What do other nations think of Biden? Australia has an opinion...

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by spiritgide, Jul 23, 2021.

  1. Matthewthf

    Matthewthf Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 7, 2016
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    To little to late. Many illegals said they thought Biden would let them in. Not hard to figure out why.
  2. 9royhobbs

    9royhobbs Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2015
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    Well, that doesn't answer the question at all. Do you know where the number comes from or not.
  3. 9royhobbs

    9royhobbs Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2015
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    I'm having trouble as to why, please explain it to me.......if you actually know.
  4. yabberefugee

    yabberefugee Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 23, 2017
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    He has made provisions for them to come through Mexico. In fact, he invited them. Are you saying your President lies?
    Matthewthf likes this.
  5. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    You seem to disregard a fundamental rule of life management. You have to know where your power is- what you have the power to change, and what you do not. Neither you nor iI nor anyone is the past is perfect. Everywhere is the world injustices have taken place- often long before your birth, and there';s nothing you can do to change them. What you can do is shape the future.You do that by seeing that your time here is spent solving problems rather than creating them or bitching about ancient history or blaming the rest of the world for being imperfect. You don't take from others what you have not earned. You don't turn people into dependence by telling them they are entitled to things they have not earned. You don't destroy the pride and strength of children or anybody with endless, generalized guilt tripping. You take care of yourself, of your family- and you contribute to the support of the country. You offer a hand-up to those in genuine need as you know it, you do not give hand-outs to those who which to live off others. And- you respect respectable people, for their character and the way they live their lives. All that is in your power- whether you have the character to do so is your choice.

    Yes, the American indian was robbed. A lot of things were done wrong- and in learning of that history, I side with the indians in many ways. That and other wrongs are not unlike some taking place right now. The difference is that what happened long ago is not in my power, but some of what's happening right now is much more so. My responsibility- and yours- is to make our time in life, our turn- better than the past, to do more things right and less wrong. Part of that is done by objecting to things being done wrong today. What's wrong may depend on your values, and some people have very poor ones. Until yours are pretty high, you won't notice that.... and be comfortable because there are others also comfortable as being less than they could be. If you judge yourself by others, you are asking the wrong person. Self-respect, as it implies- is the respect of self, which can only be earned from yourself by living in ways, you always find respectable. This is not only what I do, but what I've taught in classes and counseling to others.

    I point out that the influx of illegals will also be an influx of criminals, including MS-13. You point out that the indians of 200 years ago were robbed. I'm talking about today, and what we are doing wrong now.... you are trying to derail that be what is ancient history. I've done contract work is several countries in Central and South America. Several of these were in Honduras, where many illegals are coming from, gangs control most of the country and have for a long time. The young people grow up in the middle of this- and they learn that it's safer to be a gang member than not. Some of those coming here are trying to escape that violent environment, but they were raised in it, programmed to how it works. Others are gang members, looking for a safer, less competitive environment with more opportunity. My work there was many years ago, but it's only gotten worse. Failure to control our border by government is another great wrong, being done to the American people by it's own current government, right now. You don't have to be too smart to understand that. The quality of life where you live depends on the quality of the people there. It doesn't matter if a person raised in violence is hardened by MS-13.... because violence gets built into you when you are raised with it from birth. While that is sad for those in such countries, it is in their power to change. It exists because they lacked thee character to do so, the values to live on a better scale. It won't be solved by opening your front door to them. The legal immigration process has worked; the tolerance of the illegals has not.

