Support Gay Civil Rights...To Donate Blood...whaaa? Huh?!

Discussion in 'Gay & Lesbian Rights' started by Silhouette, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. leekohler2

    leekohler2 New Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    Just because her imaginary friend was a serial killer, does not mean we are.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    That that statement is pure homophobic bigotry.

    This is a statement based upon bigotry- with the assumption that gay men want to harm people- which by the way is a recurring theme in your threads- from thread about pedophiles to your fantasy friend who was a mass murderer.

    Reasonable people can conclude that there is a plausable case for preliminary screening based upon known risk factors.

    However, just because a group representing gay men challenges that screening doesn't mean- to anyone other than a bigot- that they want to kill people. You have made the great leap from 'wanting to donate blood' to 'wanting to kill people'.

    The reality is that people who donate blood donate both their time, and discomfort in order to benefit complete strangers- all for nothing more than a doughnut and some orange juice.

    These men want to be able to be generous and help people- to accuse them of wanting to kill people is just a blood libel.
  3. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    So let me see if I have this right. Gay members of this forum have said they see no problem with the ban on donations from "men who have sex with men" remaining in place.

    I, a gay man, have stated that I will follow my doctor's advice to refrain from donating blood (for causes unrelated to the current ban).

    Yet somehow, this all equals a vast conspiracy by gay men to infect the blood supply with HIV. Even though only a minority of gay men are infected, we somehow are knowingly trying to infect the blood supply. Even though some of us have said we respect the ban and otherwise are refraining from donation.

  4. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    I thought blood was supposed to be screened? OK, if someone knows that they have an illness then don't donate; please. But that's a common sense thing, not a gay thing.

    But, how does sticking your jimmy into a place that most others don't put it disqualify you from donating blood? That's akin to saying that all us Irish would have more alcohol than blood.

    I view this as the extreme opposite of "gay rights"

    With "gay rights" there seems to be a desire to create a protected class for those who have gay sex. Here, we want to disqualify legitimate blood donors because they have gay sex.

    How about this, we just view men as men, perform blood screening and be done with it?

    It's the same with individual rights, we don't need to have gay rights and then rights for everyone else.
  5. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    The screening process isn't 100% effective.
  6. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    I realize that screening isn't perfect, and we're talking about a small segment of the population being disqualified. 8 million adults engage in gay sex. Maybe the population is split 50/50 of men and women leaving 4 million gay male adults.

    If my child is in need of blood, and the only donor available is a gay male without disease then donate away. The blood is not going to convert my child to the homosexual lifestyle and if that gay male wants to donate blood, then more power to him. We as a society must encourage volunteers for good causes (leftist politics is never a good cause) . For those of us who view people who have gay sex as being no different than the rest of us then we should welcome their blood too.
  7. Diana1180

    Diana1180 New Member

    Jul 11, 2012
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    My brother is gay and he cant donate bone marrow. If I am in need of blood or marrow..better believe I woould trust my brothers way more than any strangers.
  8. JeffLV

    JeffLV Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 18, 2008
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    In the hypothetical scenario that there was not enough blood for your child, of course. But like you said, the population of gay men is small, and we don't have shortage problems. The fDA has said they are open to the idea of removing the restriction on gay men in favor of a survey that is more broad, asking people if they are monogamous and otherwise take measures that minimize the risk. They are open to it, but simply have not bothered do to the lack of need. The inability to donate blood is not really a civil rights issue, so the current rules don't really bother me even if there is a better way it could theorerically be done. They might be able to do it better, but it's reasonable.
  9. JeffLV

    JeffLV Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 18, 2008
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    My understanding is that this is only a rule for blood banks. Personally electing to take your brothers marrow should not be an issue, especially considering how hard it can be to find a willing matched donor. But I could be wrong.
  10. Diana1180

    Diana1180 New Member

    Jul 11, 2012
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    I think there MAY be ways around it (like lying), but if he has had sex with another male in the past 5 years, he cannot donate marrow.
  11. USSR

    USSR New Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    In fact Women comprise the Biggest single group that has Hiv Infection ,with estimates up to 33% of sth African Adults infected irrespective of Sexuality ,the "H" in Hiv =Human and until it is treated as a human disease then the epidemic will continue.

