Without the fake PCR 'test' no Covid-1984 scamdemic would be possible. This 'test' can proof anything you want and is the foundation of all tyranic measures against former free peoples and countries. Is it a coincidence his inventor suddenly died before the scamdemic began. https://www.bitchute.com/video/yyX5k0Qq7O13/
so you think Trump used this to shut down the country? could be right, some say Trump wanted the virus to spread and the reason Trump shutdown the economy is that he knew the economy was failing, and the only way for him to inject trillions into the mega corps was to use the virus crisis to do so, if that did not work, he would blame it on the virus, win\win either way as far as Trump was concerned
He died in August, 2019, at 74 of pneumonia ... hardly "suddenly". Going to rate this another "click-bait" story.
It is painfully obvious, especially with the luxury of hindsight, that the PCR tests were the very foundation of the Plandemic/Scamdemic. Fuellmich is right, a Nuremberg 2 is in order, if only we had a panel of honest jurists.
Trump had the guy killed, No doubt about it. I know because I read it somewhere on the internet. But I really need some dramatic avatar to make the point.
If anybody had him killed, it would have been the 'little bastard' he offered to chase down. If anybody had him killed, it would have been somebody with motive. Trump was not threatened by Mullis, Fauci was, and Gallo and Baric and quite a few others.
Wow!!!! That is a powerful video interview. Thank you immensely for that. I will probably be putting that all over the place tomorrow.
Why it would be necessary to kill this guy? He was 74 years old. One of my grandfathers died of pneumonia at 60 years old.
Motive: because he utterly destroyed the most crucial aspect, the foundation of the scam--spoofed and abused PCR tests. He had already spoken out forcefully. Best get rid of him. But I'm just speculating.
I am of the belief that there is a connection to a plan to increase control over the world economy through this COVID 19 virus. There is a plus side to all of this though....... this sets up a powerful response to leaders in BigMedia and BigPharma who lean toward Malthusian Economic Theory from the supporters of President Donald J. Trump to become the nineteenth President of the Republic of the United States of America.