    Next week, I'm giving a car to a widow who is running out of money, and who's car is falling apart. Early this year I paid to put a roof on a house for some good people in dire need. A few years ago I bought a car for a young man who was trying hard but had made some bad mistakes- who came to me and asked my help. Not ask for a car- but asked if I would teach him how to get control of his life and succeed. I was happy to - because he was finally ready to learn. Today, he owns his own home, has a stock portfolio, and money in the bank. Unfortunately, this year I will again be sending more than my share to the government. That's how I help my country. We are all capable. We all have choices and power to make things better or worse, today. What do you choose to do?
    yabberefugee and ToddWB like this.
  6. 9royhobbs

    9royhobbs Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2015
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    So he told them not to come AND he invited them AND he made provisions for them. Wow, he's been busy. You on the other hand are going around in circles.
  7. yabberefugee

    yabberefugee Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 23, 2017
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    No it was slow Joe going around in circles. The Southern border was more secure than it had ever been prior to his steal. He undid that which sent the message "borders are now open". Now he gives them bus rides and plane rides to the interior. They don't have to vaccinate. Hobbs I really give you the benefit of the doubt and don't believe you are that ignorant. I do approach a belief you might be part of the American Marxist movement. Am I wrong?
  8. yabberefugee

    yabberefugee Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 23, 2017
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    I completely disagree. I have read a lot of history surrounding the subject from the early settlement until the reservation solution. First off American Indians were never a "monolith". Dealings with them were many. I am going to conclude that "human nature" is the culprit. Human nature transends all cultures and races. Right now and for preceding decades, it has been popular to pretend "the American Indian" is a Holy innocent and white Europeans were the devil incarnate. No....history throughout the world dictates the strongest culture prevails, or as I believe, "the hand of God is part of all purpose."

    I can easily point out that prior to European presence, indigenous peoples were stealing land from each other, robbing raping and plundering as a way of life. American settlers were also privy to this. Ever hear of the Illinois people? That is one of many tribes or families completely eradicated by other tribes. Today I know at least a 3rd of American citizens can show they have a trace of American Indian blood coursing through their veins. Many indigenous people were just absorbed into the people we call American. Currently, American Marxists are trying to drive home the point that America is thoroughly evil at it's foundation as well as dividing us into small groups that hate each other. This tactic is the works of Marx, Cloward and Piven and many University Professors that have been at work for 100 years. I personally will do my part and reject their propaganda at every turn.

    Sorry "spiritgide", I generally appreciate and agree with you, but on this one point I have to say something. I would be remiss if I did not commend you for all the good works you have done. I believe that is the only answer to overcoming our problems in the Southern Hemisphere of our Continent.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2021
    ToddWB likes this.
  9. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    No problem with your alternative view, and I appreciate the kind words.
    I believe that to understand something, you have to see both sides. That doesn't mean you change sides, and you may have noted I recommended nothing of the kind. True, human nature is the culprit- but it is also the solution. If our goal is to improve our nation, we must improve our people... our nature; ourselves. There's a kind of delicate balance to me in that in seeking that, I cannot do it at the expense of others for my benefit. This is like the concepts of action and reaction. I think a reasonable person examines a situation and decides upon an action, or course to take. An less rational person's course is a reaction to the actions of others, much more poorly considered, and often aggravates rather than resolves or improves.the situation- and in fact, allowing that means others are controlling what we do.

    No question- it's hard, and we are very emotional beings. Genuinely strong people can afford to behave better than weaker or more primitive ones can, because their strength comes from who they are- not their power over others. Thus, we all have less to fear from that kind of strong person than one who's fear of weakness creates a need, an addiction to the feeling of power that comes from depriving others of it and controlling them. To me one of the truest facts of human nature is that the vast majority of people are their own worst enemy- and I think that has always been true. This too is part of seeing the other side of self, in order to improve the overall. We can only have that power over ourselves, but I would also hope that we live in such a way that we inspire others to find it in themselves.
    yabberefugee likes this.
  10. ToddWB

    ToddWB Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 28, 2018
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    LOL definitley the case here that the indians were absorbed... and , in the case of this place, Europeans were completely aborbed..
    I used to tell people, "yeah, we f'd the Indians.. and I mean that literally!"
  11. 9royhobbs

