Youtube is a Fantastic place to educate yourself on the Turmoil coming

Discussion in 'Economics & Trade' started by Quadhole, Nov 25, 2018.

  1. Quadhole

    Quadhole Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
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    Peter Schiff has it partially correct. So does Lynette Zang, Gordon (gordo) Long at his Matasii site. Also, read the very Conservative site Zero Hedge, along with here. You can get all the information, the truth that you need. You have to skip over or partially read OPINIONS. Including everyone here, we all have an Opinion that isn't fact. History is fact and the Manipulation runs deep in this country.

    Everyone really needs to understand what the FED has done with the backing of the Investment Banks, Politicians, and Major Corporations that have all benefited tremendously off of YOU.

    Something has to happen, even if they continue down this path and Print more money, QE again. At some point, maybe even as far down the road as 15 years a MAJOR change, reset, something is coming. There is no way to pay off the debt. That is Impossible, thus, they should just walk away from it. Allow everyone in the country to walk away from CC, anything listed on their credit, student loans, etc. All that money is 98% owed to Billionaires and financial institutions that are already filthy rich. They dont need it.

    This would give the country and the World a Fresh Start. Everything would be awesome again, set the tax rate at a proper level, heavy on the rich and all would be fine. The Greed will win and this wont happen. People will be begging for shelter, food, clothes, etc. It is coming because the RICH, most of them have no humanity. They care more about Dolphins, Turtles and Birds then they do other humans. They consider any human that has not done well as a waste, a burden on society. Get use to it, only gets worse from here.
  2. Reiver

    Reiver Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    Given capitalism is inherently unstable (and the financial market even more so), I love the doomsters. Broken clock- twice right- springs to mind.
  3. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    Youtube is a Fantastic place to educate yourself on the Turmoil coming

    I agree. youtube is a fantasic place to encounter nearly any fantasy.

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