Do some people really believe that they have a "right to a job"?

Discussion in 'Economics & Trade' started by jakem617, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Alaska Slim

    Alaska Slim Active Member

    Dec 3, 2012
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    You have the right to seek out employment, and for no one to obstruct you in that task.

    Employment however is not a right, as for it to be a right, means someone out there owes you a job, instead of them granting you a job only after you've convinced them that you're qualified and would be a better fit than all other competing applicants (if any).
  2. unrealist42

    unrealist42 New Member

    Mar 3, 2011
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    In a nation where everything requires the payment of money the concept of everyone having an income is not really debatable as long as there is broad public agreement that no one should be left to starve and die on the streets. Since there is a widespread expectation that all those who are able and willing to work will gain their income from employment, only those who wholeheartedly support a welfare state would take the position that there is no right to a job, that people who simply desire to not work for their income must therefore be supported by public and private charity.

    That is of course, unless they take the position that all who are willing and able are somehow obliged to take whatever employment they are offered or they will be denied the benefit of public and private charity.

    Which is it?
  3. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Ditto to you, Dittohead.
  4. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Under today's indentured servitude education, an oncologist is nothing more than some escapist and childish wimp who doesn't earn a living until he is 30 years old. If you expect the cure for cancer from someone who has that little self-respect, you must have a brain tumor filled with the obvious absurdity the ruling class tells you is the way we should develop our best human resources.

    I know why you support this work without pay (to a real man, that equals slavery)? You think that anyone who gets rewarded has to be punished first. Only a little Mama's Boy afraid to grow up would put up with unpaid education. That's what all you Diploma Dumboes are. Your "education" only proves that you're the type who won't fight back against economic tyranny. Only an inhibited, self-hating nerd would accept your insulting attitude that sees nothing wrong with making our smartest people so subservient. Real men with brains must declare war on those who push this system. Those who endorse it deserve to die of cancer. If I had the cure, I'd throw it in your face for expecting me to sacrifice my youth so you could live past middle age.

    The authoritarian plutocratic parasites who impose this system do so because the cure is worth trillions and they would get practically all of it if the person who created the cure has been turned into a pushover that he lets our economic bullies get away with that. But if he has no pride, he will lose whatever he should have been proud of. High IQs should use their brains only to confiscate the wealth of the rich, who made all "their own" wealth by such a scheme. Never forget that High IQs created all the world's weapons.

    What a mind slave you are! The only way someone could believe the status-quo stagnancy that this is a productive system is because he had its supposed value drummed into him from childhood on and never learned to think for himself. A Big Lie is some propaganda that, if you were capable of clearing your mind of everything you were told by the ruling class, you would say, "You want me to do what?!" Getting a job by going four or more years without a job is simply a brain-dead idea.
  5. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    No, the rich parasites do not have the right to control employment or to claim that they reward the best people. This is an economic dictatorship and it must be overthrown. I know you get a kick out of imaging yourself as one of those conceited bullies, but real men aren't going to lick the boot you kick us with.
  6. Alaska Slim

    Alaska Slim Active Member

    Dec 3, 2012
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    What, that's all?

    Easy fix: Allow students to declare bankruptcy, stop subsidies, and fix the tort system so that malpractice isn't so overemphasized.

    Actually, we're ahead of the world when it comes to Cancer, hell, if we had Britian or Norway's fatality rate for Prostate Cancer, over 100,000 more people would die each year.

    We could be even better, don't get me wrong, but this isn't an area where we're in a crisis. No country is better at this than us.

    Oh I do, it's just that "economic tyranny" would seem to mean something different to me than it does to you.

    Tyranny, to me, is forcing me to buy something I don't want to buy, disallowing me from buying products across state lines, taking possession of my house, that I fully own, so that you can sell it to fund your bankrupt local gov't, etc.

    While the patenting system does need to be fixed, keep in mind that the profit motive allows us to have better access to drugs, euipment, and cutting-edge surgical techniques, far sooner than most other countries.

    Canadians come here to purchase drugs they can't get back home, reason being our companies developed it, and isn't being produced yet in Canada.
    Without the profit motive, much of this simply wouldn't exist. I'd take a temporary high mark-up (until it goes generic), over it taking longer to develop or not developing at all.

    The problem with the status-quo is things like this, the Affordable Care Act, certificate-of-need laws, lack of an interstate insurance market, a tax system codifying employer-provided insurance, and all the State and Federal mandates.

    In short: Gov't. Time to deregulate. Worked wonders for the transportation sector, no reason we shouldn't want to see the same in Medical Insurance and Medical Care.
  7. Alaska Slim

    Alaska Slim Active Member

    Dec 3, 2012
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    ... They don't, both the worker and the employer have to agree to terms for the worker to work there.

    I applied for a job at United Airlines, turned out it was going to conflict with school for me, so we went separate ways.

    If you want, you could try self-employment, but that means you have to develop and exercise skills that the "the rich parasites" have that you seem to take for granted.

    Marketing? Accounting? Tax and regulatory compliance? This all takes expertise, and chances are even if you do start your own business, you won't be doing all of this on your own. You'll pay someone else to do it for you.
  8. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Wow, really?