    9royhobbs Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2015
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    Remind me again what changed? Remind me again what Trump did that make is SO secure. I just want to make sure I have a clear picture.
  12. yabberefugee

    yabberefugee Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 23, 2017
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    First try to clear your mind from all the leftist gobbledygook. Donald Trump built a wall, what wasn't complete was on it's way. There was activity on the border. Mexico was detaining everyone they could. If I recall, their Marines were doing quite a good job. The message was loud and clear. You come here you will be detained BEFORE you cross the border.....stuck in Mexico in other words. That was a strong disincentive to come here heard throughout the world. The fact the invasion would not be tolerated was a message heard loud and clear. Illegal entry was at the lowest in fifty years before the Biden Crime Family took office. With the stroke of a pen and a few executive orders, our Incoherent President reversed all of that. It is a fact. Have you seen the video of Border Patrol allowing entry through gates in the border wall? Probably not shown on CNN. It is classic. Kamala has it all under her control.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2021
  13. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    This view was on a new article this morning. It points how the driving elements of psychology to behavior- and how each is indicative of the other. The psychology predicts what people's actions will be, and their actions tell you what kind of psychology (mind set, mental competence) is driving them. Works either way; once you understand this you can read them and predict them.

    "Strong regimes are a lot like strong people. They’re self-confident. Because they are, they’re rational and moderate. They can afford to be those things. They have unquestioned legitimacy. Admitting honest mistakes doesn’t threaten them. Why would it? They can tell the truth without fear. Strong regimes are marked by cheerfulness and an open-minded spirit. You know them when you see them. They’re easy to recognize.

    Weakness has the opposite effect. Weak leaders live in terror. They lie constantly. They admit nothing. They rule by force because they have no choice. They have lost their legitimacy. When they begin to lose control, as they inevitably do, they panic. Unable to acknowledge the magnitude of their failure, they retreat into delusion. Their behavior becomes irrational. They start to issue bizarre commands.

    Nicolai Ceausescu barked orders at his guards as they dragged him into the courtyard to be shot. In his final moments on earth, Ceausescu seemed convinced he could make his executioners obey. As his power evaporated, he tried even harder to exert it. So in that way, every collapsing regime is the same. With that in mind, we learned today that in the face of the waning pandemic, the Biden administration will dramatically increase COVID restrictions across the country."
    yabberefugee likes this.
  14. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    After Trump and Bush you tout THAT???


    That was your version of looking at "both sides"?
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2021
  15. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    Now you switch to COVID!!

    But, I don't see anything in what you are saying.

    Getting government employees vaccinated is not some "dramatic restriction" - it's a totally sane approach to what we face today, recognizing the proven value of the remedy that we have.

    There are many areas in the US where COVID is thriving and where ICU beds are evaporating, reducing our ability to address other healthcare needs and putting our healthcare workers at risk. And, let's remember that the way we got the Delta and Lambda variants of COVID is that we allowed COVID to thrive.

    Suggesting that it is time to surrender is just plain outrageous.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2021
  16. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Yab, Obviously, you think a little deeper than most about who people are, and why. We can't really change other people without their wanting to change. We can prop them up, complain about them, make trouble for them or and harm them, but we don't change how they think until they are ready. Thought you might find some value in this short video- sort of an old parable on discovering your value. You might find it of interest.

    <iframe width="775" height="436" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2021
  17. yabberefugee

    yabberefugee Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 23, 2017
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    Thank you Spirit guide. It is interesting how we place value on things......and others. I see all people made in the image of God who paid the supreme sacrifice in the example of the cross. While we were His enemies, He died for us. There is never any greater love than that. I work with children who are receptive to that message. God sees everyone as individuals with a large degree of sovereignty over their own lives. He is wounded when rejected. His love continues to the end. We too are wounded when our message is rejected but we carry on.

    I understand the "nature of man" and his propensity to form collectives and rule over others. That is a stand I take so my children don't have to die to insure their liberty.
  18. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Good for you!
    I'm not religious in the conventional way; my "higher power" is mother nature. However it seems to have many parallels. I was having a thanksgiving dinner many years ago with son of a friend, who is a very successful and now well known minister in Kansas City. He asked to look over some of my recent articles, and said- "you are trying to do the same thing I am." A different approach, but similar goals, and not really in conflict.
  19. Bush Lawyer

    Bush Lawyer Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2018
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    Last edited: Jul 29, 2021
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