The truth about antifa’s secret senior soldiers. Trump is on to us, so I’m spilling the beans.

Discussion in 'Humor & Satire' started by Phyxius, Jun 10, 2020.

  1. Phyxius

    Phyxius Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2015
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    The truth about antifa is coming out. (If you’re unsure what antifa is, or if you’re not afraid of antifa, please go watch Fox News for a few hours and then return to this column with your trousers appropriately soiled.)

    President Donald Trump has accused a 75-year-old Roman Catholic peace activist critically injured by police during a recent protest in Buffalo, New York, of being an “ANTIFA provocateur.” The man was seen in a viral video approaching police like he wanted to talk and then getting pushed backward, falling and bashing his head on the sidewalk.

    The man wound up in intensive care and two officers involved in the shoving were charged with assault. At first, we here at Antifa Headquarters (I won’t tell you where it is, it’s a secret) thought we were in the clear. We thought our most valuable asset — a septuagenarian super-soldier — would not be found out.

    But then came Trump’s tweet on Tuesday: “Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur.”

    Dang, how did he find out?

    The actual president of the United States of America continued to write that the 75-year-old “was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. … I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?”

    As soon as I saw that tweet, I knew the jig is up. Trump is on to us. He knows about the scanners. He knows we’re trained to fall harder than we’re pushed. He knows we’ve successfully recruited a small army of seemingly innocent and decent seniors and dispatched them to “black out the equipment” of police officers across the nation. (The phrase “black out the equipment” doesn’t actually mean anything, which is why it’s so nefarious that we antifa types are constantly aiming our scanners at things.)

    So I’ve decided to quit and spill the beans on this secretive, radical-leftist organization. Why? Well, let’s just say it has to do with a dispute over a free T-shirt I was supposed to receive with my membership. I mean, c’mon, you don’t offer people a free shirt and then just say, “Sorry, the XL is out of stock.”

    Anyway, I’ll miss the weekly check from liberal billionaire George Soros, but it seems high time Americans learned the truth.

    For starters, antifa — short for “anti-fascist,” which is apparently a bad thing to be if you’re a Republican — is often described as a “loosely organized” collection of autonomous groups. (Again, I joined mainly for the T-shirt, a general aversion to fascists and because I find wearing black to be slimming.)

    Here’s an explanation from a Tuesday story in The Washington Post that cited people like Mark Bray, the author of “Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook” and a historian at Rutgers University: “Experts say the most common misconception is that the participants are a coherent group. Their numbers are small — though experts say the count is hard to pin down — and their organization is decentralized. In most U.S. cities, they are too small to have a visible presence. When making their most concerted effort to gather from across the nation, they’ve only reached a couple hundred. They spend most of their time not fighting or protesting, but rather tracking what neo-Nazis in their communities are doing and outing them to employees and neighbors.”

    I suppose that sounds about right. But let me tell you, for a decentralized organization, antifa sure has LONG Zoom meetings. Just last week, the morning staff meeting ran way over, thanks to disagreements over gluten-free options for the upcoming bake sale.

    I mean, I get that Keith and Tonya have strong opinions about spelt, but that was time we could’ve spent aiming our scanners at police equipment.

    The Post story also noted President Trump’s repeated fearmongering about the group: “Experts who have studied antifa say there is no evidence that the fringe, amorphous group is driving nationwide protests, and Trump hasn’t cited anything specific as he accused them of doing so. Some experts worry Trump is conflating antifa with peaceful protesters in a dangerous way for democracy.”

    Technically, that’s correct. We haven’t managed to drive nationwide protests, use computer chips provided by Microsoft’s Bill Gates to control the minds of young conservative children or generally smash fascism as relentlessly as we’d like. (Honestly, I blame part of that on the Zoom meetings. And yes, I’M TALKING ABOUT YOU, KEITH AND TONYA!!)

    But antifa’s failure to fulfill the right wing’s darkest fever dreams can be blamed largely on the group’s delay in launching its true democracy death squad, a collection of highly trained seniors who are easily injured when pushed over by law enforcement officers.

