The Master Plan

Discussion in 'Environment & Conservation' started by Flanders, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Think of the media as a dam holding back opposition to global government. As strong as the dam is —— it cannot stop the truth about environmental lies and scare tactics from spilling over the top. Should the day ever come when the MSM reports dam-buster stories like the one Judi McLeod published yesterday on her Canada Free Press website the New World Order crowd will be washed away.

    I have one thing to add to this bit of history about the United Nations:

    I have to wonder if the Rockefellers & Company had a complete plan for global government even before they donated the land to the United Nations; even before the United Nations succeeded the League of Nations. My favorite quotation that I’ve posted many times over the years indicates they did:

    New York Times Publishes Hit Piece Against US Constitution As FBI Demonizes Everyday Americans As Possible Terrorists
    The Intel Hub News Brief
    February 7, 2012

    Note that in the early 1950s the United Nations was in its infancy when the press agreed to build the dam I analogized in the opening paragraph.

    Obviously, the environmental movement came along later and had to be added to the master plan. And what an addition it’s been. All of the nuclear war scare tactics UN proponents tried before environmental garbage came along in the 1960s failed to convince Americans to surrender their liberties to global government.

    Most Americans still will not surrender their country, but many millions were led down the garden path to global government because of the never-ending stream of environmental lies. Interestingly, those same environmental wack jobs believe that every reference to Rockefeller’s “. . . march towards a world government.” is nothing more than Henny Penny shouting the sky is falling down. Yet when a UN secretary-general tells them mankind is doomed unless everyone obeys the UN they don’t see him as Henny Penny on steroids.

    The Dark Empire of the United Nations
    Judi McLeod Thursday, June 7, 2012

    The United Nations, which continues uninterrupted to promote itself as the world’s infallible, fuzzy warm blanket is, in reality, a fetid swamp with everything that grows there poisonous to the outside world.

    Its original homestead was an abattoir where the squeals of animals being led to slaughter could be heard on a piece of land donated by the Rockefellers

    When the League of Nations collapsed in 1939, its heir apparent the UN sold the entire world a bill of goods. It grew like the proverbial Topsy to become bureaucracy on steroids and by the time anyone realized it, it was already too late.

    Well hidden under the spin of altruism, the United Nations now dominates most facets of everyday human life.

    Aside from sporadic reports of the inordinate amount of rapes carried out by UN Peace Keepers in Africa and the Oil for Food scandal, many perpetrators of which were never brought to justice, what has the UN ever done to improve the world besides talk about saving it?

    When tens of thousands of UN delegates gathered in Johannesburg in 2002 for the World Summit on Sustainable Development, they dined on steak and lobster washed down with fine wines, as just a few miles away thirsty children lined up at the area’s only water spigot.

    UN poohbahs like the Canadian-born Maurice Strong were never called on the mumbo jumbo that surrounded the well touted Earth Summit, more formally known as the UN Convention on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, in 1992, where Strong’s new age wife Hanne “maintained a drum beat with Mother Earth” while her husband and others worked to rearrange the world as we all know it.

    The mumbo jumbo continued into 1997 when Strong consorted with former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev to replace the Ten Commandments with the’ UN Earth Charter’.

    Although it defies belief, their jointly authored Earth Charter is carried around in an ornately decorated wooden chest called the Ark of Hope as if it were the Magna Carta or some other cherished antiquity.

    The Ark of Hope is touted as a “magnificent large sycamore chest, which was conceived as a visual message of peace, sustainability and concern for the Earth.” (Only the holier-than-thou UN has “concern for the earth.”)

    The Ark which carries Gorby’s and Strong’s sanctimonious Earth Charter, is categorized as an “international peoples’ treaty”, need of which was foreseen and initiated at the Rio summit. At last count, the Ark was being carried as a Show & Tell item into New York City classrooms.

    And now comes this month’s June 21 UN-sponsored Rio + 20 Summit Conference on Sustainable Development—main goal of which is for industrial countries, led by the U.S. to pony up for an outrageously expensive transfer of technology and funds to the developing world.

    UN officials are looking for a way to radically overhaul the world economy and usher in “global environmental governance”.

    Even before the summit kicks off, the UN spent $2.8 million on bringing together 80 (count ‘em) participants, including “senior officials from relevant ministries”, representatives of business, labor, indigenous people, farmers, “youth” and “women”, among others, along with parliamentarians and media from May 15 to 17 in Dakar, Senegal.

    The deranged style of the UN as a bureaucracy gone wild is apparent in their recently appointing megalomaniac Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe as its head of World Tourism.

    The UN has been on a roll since the election of Barack Obama as president.

    As Saman Mohammadi wrote for Infowars on May 19, “Obama is not an “American” president; he is a United Nations president.”

    The UN expectations, which know no bounds, are tied to September 2009 when Obama became the “first-ever” U.S. president to chair the United Nations’ 15-member Security Council.” (Source: NBC Chicago). And as Mohammadi writes, “That was only the beginning. Obama is probably being primed to be the first United Nations president, since he is obviously not a legitimate and legal American president.”

    Maurice Strong, former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, and current Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, among others, have all been tailored from the same cloth. They all want One World Government and will spend the US broke getting there.

