
Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by delade, Jun 3, 2020.

  1. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    When a person prays, from within self, in his mind, in his heart, in his soul unto Holy God, The LORD, Christ Messiah, the last thing the person wants to hear is that there was some 'intercepting' of those words of those prayers.

    So when someone tells me that 'angels' receive prayers to take them before The LORD, I have to wonder... who gave them permission to hear my thoughts?

    This idea that 'angels' take prayers up to The LORD is an idea written about in one of the books which Mrs. White wrote pertaining to Christ Messiah and Life and Church and the believing one(s) and how the arrangement between 'The LORD and God and this world', with 'Satan' having been 'thrown out', (and to which he is never allowed back in) is.

    Fortunately now, we all know that there was no such 'war' in Heaven, pre Eden where the already existing 'serpent' was not one of the created lifes along with all the other lifes but was, in some way, a shape shifting 'fallen holy angel' whom beguiled Eve and then whom Eve beguiled Adam. Why? How do we know? Because the idea of that 'war' is in Revelation in The Holy Bible pertaining the 'war' between Churches, ideologies, doctrines and power to receive. Not all Churches, even when confronted about their beguilement will change for the Truth. Why? Because who will stop them from being 'wrong', anyways?

    So the reference to that old serpent of old, that devil, Satan, who misleads the whole world is this very concept. That a 'serpent' is actually responsible for every man's inability to turn from evil and do good. And each of these Churches that continue in their defiance to the Truth actually still believe and teach in that 'old serpent' of Old, that misleading 'fallen holy angel'.

    Here is something that requires 'faith' more than instruction.

    If The LORD is without deceit and if with The LORD there is no darkness of 'wrong', then would The LORD be 100 percent 'perfect'? And if The LORD is 100% perfect, how can a bad tree come from a good seed? Meaning it is by and through and of The LORD which the 'holy angels' would have been 'fashioned/created/made', etc...

    If a good tree, from a good seed, cannot bear bad fruit; and if a bad tree, from a bad seed, cannot bear good fruit, how would to believe upon wrongful 'heavenly beings' NOT be considering The LORD not 100% perfect?

    If The LORD is not 100% perfect, then you would be saying that there is another 'more perfect' which exists, even if self has exposed the unperfectness of The LORD.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2020
  2. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    You would have to spend a great deal of 'time' before you get to the next 'hour'...

    If 24 hours with The LORD is as 1,000 years to us. Then 24 hours with The LORD is as 365,000 days; 365 days in 1 year (x) 1000 = 365,000 days.

    And if you divide those, you get 1 hour with The LORD is as 15,208.3 days.

    Which is 506.94 months/with a 30 day month cycle.

    and this equals 42.245 years. This 42.245 years is 1 hour with The LORD.

    And to find imperfection within that 1 hour with The LORD could mean that every true 'holy angel' that actually do live in The Kingdom of Heaven is living in 'peril' or are just as 'non perfect' as The LORD (per se).

    If this was to be the case, surrender it over to Christ Messiah... He'll take care of it for everyone.

    Although man's concept of what perfection, good, bad, are, etc... and although man's hands wrote upon the scrolls with ink, it could be their ideas which is the attempt at capturing the world and enslaving the entire world into slavery, which many might find a futile attempt. This take over attempt has been going on for too long!, right?

    From B.C to current.. through some means of common communication across times and eras, they still hold in that one concept...

    There are some, maybe many enough, that might have this type of mindset.. who believe that there is no such thing as a 100% Perfect LORD.

    So why should they 'believe' and maybe be bewitched into letting go of their life they are enjoying?

    So then if they have been reasonable to come up with rational reasons for there NOT being a 100 percent perfect LORD, where are those with reasonabilities, with reasons, that there IS?
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2020
  3. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    reasoning isn't opinion thumping.. it is based on 'logical' understanding that to not accept a basic fundamental truth/fact, empirically, that the refusal to receive the truth is not reasonable nor rational.

    Example... Why is Sunday not the 7th day of the week in the U.S?

    Because the first day of the week in The U.S is Sunday.

    How can I show this with logic and reason hoping it will be understood?

    Get any U.S calendar and look to see what any, randomly picked U.S calendar, says as every first day of each week by opening it up and looking with own eyes to see what it says.

    Milk.... in all honesty... is milk homogenous mathematically or does it truly consist of a 'common' origin?

    Is that quart of milk truly from the same 'milk giver'? OR is that milk 'homogenous' in some other way? Maybe a combination of 'different' milk givers' milk combined into that quart. But of/from the same family 'those milk providers' are within?? Or just that 'milk' comes out from the udders of certain mammals? How is each half gallon milk container, homogenous/homogenized?

    So rationale tells me it might be a mathematical homogeny. Not an actual mother's homogeny.


    rational and reason and understanding.

    How difficult would it be if 1 billion doll-ar(s) needed to be spent in 50 years? What 'set number' amount would need to be spent, in consecutive non stop days, to spend 1 billion doll-ar(s), if 1,000 doll-ar(s) was the maximum allowed to be spent per day?
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
  4. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    This has to be consecutive, non stop.. daily, weekly, monthly, etc.... until the 1 billion doll-ar(s) is exhausted.

