Why is Obamacare Failing?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Smartmouthwoman, Dec 19, 2013.

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  1. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    The healthcare system required change. The necessary changes were put on HOLD over 30 years ago, so virtually ANY solution implemented would be both controversial or even undesirable in the minds of some.

    This isn't about anyone crawling to anyone, it is about investing the time, intellectual energy and money to improve the existing system.

    People can talk AROUND that all they wish, but that CHANGE is coming one way or the other.
  2. PMZ

    PMZ New Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Personal responsibility sucks. 18% of the GDP spent on health care sucks. Having cheap health care insurance by forcing others to not have health care at all sucks for them. Having a business community that gives away health insurance when they need loyal employees but throws employees under the bus so they don't have to give benefits, sucks. Living in a country that values the most expensive, by far, health care non system in the world, and doesn't care if the results are mediocre at best, sucks.

    It's a wake up call. We've fallen victim to corporate America. The government just tells the business what people have a right to expect. Business sets the price. And we don't like those prices.
  3. PMZ

    PMZ New Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Business recruited them here by offering them your job. We celebrated the freedom of not having to mow our lawns and the cheap prices at Walmart. The illegals are the least guilty party in the mess.
  4. PMZ

    PMZ New Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Obamacare didn't create our mess. It revealed it. That's why those who profited from the mess don't like ACA.
  5. PMZ

    PMZ New Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    "The problem is the assumption that if I don't pay for my own healthcare someone else must."

    Thanks to Reagan's EMTALA and our bankruptcy laws this is a fact.

    Also thanks to life's will to survive. People just don't lay down and die because that would be convenient to others.
  6. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Single Payer now... please.
  7. bricklayer

    bricklayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 12, 2011
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    That is exactly the problem.
    Entitlements are the problem.
    Our current healthcare system is an entitlement based system and has been since the above cited legislation.
  8. PMZ

    PMZ New Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    People need to understand the mathematics of risk spreading and the statistics of risk pools.

    The only way to have cheap health care insurance is to have cheap health care. The only way to have cheap health care are death panels. Deciding who we can afford to live and who must leave the island so the rest of us can go out to dinner more or put expensive gasoline in our pick up trucks and SUVs.
  9. PMZ

    PMZ New Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    You don't think that people are entitled to health care? Who benefits from an unhealthy society?
  10. PMZ

    PMZ New Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    If all health care insurance worked as well as Medicare, we would be as good as we could be, given the out of control health care delivery system that we seem to be stuck with.
  11. bricklayer

    bricklayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 12, 2011
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    NO, I do not.
    I am left to believe that the only legitimate use of force, even the force of law, is to enforce a proscribed set of less-than-best intentions.
    I am left to believe that the use of force is wholly illegitimate when used to impose a prescribed set of best intentions.

    We share the same best intentions; however, I do not want our best intentions imposed on others.

    The most dangerous people in the world do not see the imposition of their best intentions upon others as a usurpation of other people's best intentions for themselves; they see it as an alternative to that which is substandard. Progressives on the 'left' and 'right', islamists, communists, fascists and socialists are all possessed of the same benevolent arrogance and the same desire to impose their very best intentions upon others.

    The problem is pride. It is pride that must be compartmentalized as much as possible, and liberty is the least worst way to do that.
    Liberty is authority over and responsibility our self. Liberty has a voluntary nature.

    Liberty is lost and our nation is crushed under the weight of the imposition our our very best intentions not under the relatively minor wieght of those few who impose their less-than-best intentions upon others.

    I have seen the enemy; they are us.
  12. PMZ

    PMZ New Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Given a choice between government based on the best that we can be, and the worst that we can be, is an easy choice.

    We are more free than any other humans that preceded us on earth. Not despite law and order, but because of it.

    Every law ever written provides consequences for those who would choose to impose what's best for them on people who it's not good for.

    Those who would choose irresponsibility and such imposition on others, are hampered by all of those laws.

    They are the ones that law restricts.

    Responsible people choose to be that, and are not hampered in any way by law.

    The only law that I choose to break regularly, are speed limits, and only by a little. It might be argued that that puts others at risk, but my experience suggests that traveling strictly and always within them, creates a bigger risk.
  13. bricklayer

    bricklayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 12, 2011
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    The entire above post is based upon a reading miscomprehension error.

    A more careful reading of what I wrote will reveal that I do affirm the legitimate use of force to enforce a PROSCRIBED SET OF LESS-THAN-BEST INTENTIONS, e.g. murder, theft, fraud.

    I am not an anarchist; I am a libertarian.

    Perhaps reading more slowly or even out loud might help.
  14. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Obamacare is not socialized medicine although that was the House Democrat's proposal in 2009. The House wanted a single-payer system and that is socialized medicine. That proposal is still waiting in the wings of Obamacare fails and, in fact, 1/2 of the opposition to Obamacare is by the advocates of socialized medicine because they oppose private insurance companies providing the insurance.

    Of course I always wonder why people resort to calls for deportation of "illegal" immigrants that are contributing to not only the US economy with billions of dollars in spending that creates American jobs but that also have a positive impact on tax revenues (something that drives "conservatives" nuts).



    While some like to condemn La Raza's report (which is based upon government statistics) they can't argue with the Texas Comptroller's office that reports that undocumented immigrants pay $500 million more in state taxes in Texas alone than they cost for all government services including health care.
  15. PMZ

    PMZ New Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    People keep telling me that there is a big difference between libertarian and anarchy, but to me, the latter is just an extreme application of the former.

