Why do we even need a farm subsidy?

Discussion in 'Budget & Taxes' started by Yepimonfire, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. Yepimonfire

    Yepimonfire New Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    Seems to me the farming industry should regulate its own prices freely. If the subsidies are to keep people from growing too much and pushing prices down, wouldn't the market regulate that anyways? If corn is ultra cheap, people might find it less profitable to grow, and grow something that is currently very expensive, pushing its price down to a normal affordable range. If there is too much chicken, why not just grow cattle? Beef is a high priced commodity now, and more beef would mean lower prices, I haven't been able to afford anything but ground beef at 80/20 for about 3 years thanks to its price. Unless I'm missing something, it makes no sense why it's even necessary, aside from the food stamps part of it it's just distorting the market badly.

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