    Now how about 2 billion or 4 billion or 32 billion?

    3 digited billion?

    at 1,000 per day, 365 days would be 365,000 doll-ar(s) = 1 year.

    multiply by 2 = 730,000

    365,000 multiply by 10 years = 3,650,000 doll-ar(s)

    10 years has 365 days/per year (x) 10 years = 3650 days... right?.

    then that means 3650 consecutive days, weeks, months for 3650 days at 1,000 per day would have exhaused 3,650,000 doll-ar(s) with the remainder.

    Somehow, you would need to be able to spend 1,000 doll-ar(s), daily, for a non stop consecutive day spending, for 10 years in the same location you reside in or can get to when desired... if you live out of 'home'.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
  5. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    try some calculations to some possible ways, at a set number daily amount, in consecutive days, monthly, yearly, etc... to expend 1 billion doll-ar(s). round to the highest, round to the lowest.. your choice.

    if investing, it has to be the 'same set' amount.. on/in consecutivity... if you are going to factor in losses and earnings, that might make it more difficult.

    If a home is to be bought daily, the daily amount cannot exceed the 'set number amount' per day. and this 'set number amount' has to be 'spent' again 'tomorrow', the next day, the next day,,,, etc.. after that first 'home', etc...

    There is no 'day' off to go 'home shopping' like in window shopping.

    It becomes 'work' when a set output needs to be reached, per day.

    and if it is as 'work', then 2 days off, the weekends, can be seen as leisure time.

    So those large numbers of doll-ar(s) that some have accessible would probably not be spent in a lifetime by self, but for some reason is still accruing more and more.

    If the inheritors don't know that meaning of monetary stewardship, that life might become as a jet setting playboy/playgirl kind of whirl in the sun, life...

    So how did Barbara Hutton go from riches to almost poverty at the time of her 'death'?

    swindlers who don't 'work' on a daily basis but rather 'steal' upon whim or opportunity.

    Would this mean that the swindling investing managers don't work on a daily basis?
    daily work to meet a daily set output?
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
  6. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    Even if 'giving' away a set number amount, daily, consecutively... etc... by 1 person.

    to 1 billion of anything of equal worth to each other.

    1 doll-ar is equal to 1 doll-ar... idea.

    did I suggest trying at 10 billion or 20 or 30?

    Why do I use 'billion'?

    Well, I heard that 'billion' is the new 'million'.

    $Billion is the new $Million for Lotteries
    It's taking much bigger jackpots to pique people's interest in the lottery, than ever before


    The letting go due to the Armaggedon virus. it is not 'real'.. there is no armaggedon as suggested by Hollywood scholars. There could be but they would have to provide for the explosions and massive 2 ton hails and stuff.

    It is a Promise by The LORD and God that the Earth will not be destroyed as long as The Rainbow They set up in the sky keeps shining. knowing you can always count on me... for sure.. that's what friends are for...

    but wait!!! by water.. the earth will not be destroyed again by water.. by hailstorms is not by water... by fire is not by water.. by black holes is not by water.... geesh..

    After all, how would Christ Messiah be able to 'return' if the Earth was not here for Him to return to?
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
  7. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    And so...


    wrong (adjective)
    1. not correct or true; incorrect.
      "that is the wrong answer"
      [incorrect · mistaken · in error · erroneous · inaccurate · not accurate · inexact · not exact · imprecise · invalid · untrue · false · fallacious · wide of the mark · off target · misleading · illogical · unsound · unfounded · without foundation · faulty · flawed · off beam · bogus · phoney · out · way out · full of holes · dicey · iffy · dodgy · abroad] 1
      right · correct · spot on
    2. unjust, dishonest, or [immoral].1
      "they were wrong to take the law into their own hands" · "it was wrong of me to write you such an angry note"
      illegal · against the law · unlawful · illicit · indictable · lawless · lawbreaking · criminal · delinquent · felonious · dishonest · dishonorable · corrupt · unethical · [immoral] 2 · morally wrong · [bad] · [wicked] · base · [evil] · [sinful] · foul · despicable · iniquitous · nefarious · [blameworthy] · condemnable · culpable · crooked · shady · bent · not cricket
      legal · ethical
    wrong (adverb)
    1. in an unsuitable or undesirable manner or direction.
      "what am I doing wrong?"
    wrong (noun) · wrongs (plural noun)
    1. an unjust, dishonest, or immoral action.
      "I have done you a great wrong"
      misdeed · bad deed · bad act/action · offense · injury · crime · unlawful act · illegal act · violation · infringement · infraction · transgression · peccadillo · sin · injustice · unfairness · unjust act · grievance · outrage · atrocity · malfeasance · tort · trespass · malefaction
      • law
        a breach, by commission or omission, of one's legal duty.
      • law
        an invasion of right to the damage or prejudice of another.
    wrong (verb) · wrongs (third person present) · wronged (past tense) · wronged (past participle) · wronging (present participle)
    1. act unjustly or dishonestly toward.
      "please forgive me these things and the people I have wronged"
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
  8. JET3534

    JET3534 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    Ah so. How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

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