    Are you disagreeing that all laws provide consequences for the criminal imposing what's best for him on the victim?

    If you agree, isn't that in opposition to libertarianism?
  16. PMZ

    PMZ New Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Single payer, to me, is insurance, not medicine. If the means to provide the insurance are owned by all of us, then it is socialized insurance like Medicare. If those means are owned by some of us than it is capitalized insurance.
  17. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    The right hasn't really put forward any kind of plan since they put out the individual mandate, that became ObamaCare.
    All their "plans" since then have been one or two pages of slogans like "Harness the free market to reduce costs", yeah, that's a detailed plan, it really doesn't leave anything to the imagination does it.....
  18. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Let's use an analogy to find out if this belief is universal.

    Should the lega guardian (whether parent or non-parent) be required by law to feed and care for an infant?

    The Infant has an Inalienable Right to Eat but does not have an Inalienable Right to expect someone else to feed it (i.e. an Inalienable Right cannot impose an obligation upon another person).

    The "government" uses force to enforce our laws that require the legal guardian to feed and care for a child so if we assume that the government cannot use force based upon a "moral obligation" of society then the guardian has the Right to allow an infant to starve to death.

    I believe we hit a very slipperly slope when we don't support a belief that the government not only has an obligation to protect our Rights, which by necessity includes pragmatic limitations upon our Freedom to Exercise our Inalienable Rights, but our government also has an obligation to meet minimum moral necessities as well.

    Morally we can't just allow a person to die standing on the street corner next to a medical service facility (hospital or clinic) that could easily prevent them from dying. It would be morally reprehensible for us to allow this to happen but it has been happening. It is estimated that about 45,000 people die each year simply because they don't have medical insurance.

    Place this on a balance beam where we mandate by law (where the government uses force) that children must be fed we have no actual cases of children starving to death from hunger in the United States (of course tens millions of children are malnurished in the United States because their families can't afford to feed them enough but they don't literally starve to death) and the problem becomes self-evident.

    Obamacare was not and is not the best solution but it was the "best" solution offered so far in Congress that addressed the problem. I sure as hell don't want a single-payer (socialized medicine) solution that was proposed by House Democrats in 2009 and the Republicans haven't offered any solution to the problem at all. The default Repubican proposal has been summarized as "Don't get sick and if you do get sick then die early" and that was never a viable solution.
  19. PMZ

    PMZ New Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Additionally, is there any difference between requiring parents to feed a child, and thus maintain his life, and enabling them to treat issues that may or may not be life threatening?
  20. johnmayo

    johnmayo New Member Past Donor

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Repealing obamacare is a plan the we know works better then the current one.

    The right has fought the individual mandate, your left is all for it.

    The Paul Ryan plan satisfies all leftist desires except more control over health insurance and people.
  21. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    and what if it doesn't? Thee are many good people out there working against this..you could lose. What if an Aynd Rand was pulled? What if enough people said no to the tax? That is one of our primary pushes.
  22. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    You lend no credence to what having choices in life are all about. You are a proponent of government intrusion in the choices individuals make. You are a socialist at heart. Tell you what, you give all of your money to the government, every last damned dime you have, support the illegals. You have absolutely no right to take from me to give to them. That's communism.... compulsion at gunpoint is tyranny
  23. PMZ

    PMZ New Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    It's a democracy. Everyone is free to have an opinion. And work to make it reality. That's how we got this far.

    Republicans have done everything possible to prevent health care reform for four years now, but failed. Regardless of your beating that horse, it is still dead.

    Feel free to continue.
  24. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Three slogans, zero intellectual content.
    ObamaCare is better than what we had before, according to the experts, only delusional cult members believe otherwise.

    The right introduced the individual mandate, it's the only real plan they ever put forward, Romney passed it in Massachusetts.

    Paul Ryan never put a real plan forward, he put forward a page full of slogans, nothing real, no numbers, no details.
  25. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    Your slogans have just as much intellectual content.

    Obama care is a disaster it has made things worse and that is by definition not better than what we had before. It is overwhelmingly the experts acknowledging this and the only delusional cult members are those thinking it is working well.

    It does not matter which side introduced what government should simply be banned from involvement in such matters. Obama care was touted as a means of insuring the 50 million or so Americans who were without health care coverage. Never mind the fact that most of those were only temporarily going without coverage due to changing employment. Nedver mind that many of the rest were illegal immigrants who are still not going to be covered. The ACA can only cover 10 million out of that 50 million number which still leaves 40 million uncovered and even that has not happend. To date we now have at least 2 million more who have lost their coverage under the ACA with more to come. Many estimates reach as high as 80 million losing their insurance due to this disaster of a law. Rememeber " if you like your plan you can keep your plan period"?

    This is worse than what we have before because Obama ( nor anyone else to include gopers ) knows how to provide good health care for a nation this size. It is doomed to failure and in fact can accomplish nothing more than expanding government control and tyranny using our health as an excuse. Remember the goper touted death panels? Sure they were not in the ACA but they will come. Government will have to ration health care because there is simply not enough to go around. Will you be one of the priviledged who gets health care after 50 years or 60 years of age? Or be cut off at that age because you are not essential? Never mind gay rights under government health care it will be dictated what you eat, drink, own, drive, what leisure activities you pursue and how often and of course who you sleep with and under what circumstances. This will have to be done because since they provide the health care they can dictate how " healthy " you will live your life according to a politicians standards. In fact it is already happening. Transfat anyone?

    Repealing this law will be a blessing for the nation if it can be done

    Remember government cheese? Why would anyone want that kind of health care?
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