    I can't even remember the last time I listened to Rush Limbaugh for more then 3 minutes. It must have been around 10 years ago though.

    In fact, I can't think of any Political Pundits I listen to, Liberal or Conservative. But nice try though, nice try.
  9. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    That is one thing that always strikes me about the "Radical Leftists" (especially those that bend towards Socialism). Almost none of them do, have, or ever will be self-employed. They would rather throw rocks at those that employ them, talking about "wage slavery" and other such nonsense. None of them have ever really created anything, had employees or have a clue what is involved in actually creating jobs.

    And you would think that if they were serious about what they say, they would create employment for huge numbers of people, giving them everything they may want or need in the process, free health care, free education, full pension, above average wages, etc, etc, etc.

    But they don't, because they can't. I bet that if any of them do try it, they would either fail miserably, or scream that somebody else (the Government) should be doing all of that for them.
  10. Snappo

    Snappo Banned

    Apr 25, 2013
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    I don't think I have a "right to a job" but I will say that a certain race in our country thinks they have a right to my tax money going to their section 8 houses and food stamps. That I somehow owe them that because they sold each other into slavery in the early 1700's even though my family didn't get here until the late 1800's. Nobody should have a right to a job. They should get off their asses and work for it.
  11. Not Amused

    Not Amused New Member

    Jul 23, 2011
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    The parasites I keep running into are the employers, they are the ones that demand the fruits of my labor without providing anything in return, and I can't get rid of them by changing jobs.

    As far as "the best people", the market determines that. Employers that surround themselves with kiss asses lose to those employers that reward competence.

    And replaced with what, a socialist dictatorship?

    I have known a lot of employers, and they see their employees as friends and part of their extended family.

    The conceited bullies, that want me to lick their boots, are those that think life is a zero sum game and that my success can only come from exploiting those "less fortunate".
  12. Not Amused

    Not Amused New Member

    Jul 23, 2011
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    Excellent points, all.
  13. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    The irony is, the earliest "Communists" in this country were very much like that. Yes, the US has had Communes that did very well, created by people with visions and wanting to make their communities better through Communism (not that bastard offshoot of Marxism that most people think of when they hear the word).

    Most people have heard of Oneida Silverware, a multi-million dollar cutlery company. Most have no clue that it started as the business to provide jobs for the Oneida Community, a 18th century Commune.

    Or how about Amana, a gigantic appliance company, with revenue in excess of $5 billion a year. Yep, created by the Amana Colonies, yet another 19th century Commune.

    And we have a great many other examples. The Shakers were a commune, and even today their woodwork is prized by collectors. The Harmony Society was among the earliest adaptors of the Steam Engine in textile manufacturing, and ran a great many textile mills. The Ruskin Colony created a newspaper that was one of the most widely distributed in the South-East US (and had a lot of female editors), and sent it's members out to harvest crops, sewed clothing, and manufactured things from belts and cereal to suspenders and furniture.

    The "Socialists" of the past encouraged work, insisting that everybody be a functioning member of the society. Today, that is gone. No work? Why, sit at home and do nothing, we will take care of you.

    By itself, I actually think "Socialism" has a great many things in favor of it. But it's perversion by Marx and the lazy people or those who want to buy votes as perverted it far out of the original concept. I have no problem in the world with giving bread to Mary who has to take care of her kids, or to Max who has a broken leg and can't work. But I'll be damned if I want to give money and bread to Paul, who simply feels that working "fast food" is below their dignity.

    I would be much more willing to give him support so he can get by on his limited income then to replace it totally with "state funds".
    dudeman and (deleted member) like this.
  14. dudeman

    dudeman New Member

    Apr 16, 2006
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    This is the biggest problem that I have with rich "liberals". I don't care about a business persons motivation or ideology. If the net product is of reasonable quality and of my interest, I will buy it. Instead of forming break-even business models and taking a risk with $100 million of their $ 1 billion, they CHOOSE to influence government to steal (i.e. tax) the working class taxpayers money and GIVE it to others as opposed to forming their own business and distributing THEIR money.
  15. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Also tell that to the Heirheads. If we have to do it on our own, so must they. Or we overthrow this spoiled guillotine-fodder.
  16. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Unfunded mandate. Tough-talking independents speak with a yellow tongue if they meekly submit to the command economy of the priveate-sector rulers. What about the drive for profit applied to the inventors and every other worker? Automatically, anyone with the arrogance to define what we must do for him is a bully, a thief, and an incompetent who can't make money except through extortion. So we should form our own government against those who rule us and pretend they aren't a government but are naturally superior to us as determined by an independent market no one designed especially for them.
  17. unrealist42

    unrealist42 New Member

    Mar 3, 2011
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    They can't because the minute they try they are attacked viciously by all the might and power that money can buy. Go ahead, try to rent a building when you are a known socialist organization. Try to operate without continual harassment infiltration and intimidation by the police, public officials, the press and hired thugs.

    I am about as radical a leftist as there is around here and I am self employed. I work for myself, whether or not I employ my labour for your benefit is entirely up to you. If you want me to do work for you it will require that we reach an agreement that is satisfactory to both of us as to the period and conditions of employment and the scope of the work you want done.

