The vaccine causes deadly blood clots.

Discussion in 'Viral/Biological' started by Scott, Dec 14, 2022.

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  1. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I'm not aware of anyone who fears these.

    A totally moronic statement.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2022
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  2. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    I'd never heard the idea that viruses didn't exist before the covid crisis. The first thing I thought when I heard it was that some public-relations firm came up with the idea in order to discredit anti-vaxxers by associating them with this idea. I haven't arrived at a firm conclusion but how can all of these pictures of viruses supposedly taken by electron microscopes be explained?
  3. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Anti-vaxxers don't have any credibility to begin with.

    And nor will you if you keep listening to batshit misinformation. But then again, how would you ever form a conclusion when you know nothing about it, you either trust the industry, the science, the sheer numbers or they are all liars and fools. It is totally moronic to even consider this as a possibility.

    I find it massively ironic that you dare to offer images as proof when you have said the following every time the same has been done to you:

    "Nothing that's fakable can be used as proof as it might be fake."

    In truth, they can't be explained as viruses do exist and the idea they don't is put about by clueless fools.
  4. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Only the billions of scared people all over the world who social distance, use PPE's, accept medical treatments, and willingly take the Vax to protect themselves against a non-existent virus.
    James California likes this.
  5. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    This is not only a good question, but a very important question.

    Before reviewing the information on the lab photos of alleged viruses, read the following to give you a general background of the pseudoscience upon which all of virology has been based on. Former German virologist Stefan Lanka writes, in summary:

    The virologists who claim that viruses cause illness refer centrally to a single publication with which they justify what they do and pass it off as scientific. This is easily recognized as insane and anti-scientific. The authors, who published these considerations on June 1, 1954, have explicitly described their observations as speculations that have been refuted in themselves and that will only be verified in the future. To this day, this future verification has not taken place, because the first author of this study, Prof. John Franklin Enders, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine on December 10, 1954. He received the Nobel Prize for another speculation within the old, in 1951 disproved "Viruses are dangerous protein-toxins" theory. The Nobel Prize had two effects: The old, disproved toxin-virus-theory got a pseudo-scientific nimbus and the new gene-virology the highest, apparently scientific honor. The new genetic virology from 1952 onward had two central basic principles: viruses that cause disease are in principle structured like phages and they would be created when cells die in the test tube after supposedly infected sample material is added to them. Enders and his colleagues, with their only publication from June 1, 1954, developed the idea that cells that die in the test tube after supposedly infected material is added would turn into viruses. This dying is simultaneously issued as isolation of the virus - because supposedly something is brought into the laboratory from outside -, and the reproduction of the suspected virus and the dying cell mass is used as a vaccine. Enders, his colleagues and all virologists overlooked - because of the Nobel Prize's blindness - that the death of the cells in the laboratory is not caused by a virus, but because the cells are unintentionally and unnoticed but systematically killed in the laboratory. By poisoning with cell-toxic antibiotics, by extreme starvation by means of withdrawal of the nutrient solution and by the addition of decomposing proteins, which release toxic metabolic products.

    In the following pdf link, you can find a detailed discussion of Dr. John Enders' work & how it laid the false groundwork upon which virology still rests. Read the section titled The Resuscitation of Virology through Nobel Prize Winner John Franklin Enders starting on page 7, and the section, "Enders and Polio".

    In 7 Steps of Virology Fraud, Stefan Lanka lists the 7 key areas that virologists fail in their attempt to scientifically demonstrate the existence of a pathogenic/infectious virus. (Read the pdf for details on each of these.)

    1. The fact of Alignment
    2. The fact of the lack of control experiments for alignment
    3. Alignment is only done by means of mental constructs
    4. Viruses have never been seen in a human/animal/plant or in liquids thereof
    5.The composition of the structures that are claimed to be viruses has never been biochemically characterized
    6. Electron microscopic images, which are output as viruses, are known typical artifacts or cell-specific structures

    CONTINUED >>>>>>
  6. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Now on to Lab Photos of 'Viruses':


    (1) Most of the pics publicly circulated are computer generated/digital artist renditions and are meaningless. So one should focus only on actual electron microscope (EM) photos (aka electron micrograph).