    Meanwhile down through the ages empires have come and gone. If the Empire of the United Nations should fall, it would be the world’s best chance for the survival of its peoples.
  2. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    I do not have enough words to tell you how gratifying it is to post good news in the fight against the United Nations. Not only is the news out of Alabama superlative, it ties the EPA to the UN:

    Alabama’s Senate Bill 477 identifying the EPA as a United Nations bureaucracy is the only way the news would have been better. Ever the optimist, I believe that similar legislation in other states will include the obvious in their laws.

    Alabama Bans U.N. Agenda 21 Sovereignty Surrender
    Posted 06/07/2012 07:03 PM ET

    Property Rights: Few have heard of Agenda 21, the U.N. plan for sustainable development that tosses property rights aside. But Alabama has, and it recently secured a victory as important as that over union power in Wisconsin.

    After Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's stunning triumph over the excesses and abuses of public-sector unions, the London Telegraph's James Delingpole, an indefatigable opponent of global warming fraud, opined in a piece titled, "How Wisconsin And Alabama Helped Save The World," that we should take note of "an equally important but perhaps less well-publicized victory won in the Alabama House and Senate over the U.N.'s malign and insidious Agenda 21."

    Agenda 21 is one of those compacts, like Law of the Sea, Kyoto and New START, that are supported by an apologetic administration with a fondness for the redistribution of American power and wealth on a local and global scale.

    It fits in perfectly with President Obama's pledge to "fundamentally transform" America, its institutions and its heritage of capitalist freedom.

    Agenda 21 has not been ratified by the U.S. Senate, but it may not have to be if in a second Obama term the Environmental Protection Agency pursues it by stealth, as it has other environmental agendas that make war on the free enterprise system and rights we hold dear.

    One of those is property rights. "Land ... cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market," Agenda 21 says.

    "Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes."

    Not liking the sound of that, Alabama recently passed Senate Bill 477 unanimously in both of its houses. The legislation bars the taking of private property in Alabama without due process and says that "Alabama and all political subdivisions may not adopt or implement policy recommendations that deliberately or inadvertently infringe or restrict private property rights without due process, as may be required by policy recommendations originating in or traceable to Agenda 21."Agenda 21 is intended to foster what environmentalists call "sustainable development" in the belief that man since the Industrial Revolution has been a plague on the planet, plundering its resources while destroying nature and putting the world at risk of disastrous climate change, poverty and disease.

    At the end of March, EPA administrator Lisa Jackson jetted off to Paris' ministerial meeting of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, as the press release put it, "to discuss the agency's international efforts on urban sustainability."

    Excuse us, but "urban sustainability" at the behest of global organizations is not what the EPA was created to do.

    Jackson will represent the U.S. at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, which will be held June 20-22 in Rio de Janeiro.

    "Specifically, in a transition to a green economy, public policies will need to be used strategically to reorient consumption, investments and other economic activities," a U.N. document describing the conference explains.

    The EPA's war on coal, its regulating carbon dioxide as a pollutant and its regulatory abuses including the use of drones to spy on American farmers are key parts of this international agenda that Jackson says "is the rarest of opportunities to truly change the world. ... It means working together to strengthen the effectiveness of environmental governance."

    We don't need "environmental governance," just a governance of, by and for the people of the United States.

    Nor do we need to "reorient" our consumption and economic activities.

    Alabama has just told the U.N. and the EPA what they need to be told — don't tread on us.
  3. friendofcoal

    friendofcoal New Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    Amen. I live in coal country, the EPA is tearing our jobs and economy down so fast, we are left spinning. They have the "green" people convinced that the electric plants are killing them with lung cancer and pollutants...YET if they are trying to protect them, you would think they would have made smoking against the law first??? See if they would go for that...and they are not putting regulations out to control the pollution, they are putting out impossible regulations so fast that there is no alternative for the coal and steel plants, or the electric companies. They are forcing businesses out and going to control our energy and electricity....we are losing jobs and the electric bills are suppose to skyrocket trying to keep up with all the impossible regulations, and when they can't produce enough electricity for everyone without coal, and there is a shortage...what's it going to be then....REGULATED by the government, handed out. We will own and control NOTHING soon. The economy is collapsing and the anwser to everything is to "save the planet". I am astounded that the American people fall for anything the EPA is disgusting!
  4. Elmer Fudd

    Elmer Fudd New Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    Ya'll are Welcome !!

    continuous_miner_and_operator-4.jpg elmer flag.jpg

    -Alabama Coal Miner
  5. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To friendofcoal: Excellent points. I would add they can’t make smoking illegal because too many states rely upon cigarette taxes to fund programs with so-called sin taxes.

    Incidentally, long before the EPA was created America’s merchant fleet was the first major industry that was outsourced through a series of laws. Inevitably, shipbuilding followed the merchant fleet.

    There has not been one major shipyard building ocean-going merchant vessels in this country for decades. Think about what that did to steel production and coal! More importantly, think about the ripple effect the loss of those two major industries had on creating today’s economy, the trade imbalance, exports & imports, foreign debt, and American jobs. They are all connected.

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