    I agree with your opposition to MSM ,as this term was developed by the Gay community called the LGBT Anti-hetrosexual Community .Its ok as Bisexuals and Homosexuals hate their guts as well.

    It reveals the Low level of general sex education that the Gay gets as ALL MEN MASTURBATE so all men are MSM! [men who don't masturbate are mentally ill .

    Presently without any help from the GBLT Community of stupidity ,MEDICAL science has developed a Functional cure for Aids ,stopping the progression from HIv with Drugs such as Travada ,which is also being trialed as a effective vaccine .

    Also on the Horizon is a class of drugs that may get to the Reservoirs of the infected cells in the Brain and other tissues like the Lymph Nodes ,presently Hiv can effectively be cleansed from the blood.

    For all the swaking of the Gay activist lobby it is Medical science that is the ONLY helpful strategy .

    All people irrespective of Sexuality should be screened for as many diseases as possible the Latest test for Hiv takes 20 minutes and is extremely Accurate.

    Hiv doesn't discriminate only humans do the fastest growing demographic in the USA is Male Hetro-sexuals BTW!

    P.s I am very knoledgable on this subject as I was diagnosed with Aids defining illness in 2009 ,and guess what I am Hiv undectable and pretty darn healthy a Pill a day keeps Aids away!

    My life expectancy is slightly less then average and hey how far can a cure be .

    The only entrenched prejudice I have experienced is from guess who ,YEP the Gay and Lesbian Community of Bigots.Who see Hiv\Aids as a disease sent from the Hetro-sexual community to kill them ,YEP NO BULL!

    And I am Not MSM .Whatever That means?
  12. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Except the CDC isn't in charge of the African HIV/AIDS problems. They can only work with the demographics in the USA to set a course and plan for blood donation. And here in the US, gay men are the disproportionately high carriers of HIV. It's a statistic that all agree on. So blood drives act accordingly. They have to. They are not political entities. They are entities charged with the preservation of public health. Period.
  13. LogCabinRepublicans

    LogCabinRepublicans New Member

    Aug 2, 2013
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    You do realize your ignorance is showing?
  14. Osiris Faction

    Osiris Faction Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    You do realize you pointed out nothing with that post...right?
  15. LogCabinRepublicans

    LogCabinRepublicans New Member

    Aug 2, 2013
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    Readers, this is the "but what about Africa?!" battle cry that the homosexual left spews to try to deflect the reality that male homosexuals are the overwhelming vector of HIV per capita. The African epidemiological model does not fit the Western model no matter how much homosexual AIDS extremists like ACT Up whose founder admits he created a "truly fascist organization".

    Your claim is extremely inaccurate as they do not perform polymeraise chain reaction DAN testing at blood banks, which in itself can take as much as month to show HIV seroconversion. Either you know this and you're concealing it to be intellectually dishonest, or you're truly ignorant.

    This is a propaganda slogan created by Larry Kramer's terrorist ACT UP admitted fascist organization. Nice try, AIDS is a HIGHLY discriminatory disease. I suggest you study retroviral epidemiology to find out why. And readers, he is using the "every group but heterosexuals are the fastest rising" lie, a version of Hitlers Big Lie technique. Go check out the CDC's DAILY AIDS Summaries and HIV Surveillance Reports and get educated and you will catch the homosexual left and AIDS democratizers doing their usual lying like above.
  16. migueldarican

    migueldarican New Member

    Jun 17, 2013
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    The CDC has declared that homosexuals are at a much higher risk of HIV. The only thing that proves (and even the CDC says this) is that homosexuals need to practice safe sex and all other precautions. It does nothing to make a case against suppressing sexual behavior.

    Heterosexuals can also get HIV. That being said, more precautions are need at blood banks. If HIV tests take a month for results, then all donors (gay and straight) should not be allowed to give blood unless they can provide proof upon arrival that they are cleared of HIV.