    (2) Logically, one would think that if viruses needed living cells to reproduce, then any tissue sample (particularly plasma, extracellular & other fluids) from a suspected infected living host should contain thousands, if not millions, of these viruses that could easily be viewed with an electron microscope. But no. We're told that the 'infected' tissue sample suspected of containing live viruses must first be 'cultured' in a lab. This is supposedly accomplished by inoculating a foreign cell line by the infected sample so that the virus can then replicate & be expelled (from the cells) in high enough concentration (as is claimed) to be viewed by an EM. And they don't use just any cell line for culturing the virus. Specific cell lines (usually African green monkey kidney/vero cells or fetal bovine serum) are chosen because of their susceptibility to the antibiotics & other chemicals added to the culture.

    (3) EM photos never show isolated 'viruses', but alleged viruses mixed in a cultured soup. It's basically a snapshot of a debris field of dead cells & dead bacteria and all their destroyed parts & metabolites. This begs the question, how do they know what is or is not a virus if they NEVER bother to physically isolate that particular suspected virus in the photo (let alone even confirm if it causes any sort of illness). Note also that anything viewed by an EM is always dead because it's done in a vacuum, so we're not looking at anything close to what would be seen in an actual living host.

    (4) And is this procedure performed by including a control? No, never, which scientifically invalidates the experiment (and is why ALL such studies to date that claim 'virus isolation' are invalid). A proper control must always be performed to confirm that the lab procedure itself is not the cause of the results seen (eg, the death of cells/cytopathic effects in the culture). To do this, a separate culture must be set up and treated identically to that of the experimental culture, with the only exception of not being inoculated by the 'infected' tissue (called the 'independent variable'). They don't do this because they know the result (cytopathic effect/CPE) will be the same in both the control & experimental groups. If a control is ever done, one must look at the 'Methods' section of the study to ensure that the control was done properly (it never is). For example, rather than simply leaving the 'infected' sample (the independent variable) out of the control culture, they will leave out an antibiotic that's in the experimental group. The antibiotic is extremely toxic to the cell line in the culture, resulting in the death of the cells (which will then be used as 'proof' that a virus is present & has killed the cells).

    (5) The EM photos of alleged viruses that look like cylinders with spindly legs (like a rocket) are bacteriophages, which means 'eater of bacteria'. They are not at all 'eaters' nor destroyers of bacteria, but rather marine phages. They are large and look like a stick with a polygonal ball on the end of it. Animal phages do not look anything like these, nor are they anywhere near the size of marine phages. And former German virologist Stefan Lanka should know. He discovered marine phages (aka 'giant viruses') himself and found them to be not only harmless, but symbiotes with marine plants (like kelp). Lanka states: "In 1987, as a young student of biology I isolated the first so called giant virus out of the sea, the Ectocaropus siliculosus virus with its circular 335 kbp dsDNA genome."

    Here is the fascinating truth about these microorganisms which have been peddled to the public as proof of pathogenic viruses.

    Excerpt from Stefan Lanka's The Misconception Called "Virus":

    The so-called bacteria-eaters (aka phages, macrophages, bacteriophages)

    The model for the idea of a genetic virus in humans, animals and plants, which started to develop from 1953 onwards, were the so-called bacteria-eaters, called (bacterio)phages, which had drawn the attention of the scientists since 1915. From 1938, when commercially available electron microscopes were applied in research, these phages could be photographed, isolated as whole particles and all their components could be biochemically determined and characterized. To isolate them, i.e. concentrate the particles and separate them from all other components (=isolation), to photograph them immediately in the isolated state and to biochemically characterize them all in one go - this, however, has never happened with the alleged viruses of humans, animals and plants because these do not exist.