    The plan was simple: Dispatch septuagenarian and octogenarian antifa warriors to protests across the country; have them slowly and politely approach police officers in a manner conspiracy theorists would interpret as a high-tech act of “blacking out equipment”; have them get pushed by police, fall down and suffer serious injuries; while the world’s attention is on the hundreds of videos of older people being assaulted by the police, all other antifa members would be bused to rural America to burn crops and generally destroy the American way of life.

    It was a solid plan, and it probably would’ve worked if Trump hadn’t figured it out. Now it’s back to the drawing board for ol’ antifa.

    Whatever, I’m out of that group now. Fascism stinks and all, but I never forgive getting stiffed out of a T-shirt.
    Bowerbird, Sallyally and StillBlue like this.
  2. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. UN: Calling Antifa ‘Domestic Terrorists’ Undermines ‘Peaceful Assembly.’

    No problem — we’ll go with international terrorists, then.

    UN Geneva tweeted.

    Yes. Complete with the Terrorist Flag. As they murder, burn and assault, the UN has their back, or does it?

    “The United States is the #1 funder of the United Nations,” Benny Johnson tweeted. “The U.S. just recently recognized Antifa as a Terrorist Organization. The UN just sent out a Tweet in support of Antifa. Why are we funding them? [Defund the UN.]”

    And the brave UN promptly deleted the above tweet.

    The rapper ZUBY responded to the UN tweet by laughing at the idea of antifa riots described as “Peaceful assembly.” He then added, “Defund the UN.”

    ANTIFA's "peaceful assembly" is looting, vandalism, and arson across America that destroyed black lives, black livelihoods, and black monuments. Rioters damaged or destroyed roughly 700 buildings in Minneapolis alone.

    Some of those arrested for arson and throwing Molotov cocktails did indeed identify themselves with antifa. Yet UN “experts” condemned Barr’s attack on antifa as a “domestic terrorist” outfit. Say what you want about Barr, but he makes the right enemies.

    Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, the UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism did a lot of mouthing off, but, Ni Aoláin did not condemn the riots and destruction that have taken American lives and livelihoods.

    Perhaps the UN rapporteur should take a look at the buildings destroyed, the people killed, and the monuments defaced in the riots. She might want to rethink her claims that condemning antifa violence somehow constitutes an attack on the right to “peaceful assembly.”

    Secretary of State Mike "Does Not Suffer Fools Lightly" Pompeo responded to the UN’s racism investigation by condemning the UN Human Rights Council as “a haven for dictators and the democracies that indulge them.” He argued that “if the Council were serious about protecting human rights, there are plenty of legitimate needs for its attention, such as the systemic racial disparities in places like Cuba, China, and Iran.”

    While the UN’s Human Rights Council has done a little hand-wringing over China’s detention of more than one million ethnic Uyghurs in Xinjiang, it relishes berating the U.S. over the horrific death of one black man at the hands of police.

    The UN should join the U.S. in condemning antifa violence and the riots that destroyed black lives, black livelihoods, and black monuments.

    And if not, screw 'em.
  3. Phyxius

    Phyxius Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Someone just got triggered... [​IMG]
    Bowerbird and Sallyally like this.
  4. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    But you have not even watched it yet....
  5. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    BLACK LIKE MAO: Red China and Black Revolution.

    The Real History of Antifa.

    With riots and civil unrest across the United States, the president declared Antifa as a terrorist group. Predictably, the talking heads rushed out to declare that Antifa doesn’t really exist, and even if it did the president couldn’t possibly target it using that legal designation. They argue Antifa is an amorphous blob of discontents, not a functioning organization, and certainly not one which could be designated and targeted for concentrated counterterrorism enforcement.

    As usual, the Twitterati don’t know what they are talking about.

    Antifa—real name: Antifaschisitsche Aktion—was born during the street-fights of the 1932 Weimar Republic. It was founded by the Stalinist Communist Party of Germany (KPD), although various Communist “anti-fascist defense” units were associated with the KPD much earlier.

    Anti-fascist Action’s sole purpose was to help the KPD combat other political parties for control of the streets in the revolutionary politics of the rapidly failing Weimar Republic.

    They fought the Nazis, liberal parties, conservative parties, and anyone and everyone who got in their way. Antifa exists to serve as a tool of revolutionary politics in a failed (or failing) state.

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