    I have been part of a number of enterprises in socialism and collectives but they have all failed because the reality is that the government is in the hands of the wealthy and they will deploy as much might as they can muster to destroy anything considered to be a threat to the status quo. It is easy enough to fail when the entire playing field is not only titled against you but actively trying to push you off the edge. The history of the left in the US is blanketed with police and FBI infiltrators who insinuated themselves into leadership positions and radicalized groups into acts of violence or created so much internal dissension that they broke apart. What if they had not done that, what would the US be like if the playing field had been level?
  18. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Wow, maybe you should do something about that paranoia.

    And what that has to do with starting a business, I have no idea. You just went off on this strange political rant about Socialist organizations, which has not a single thing to do with creating a business. Oh well, I should expect not getting straight answers.

    And really? Harassment by press, politicians, police and hired thugs?
  19. Snappo

    Snappo Banned

    Apr 25, 2013
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    I don't know why people think USA is a place for handouts. I suppose we deserve some of that reputation by giving all those billions every year to these other countries. Candidly, I think most Americans just want to keep their own heads above water, and not have to pay for someone's section-8, food stamps, WIC, welfare, etc. (let alone carry people in Gaza, Jordan, Egypt, etc.).
  20. Snappo

    Snappo Banned

    Apr 25, 2013
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    I doubt Rush cares about any of the political crapola he yaps about. He found a way to get a bunch of dumb sheeple to listen to him for insane amounts of cash, so he went for it. No different than Howard Stern, Don Imus, or Sean Hannity. All of those people are exploiters of the weak minded. Proof positive that capitalism works.
  21. Alaska Slim

    Alaska Slim Active Member

    Dec 3, 2012
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    Contradiction in terms. In a command economy, there is a singular authority. In a market, there's a plurality, all of whom are ultimately answerable to supply & demand. If they don't create value for the consumer, they fail.

    You don't have to, you can start your own business if working under someone else is intolerable, and many people have done that.

    No one is forcing you (in the market) to stay under someone's thumb, it's a choice you made in lieu of another.

    No, they just happened to master the process of creating wealth for others, and what they do just happens to be in smaller supply.

    It isn't an evaluation of you as a person, it's supply & demand, "What can you do for me?" as this article puts it.

    Better to reward people based on that, the value they create for others, than arbitrary political incentives.
  22. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    And this is the case over and over again in this country. Bill Gates, Steven Jobs, Michael Dell, Anthony Magelica, Ron Popeil, Howard Hughes, Gary Dahl, the list simply goes on and on and on. People who had an idea or dream, and made it real. All essentially started with nothing, and built fortunes by providing something that people needed.

    If people had not wanted or needed what they built, these individuals would not have become as rich as they had. After all, nobody forced people to buy their products.
  23. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    The greatest infiltration is through your own leadership, who arise from the spoiled illegitimate aristocracy. They push anti-majority ideas, basically all those pseudo-Liberal fantasies from the 1960s when their brats took over the movement against the Right, which was merely their fathers, whom they never really rejected at all, believing that they themselves were born with superior genes and could define progressive change.

    But you will never admit that your ideas are designed to oppress the majority and those born in the working class. If all you see is harassment by paid agents of a Right-Wing government, your political insight is suffocating under a shallow perspective provided for you by conceited university-indoctrinated snobs. The children of the rich must be banned from participation in democracy until laws are passed cutting them off from their parents' wealth at age 18. Ideas from class-biased universities must be dismissed as sheltered fantasies from agents of the ruling class.

    Proof that modern Leftism itself is entirely an infiltration is that union membership has gone from 25% to 8% since they took over the movement and the wealth disparity between the upper classes and the lower middle class has widened under their illegitimate control, as was always their plan.

    Who gives you this simple-minded version of agents provocateurs? The same fake "traitors to their own ruling class" who gave you the basic ideas of modern Liberalism that have alienated your pre-owned cult from the majority. They also give you the snobbish excuse that Middle Americans are too stupid to think on their own and reject Liberalism only because of media brainwashing. No, real Americans are wiser than those who think that Liberalism is progressive. They instinctively sense that it is poison spread by the worthless anti-democratic children of the rich.
  24. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    If you defend the privileges of the children of the rich, you have no right to complain. Ban allowances and trust funds and let them work their way through college, living in miserable poverty on part-time jobs. Few would graduate and take over our economic and political leadership. Anyone who ignores these freeloaders at the top is a hypocrite. We take pay cuts so the rich thieves can buy the love of their children. Those rich kids who become Limousine Liberals compound their hatred of the majority by giving away other people's money because their own is not earned, only inherited.
  25. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    The singular authority under Communism for the Rich is Investor Supremacy. The singular authority under State Capitalism is membership in the Communist Party.

    You impose conditions that crush the individual or addict him to a relentless pursuit of money and power. The only market force is the force of concentrated wealth. The Invisible Hand is the one picking your pocket.

    Supply is hoarded in order to increase profits through price-gouging. Demand is created through advertising and forced social pressure.

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