    The scientists researching bacteria and phages, who worked with actual existing structures, provided a model as to what human, animal and plant viruses could look like. However, the "phage experts" have overlooked by their misinterpretation of phages as bacteria eaters that the phenomenon of the formation of these particles is caused by the extreme inbreeding of bacteria. This effect, i.e. the formation and release of phages (bacteria eaters, aka bacteria viruses), doesn't exist with pure bacteria freshly extracted from an organism or from the environment. When their nutrients are withdrawn slowly or their living conditions become impossible, normal bacteria, i.e. bacteria which are not grown in the lab, create the known survival forms, the spores, which can survive for a long time or even "eternally". From spores, new bacteria appear as soon as the living conditions improve.

    However, isolated bacteria, when grown in the lab, lose all characteristics and abilities. Many of them do not perish automatically through this in-breeding, but rather turn suddenly and completely into small particles, which in the "good versus evil" theory perspective have been misinterpreted as bacteria-eaters. In reality, bacteria originate from these exact "phages" and they turn back again into these life forms when the living conditions are no longer available. Gunther Enderlein (1827-1968 described exactly these processes: how bacteria appear from invisible structures, their development into more complex forms and back again. That is why Enderlein did not agree with the cell theory, according to which life appears from cells and is organized at cellular level. As a young student, I myself isolated such a "phage" structure from a sea algae and believed at that time to have discovered the first harmless virus, the first stable "virus host system".

    The idea that bacteria exist as single viable organisms, which can exist alone without any other life forms, is incorrect. In an isolated form, they automatically die off after some time. This never occurred to the scientists, because after a successful "isolation" of a bacterium, a part of it is frozen and can be worked with in the lab decades later. The idea of bacteria being living independent structures which can survive by themselves is a laboratory artefact, a misinterpretation.

    Thus, the claim that bacteria are immortal is therefore wrong. Bacteria are immortal only in symbiosis with a huge number of other bacteria, fungi and probably many more unknown life forms which are difficult to characterize, such as for example the amoeba. Amoeba, bacteria and fungi form spores as soon as their living environment disappears and re-emerge once the living conditions return. If one compares that with humans, we have the same perspective: Without a living environment, from and with which we live, nothing can exist.



    Excerpt from Stefan Lanka's Viruses are not microbes and have no infectious capacity:

    Bacterial phages - which do exist - are mini-spores as postulated by Gunther Enderlein, one of the most important scientists of pleomorphism. According to his view, more developed life forms are formed from simpler ones, but these more complex forms can regress and become simple again. For example, so-called "giant viruses" are mini-spores of uncomplicated organisms such as seaweeds. I have said before that I isolated a "giant virus" from a seaweed. These mini-spores contain a nucleic acid fragment of a certain length and a certain genetic sequence that never changes. And with bacterial phages we are in the same case: they contain a genetic sequence that is always the same. Both structures exist, they can be easily isolated and biochemically characterised and photographed, and the length of their genetic material can be determined. Of course, such material can be sequenced. However, this is not the case for suspected pathogenic viruses. Virology has not been able to carry out such a procedure with a virus, they just interpret that "it must be so". Look, phages and giant viruses are indisputably part of pleomorphism.úmero-249-English-1-of-3.pdf


    Exerpt from Stefan Lanka's Dismantling The virus Theory - The “measles virus” as an example:

    Due to the belief that these -at the time of their discovery still invisible- structures were killing the bacteria, they were called phages/bacteriophages, “eaters of bacteria”. Only later it was determined that merely highly inbred and therefore almost non-viable bacteria can be made to turn into phages, or bacteria which are being destroyed so fast that they do not have time to form spores. The introduction of the electron microscopy led to the discovery of the structures resulting from the transformation of bacteria when these were suddenly dying or when the metabolism of the highly inbred germs was overwhelmed by processes triggered by the adding of “phages”.


    (video) The Baileys vs Spacebusters - Phages are "Lifeboats" for Bacteria



    * Too big to see - uncovering of large phage genomes in the world's oceans

    * Are viruses just spores?

