Vive la France thread. France 24 news is on the air I trust them more than the BBC LOL.

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by hellofromwarsaw, Apr 29, 2020.

  1. hellofromwarsaw

    hellofromwarsaw Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2014
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    It's on the world channel which shows lots of PBS reruns at 6 p.m. France is the other great republic and they fight just as well as the British and the Americans they just don't have English channel or Atlantic ocean between them and the Germans who we're fanatical in the 20th century and thus dangerous as hell. Before you even get started on that crap. English speaking brainwashed people.....

    France is one of the two great republics. English speakers on the whole have been the great Savage capitalists of the last 400 years. the French of course have the highest quality of life so they don't want to leave France LOL. The French won our war of independence for us and went bankrupt because of it. Revolution of 1789 and all that. That was a real revolution. ours was just a battle to save us from paying taxes LOL. The French don't take any crap from the greedy idiot rich and have the highest quality of life rated best healthcare etc etc best family farms for that matter. Of course I believe we have a lot to learn from every other modern country. Why are we the only ones without a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations? And mainly taxing the rich their fair share! Well I do speak French and I love Paris so I may be biased. And they are very grateful to us but on the other hand don't like taking stupid s*** okay.

    As far as world war II goes the French were the only major country that did not have methamphetamines when they had their big battle. So throw that out.and the British ran for it for that matter and didn't tell the French about it LOL. Okay let's hear that English-speaking propaganda, monolingual dingbats. Also the French well with help would have won world war one without us.there is a theory that the United States under Woodrow Wilson Forced the Allies to only accept total surrender. Think of that.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2020
  2. hellofromwarsaw

    hellofromwarsaw Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2014
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    And it is only the English-speaking world that doesn't recognize that socialism is always democratic and thus fair capitalism with a good safety net. The big brainwash from very capitalist England. Ask an Irishman or an Indian or African etc etc
  3. hellofromwarsaw

    hellofromwarsaw Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2014
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    And Charles de Gaulle was a great man. It said listen to him in 1940 the French would have stomped the Germans.... I have to look up his feelings about the Dyle plan into Belgium and the Netherlands OMG. The French should not have been doing that LOL
  4. hellofromwarsaw

    hellofromwarsaw Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2014
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    At any rate as far as current events go people should listen to this news program from France and has a different Outlook. It is definitely world news. Our cable news is a disgrace. Just endless pundits with very divisive arguments all day no news at all. That's right no news at all on the cable news. Pathetic. and even most GOP voters can't believe that the Democrats control the BBC and France 24 LOL aaarrrggghhh.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2020
  5. straight ahead

    straight ahead Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2014
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  6. hellofromwarsaw

    hellofromwarsaw Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2014
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    What scared you exactly? LOL

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