Long before death panels came along, seven lawyers on the Supreme Court began the killing when they decided infanticide was lawful. Government killing will only expand from here on.

    6. Illegal aliens get free medical care.

    Tax dollars paying for abortions and free medical care for illegals were not supposed to be in the bill:

    Obama DID Lie: Obamacare Now Paying for Illegal Immigrants
    Written By : Warner Todd Huston

    Aside from the tax, will anything else in Hillarycare II help bring about repeal? Or will it come down to simply repealing one specific tax? which is how the Court defined the individual mandate. I don’t know the answer. Alas, imposing a tax appears to be a lot easier than is repealing one.

    NOTE: If it’s about taxes the healthcare law could trigger a move to repeal the Income Tax Amendment. In that sense upholding the government’s Right to tax is a blessing in disguise. None of the garbage the parasite class gets away with is possible without taxing the incomes of producers.

    Finally, assuming Hillarycare II will be repealed the parasite class will regroup and attack from another direction. Before that happens an amendment to the Constitution must quickly follow repeal. An amendment prohibiting the government from punishing the behavior of law-abiding citizens is the only way to stop them. Why must they be stopped from dictating behavior? The answer is in the Eric Hoffer quote following my signature.
    waltky and (deleted member) like this.
  2. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Granny says Obama's win may cost him the election...
    Analysis: Victory for Obama now, but what of election?
    28 June`12 WASHINGTON – After the health care law passed in 2010, President Obama and his aides celebrated the passage of his signature achievement with a toast on the Truman Balcony at the White House.
    See also:

    As Obama Fails Again, Voters Have Only One Choice
    6/29/12 --- Despite Democrat, Republican and media attempts to create a meaningful and controversial wedge, in practice we operate an incredibly narrow political spectrum in the U.S.
  3. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Every problem the American people have should be so easy:

    The Filibuster Won't Save Obamacare From President Romney
    By Matthew Yglesias | Posted Friday, June 29, 2012, at 8:13 AM ET

    Reconciliation orders will not matter in the fight to repeal Hillarycare II if those 21 Democrat senators who are running for reelection are swept out of office while the ten Republican seats stay Republican.

    Serendipitously, Democrats losing 21 seats should be more than enough to overcome RINO votes.
  4. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    Well they must have 51 votes in the Senate if the Democrats hold 50 or more seats its a deadlock. And Obama must not be re-elected that immediately kills any repeal outright unless by some miracle they can get the votes to override a presidential veto (not likely by a long shot). Many states have Gerrymandered districts locking in seats pretty ironclad and so what is the odds of a turnover as noted by this post, a very big long shot.

    Now the threat is they can defund the program by removing the taxes that would still leave the law largely in place and just unfunded, that leaves the general revenues to be used to do so not the taxes in the law thats all. And here are states that are jumping on board with the law and a strong minority of voters do support it you cannot ignore a possible backlash in the elections after a repeal.
  5. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To tkolter: There is no backlash involved. Those who have a vested interest in Hillarycare II are a minority to be sure. I do not know how they can be any stronger than they've been all along. In fact, you can say it was weak minority all along because Democrats had to lie like hell just to pass the bill.

    Those who want Hillarycare II repealed are the majority by far. Your backlash implies that many in the majority will change their minds after it is repealed and vote Republicans out in the midterm elections. That ain’t going to happen. In addition, conservative Republicans will get a lot of credit when they pass a few basic changes the public can support rather than pass another huge panoptic bill. One sure vote-getter in 2014 is competition in the medical insurance industry. The trick is in doing a bunch of small easily-understood laws.
  6. Reiver

    Reiver Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    The OP doesn't make much sense. This is a particularly "eh?" comment. Might want to work on that!
  7. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Granny says, "Dat's right - it ain't gonna just tax dem rich folks...
    Obama’s Middle Class ‘Tax Cut’ Would Raise Taxes by $1.3 Trillion Over Eight Years
    July 9, 2012 – The policy that President Obama described Monday as a middle-class tax cut would result in taxpayers paying nearly $1.3 trillion more over an eight-year period than they would have under his previous proposal, according to Congressional Budget Office figures.
    See also:

    Obama Proposal Increases Tax Rates for All Income Brackets by 2014
    July 9, 2012 – President Barack Obama today proposed allowing the income tax rates enacted in the Bush tax cuts of the last decade to expire at the end of this year for people earning more than $250,000 and at the end of next year for everyone else.

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