USA Backed "Family Values" Organization Falls Into Bed With Russia

Discussion in 'Gay & Lesbian Rights' started by Fugazi, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. Fugazi

    Fugazi New Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2012
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    The World Congress of Families (WCF) - - a US-based evangelist group that has already done so much to ruin Uganda, has teamed up with the Kremlin to parachute into Estonia huge quantities of money with which to browbeat, bully and blackmail parliamentarians, with which to spew out tens of thousands of automated provocative hate-speech emails, with which to produce booklets for every Estonian home repeating the usual vile libels about homosexuality being akin to paedophilia, a decadent “Western” life choice and a threat to the citizenry and future of the world.

    “Estonia does not need the Civil Partnership Act for sticking up our noses and saying: look at us, we are not Soviets any more. Estonia needs this Act so that everyone living here could make sensible arrangements for cohabitation, instead of living with the knowledge that their minority status makes them marginalised or somewhat inferior to the others,” writes the Speaker of the Estonian Parliament, Eiki Nestor.

    But the World Congress of Families – which was due to meet in Russia and only altered its plans for “logistical” (not moral) reasons when Russia invaded Crimea – believes that a Russia, newly charged with Orthodox zeal, is just the partner they are looking for. And vice versa. According to Konstantin Malofeev, of the Foundation of St Basil the Great, an ally of the WFC: “Christian Russia can help liberate the West from the new liberal, anti-Christian totalitarianism of political correctness, gender ideology, mass-media censorship and neo-Marxist dogma.”

    In turn, Lawrence Jacobs, the WCF’s vice-president, believes “the Russians might be Christian saviours to the world; at the UN they really are the ones standing up for these traditional values of family and faith”. -

    Another ally, François Legrier, the president of the right-wing Catholic Movement For Families, attacks the “individualistic and freedom-loving philosophy of Enlightenment that was allegedly trying to free a man from any law that was alien to him”.

    “Civilisation is on the verge of destruction, and only Russia can become a centre of consolidation of all the healthy forces and resistance to the sodomisation of the world, that is why the whole of Europe is looking at it with hope,” says the alliance.

    So it becomes clear that these right-wing groups are prepared to over look the blatant disregard of the Ukraine's borders by Russia is order to promote their vile doctrine .. so much for values.

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