The mind on emotional wavelength by information it receives

Discussion in 'Science' started by Xanadu, May 29, 2015.

  1. Xanadu

    Xanadu New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Even when an answer or new idea is very clear the mind won't compute that information. It is because the mind (in most people) is at a certain emotional wavelength and emotional level at the same time as well.
    When nearly an entire society is on the (approx.) same emotional wavelength, hardly anyone in that society will compute new information, the new information sits on a different emotional wavelength and is not accepted by the mind (this proofs how powerful the human mind is, and thus vulnerable at the same time) The human mind communicates and computes by way of emotion only.

    But a very small minority can receive new information and have the mind to 'tune-in', and understand that new information.
    This is why change or the things you want to see happen and that are needed are not going to happen soon, because a majority sits on another wavelength (but has to stay in that wavelength when there is chaos, else it can move out of balance too much, which can lead to yet another historical repeat)

    Every society is always on the (nearly) same wavelength (the ones in top of the system/hierarchy control the society (with media and politics a lot easier), top to bottom, it simply can't change fast. A fast change would mean yet another repeat of history (too rapidly out of balance and you are soon in the wrong state of order, or state of chaos (which will be order one day.. and the wrong (totalitarian) order will one day be chaos (or war), 'slaves' that want their freedom and their usual way of living, natural order) A too slow changing society could also mean chaos btw, because more and more people start to lose their patient, (means a rise in emotion, result is chaos, thus moving out of balance, thus wrong history approaching yet again)

    Conclusion; a society can only try to stay in balance as much as possible, and slowly (not too slow, because that will speed up imbalance) start to understand itself. And all because the mind works as an emotional tuner.

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