    * The Construction of Bacteriophage as Bacterial Virus: Linking Endogenous and Exogenous Thought Styles
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2023
  7. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    He can't once you start pulling at a thread starts to unravel and there's a lot of people that think they're dependent on it ever being unraveled.

    My guess is probably because they don't want to be wrong. I think if people just hang out was wrong maybe there is something to this vaccine that isn't quite right people would be a lot more interested in forgiveness.

    But for some people having to admit they're wrong it's worse than death. I'm glad I'm not that way
  8. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    You can't find verified facts unless you're willing to ask questions.

    What makes you so afraid of questions?

    This reminds me so much of religious people
  9. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Thanks for the info JCS. I'm still checking it out and so far it seems to fit the pattern. I'm open to the idea that viruses don't exist but it's hard for a layman to come to a firm conclusion.

    I've read stuff about cancer treatments that work but are not used because they are cheap to produce as they come from common plants.

    This guy makes sense and it fits the pattern.

    Why is the Science of Nutrition Ignored in Medicine? | T. Colin Campbell | TEDxCornellUniversity

    And I read a lot about the pre-pandemic vaccine controversy about whether vaccines had stuff in them such as aluminium and mercury that caused autism.

    How do they explain the eradication of smallpox?

    If what we're told reflects the truth of what they did, it seems to be some kind of microbe.
  10. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    eg. If a mis/disinformation site has a list of people they claim have died of heart disease and you take it as read then you are a sucker. The serial forum spammer put up such a list and I actually went through his claim and looked into each of the first 20 - needless to say the original claim was a complete fabrication!

    A stupid non-sequitur. I'm the one asking "truthers" to ask questions of their own damn sources.

    The sheer irony!
  11. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    all I've seen you do on any of these threads is spit bile and hatred.

    Why is that?
    there's no such thing believing that there's this fast conspiracy of people out to dis or misinform others is a conspiracy theory.

    You're talking about them the day that fly around in black helicopters and operate on the margins that's a conspiracy theory.
    the idea of a lot of people dying of covid was a complete fabrication it didn't die of covid covid is a cold that can be severe for people with pre-existing conditions meaning the people who died with covid died as a complication of their pre-existing conditions.

    That's why when everybody was panicking about this you looked at the statistics 96% of the people that were said to have died of covid or all in their 70s.

    more hatred in bile.

    you are listening and believing to your overlords to your acolytes to your preachers I question all of them.

    You think they're beyond reproach you think they walk on water you like candles with Saint fauci on them.

    That isn't me doing that stupid ****.
  12. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    This is what misinformation is.

    The stunning iorony again.

    Very little in medicine is absolutely perfect, it's why educated people continue to investigate and progress. The ideas that "truthers" put out about it being a death-cull injection or it doesn't work are moronic.

    MEH! The whole "truth movement" is like this. I've never come across a "truth-seeker" who admitted they were wrong.
  13. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    to believe there's a conspiracy of people out to get you with information that isn't correct is a conspiracy theory you believe in that not me.

    I didn't make a positive claim it's not my religion being questioned here.

    you're still making this idea off of truthers or I could ball of people that are out to get you. That's a conspiracy theory.

    There are simply things we don't know even educated people there are things they don't know.

    Is this truth movement are these truth secrets lizard people are they from Mars perhaps? Are they MK ultra clones? Why are you so terrified of this?

    What do you have to lose if you find out people who are educated didn't really know much about a virus in the vaccine that didn't exist 3 years ago?

    I actually had covid and I'm glad I'm not as belligerent As You are cuz if a doctor tells me I have some sort of condition that was caused by covid I can believe him because it doesn't go against some religion I ferricated.

    I don't have to deny myocarditis as a result of having covid or having a vaccine because I'm not committed to one version of reality.
  14. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I don't believe that. I believe that there is a group of people stuck in a world of failure because they lack the ability to properly think for themselves and use logic and objectivity.

    Then you are just trolling to create an argument. Join in or butt out.

