Vice President Palin

Discussion in 'Media & Commentators' started by Flanders, Jun 17, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Sarah is still the greatest. If Romney had any brains he would pick her as his running mate. Either he believes what talking heads say, or he foolishly believes Rubio will bring a ton of Hispanics to the table. Instead of playing to a small number of Hispanics who MIGHT vote for Rubio, he should be adding up the number of conservatives, women, and independents Sarah guarantees.

    Contrary to what the media is saying, most Americans are unhappy with Hussein’s Amnesty Law. Indeed, Hispanic-Americans do not like it wither. Illegal immigrants are the only ones who do like it. The last time I looked illegal aliens are not allowed to vote. The question is: Where will a Romney-Rubio ticket get those big gains the media swears are there for the taking?

    Frankly, I do not understand why Democrats are convinced Hillary Clinton is a winner at the top of the ticket, while establishment Republicans think Sarah will bring down Romney. The only way it makes sense is if the old media is still calling the shots. Sarah addresses the “lamestream” media in a great speech. You gotta love this excerpt:

    The video is in the link with a little bit of text. It’s a hoot. Vintage Sarah:

    Or just go to the video:
  2. toddwv

    toddwv Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 18, 2009
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    Yes, please do. That would be HILARIOUS.

    She would never do it though. It would be political suicide, assuming she has aspirations to the Presidency, for her to lose twice in a row.

    She makes WAY too much money reiterating canned right-wing tripe to risk lowering her lucrativeness on a long-shot like Romney. Then there is the issue of her street cred with far right-wing Christianist fundies. On the same bumper sticker as that member of a crazy cult member Mittens "The Mormon" Romney? Fugetaboutit.

    Then there's the fact that Romney answers to the dictates of his patriachal The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints which proscribes women from being ordained.
  3. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    There were several reasons for Romney not to choose Marco Rubio. Joseph Farah adds one more:

    The subtle joke here is that Hussein’s Amnesty Law sank the very guy who would have helped Hussein’s eligibility case. Hussein & Company wanted Rubio on the Republican ticket more than they wanted life itself. A losing Romney-Rubio ticket would have given Hussein everything he wants; now, the only thing he gets is the anger of American voters, and the undying gratitude of the open-borders crowd.

    Scratch Rubio from VP list
    Exclusive: Joseph Farah warns of major liability to solidifying Republican base
    Published: 15 hours ago

    It’s easy for Republicans to get angry with Barack Obama over his latest usurpation of congressional authority with his unconscionable and unconstitutional decision to stop deporting most illegal immigrant students and young adults.

    For years, even the administration has admitted it didn’t have the power to make such a move. Miraculously, in a presidential election year, Obama has suddenly discovered he has the “discretion” to make such an order.

    But that’s what we should expect from Obama. He told us he wanted to “fundamentally transform” America, a constitutional republic based on the rule of law and the will of the people, and he has done his best to do that during his term in office.

    What is less expected – and should not be tolerated by Republicans and their nominee to challenge Obama in November – is the reaction of Sen. Marco Rubio, widely considered a top candidate for the GOP vice presidential selection.

    Rubio called the decision “welcome news many of these kids desperate for an answer, but it is a short term answer to a long term problem.” He did add this: “And by once again ignoring the Constitution and going around Congress, this short term policy will make it harder to find a balanced and responsible long term one.”

    But, as the Atlantic magazine offered in a headline response to Obama’s decision, “Want to thank someone for Obama’s immigration move? Thank Marco Rubio.”

    It was two months ago that Rubio floated what the magazine called “a watered-down version of the so-called DREAM Act – and the administration this morning essentially made it the law of the land (at least temporarily.”

    I don’t know how to state this any more bluntly, but any idea of nominating Marco Rubio as a vice presidential candidate this year or any year should be scratched. He will represent a major liability to solidifying the Republican base in a year that requires it to defeat Obama’s billion-dollar campaign for re-election. Even putting aside his very real constitutional eligibility problem, Rubio has demonstrated he is out of touch with his own party.

    What Obama did is another lawless attack on the republic. He did another end-run around the legislative branch of government – the only branch that has constitutional authority to make laws. It’s a tyrannical attack on everything America stands for.

    Beyond that, it is the kind of shameless political pandering to special-interest groups that divides the nation – one of Obama’s specialties.

    Obama proposed the DREAM Act. It failed. So he has attempted to enact it by presidential fiat. If the Republican House had any guts, it would move for immediate impeachment, putting aside the reality that the Democratic Senate would never convict. Republicans have a responsibility to uphold the Constitution and hold traitors to it accountable for their attacks on it.

    The executive branch of government cannot make law. It cannot change law. Its sole responsibility is to enforce law.

    This is hardly the first time the Obama administration has done the opposite.

    When the administration announced its decision not to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act, signed by Bill Clinton a few years ago, he demonstrated his willingness to defy his oath of office. And that’s just what he has done again.

    I like what Charles Krauthammer had to say about this: “I think this is not how you run a constitutional republic. This ought to be in the hands of Congress, and it is an end-run. And what’s ironic of course is for eight years, the Democrats have been screaming about the imperial presidency with the Bush administration – the nonsense about the unitary executive. This is out-and-out lawlessness.”

    But this is what you get when you elect someone who thinks the Constitution is an archaic document, one that needs to be re-imagined by someone enlightened like Barack Obama.

    The last thing we need in this election year, however, is a choice between a constitutionally illegitimate ticket that will do whatever is necessary to destroy the country and another constitutionally illegitimate ticket that will destroy the country under the guise of doing it by the book.

    That’s why Rubio, someone I previously thought of as a promising young senator, should be dropped from consideration for the vice presidency – now and forever.

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