    You have again proven nothing. Although I will commend you for not referrencing Kirk and Madsen. Good job.:clapping:
  17. LogCabinRepublicans

    LogCabinRepublicans New Member

    Aug 2, 2013
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    You can't seem to get your head around the fact that it can never realistically be proven that male homosexual blood has no HIV prior to donating unless you quarantine a person in solitary confinement for a month, then do a PCR-DNA test.

    The homosexual group Outproud designed to facilitate child molestation has publicly stated that by age 50, about half of all male homosexuals will have seroconverted. That means by that age half of all make homosexuals in the U.S. are HIV positive, yet the homosexual left is suing for the right to put the blood supply at risk. It gets worse. ACT UP, the admitted fascist organization created the "silence equals death slogan, yet the homosexual left came unhinged and went into a political hissy fit when responsible partner notification laws were proposed, as they apparently wanted the silence to result in equal death.

    Yes heterosexuals can HIV seroconvert from heterosexual sex. And they can be struck by lightning too, something that also happens.
  18. migueldarican

    migueldarican New Member

    Jun 17, 2013
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    But there is a way to prove that heterosexual blood has no HIV, right? :wink: I see now! Ooooooka

    When you say stuff like this, it helps to post links as a point of referrence.

    Do those statistics match up? Again, do you have a point of reference to show that the example you just posted is a good one?
  19. LogCabinRepublicans

    LogCabinRepublicans New Member

    Aug 2, 2013
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  20. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Please, define the "homosexual left". I just need to know what that means to YOU. How do they matter (in all of this), in your opinion?
  21. LogCabinRepublicans

    LogCabinRepublicans New Member

    Aug 2, 2013
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    The homosexual left is the group that attacks the civil and basic human rights of all dissenters and label their attacks equality, the ones who champion child molestation, the ones who use the Born That Way hoax, the ones who refer to all dissenters as "homophobes", the ones who try to take away the rights of parents to not have their children recruited, proselytized and force brainwashed into the homosexual sex acts camp in public schools, the group that accuses all dissenters as being closet homosexualists, the ones that are attacking the minds and will of the people with a subversive psychological psyops campaign as Kirk and Madsen call their own scripted propaganda manifesto that outlines the aforementioned.

    Oh, and they are the group that politically cleanses others speech and engages in anti-conservative apartheid by controlling which information they will allow in their media.
  22. Stagnant

    Stagnant Banned

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Who? Come on, let's have some names.

    One example. One. Come on, don't make me call you a liar.

    Congratulations! You've gone completely off the rails at Koo-Koo-Kazoo station! I don't even know where to address this. It's not just not right, it's not even wrong. "Homosexual sex acts camp"? In public schools? Jesus, what kind of drugs does it take to believe something like that?
  23. migueldarican

    migueldarican New Member

    Jun 17, 2013
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    Accusing someone of diversionary deflection when such did not happen is in itself a difersionary deflection. It's kind of like:

    "You're an idiot."
    "So are you!"
    "Don't change the subject!"

    No, it was still on topic. Homosexuals want the same rights as heterosexuals. They want the equal opportunities as heterosexuals. This includes blood donations. Heterosexuals aren't suing, because they're not viewed as a risk, homosexuals are. Stick to the issue instead of claiming your opponent is using diversionary deflection.

    Translation: LogCabinRepublicans doesn't have any.

    None of those tactics are being used here. To the "on-the-fence" individual, I'm guessing they're the ones who get turned off by fearmongers, and people who spam Kirk-n-Madsen all over the forum, only to get such validity thrown out the window when the progay community here says "WTF are Kirk and Madsen?" People who think gays are part of a Borg-like Agenda, when what we see in this forum are all individuals. Peopl, humans who simply want equality for all. Who do you think the "on the fence" individual will most likely go to?

    The link doesn't work. In any case that's not what I was asking. I was asking if the comparison is sound.
  24. LogCabinRepublicans

    LogCabinRepublicans New Member

    Aug 2, 2013
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    The homosexual leftist posts that the homosexual left are not following Kirk and Madsens marketing script outlined in Overhauling Straight american and After the Ball......

    You just have to love it.....
  25. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Is anything in your post supposed to make any sense?

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