    Idiotic non-sequitur. Detailing what "truthers" do details what they do, not implies any such thing. There is no conspiracy, because there is no conspiring.

    That is perfectly true and is why science constantly questions and re-evaluates.

    I have no such terror. Another idiotic non-sequitur.

    I have nothing to lose. What "virus in the vaccine"?

    I too had covid 19 and it was very mild after 2 vaccines. Your whole statement is nonsense.

    Me neither. Myocarditis is a very real side-effect that is being heavily investigated. It's prevalence though is in a very low percentile NOT the conflated batshit claims.
  15. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    I have not seen the word misinformation being stated in more times than anyone else's post you're the king of this.
    that is a conspiracy theory.

    Why do you believe this nonsense?

    I disagree with you if that's trolling to you you're in the wrong spot.

    The name of this forum is it everyone agrees with betamax.

    this concept of lizard people are Illuminati or truthers or whatever is just a mechanism for a conspiracy theory.

    You have to identify your group of people probably based on tribalism probably people you don't agree with on several other things good are this cabal of people that are out to get you.

    see maybe I'm not really part of the lizard people.

    the desperation and vitriol for which you address people that don't agree with you. I didn't start out disrespectful to you.

    then why are you so belligerent? But I first started talking to you I showed you nothing but respect. I didn't accuse you of being a conspiracy thirst until you did that to me.

    Excuse me that was supposed to say virus and the vaccine

    I had it without any vaccines it was very mild
    Is it my wording?

    Why is science that you don't like batshit claims. Why are you so rude and hateful about this?

    You're one of the nastiest people I've ever met on this forum. I started out being respectful to you people who become this competitive or typically trying to defend something they don't know. Essentially you're being defensive and it seems rather emotional.

    Get a grip.
    James California likes this.
  16. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Of saying it but team batshit are the ones who use it.

    Nope. There is no conspiring. Would you like me to explain this to you in more depth?

    Self evident.

    You are just trolling and I don't care whether you disagree or not.

    Irrelevant. There is no desperation or vitriol. It's just normal criticism.

    Are your feelings hurt? You came here and targeted me with your observations, what did you expect?

    Lucky you - how do you know you had it?

    What little of it that IS science is extremely poor.

    Why are you engaging in a troll exchange and getting so butt-hurt about it. Would you like a tissue?

    We've never met. You started out by saying this "Someone who blindly nurses at the teet the public information believing everything they're told by professional liars is worse than someone who questions it."

    So take your "poor me" attitude elsewhere.

    Get a clue.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2023
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  17. James California

    James California Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    ~ There is now the novel "spike protein" among us — introduced by the genius of Wuhan gain-of-function scientists and funded by $aint Fauci's NIH. It's not going away anytime soon. You can aquire it naturally or by injection. So far it appears that the injection is more dangerous ...
  18. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    What hogwash. The spike protein partials last a few weeks at most. The full spike from the virus is far more dangerous. So 3 lucrous conspiracies in one sentence.
    Bowerbird likes this.
  19. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    That's a conspiracy theory.

    Lol no arguments. Why am I not surprised.
  20. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    Denial isn't just a river in Africa.
  21. James California

    James California Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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  22. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    The funniest are the doofuses still wearing masks while driving around alone in their car. I can't believe people ever did that let alone that they're still doing it.
  23. James California

    James California Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    ~ Believe it or not ... they still do. I'm waiting for the "social distancing " to make a comeback . :roll:
  24. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    I never had anybody fuss at me about anything but I was prepared to just start coughing if they tried.

    I don't think they're going to renew the covid stuff maybe they'll try but most people know better.

    It'll just be virtue signalers screeching about people wearing masks.

    I didn't get they try lockdowns again it will be for climate change

    On that topic did you notice how climate change just disappeared for two years.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2023
  25. James California

    James California Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    ~ I agree 100 % .
    ~ So did the seasonal flu ! :confuse:'

    " People are only as dumb as they want to be ..."

    Polydectes likes this.

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