One of many reasons why I hate cops

Discussion in 'Civil Rights' started by Libertarianforlife, Nov 1, 2014.

  1. Libertarianforlife

    Libertarianforlife Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2013
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    This cop pulls over a biker to cease his helmet cam "for use as evidence of crimes committed by other bikers in his group."

    1. You need a warrant to cease evidence. You can't randomly pull someone over for that.
    2. Without him having committed a crime, he has no right to be pulled over at all.
    3. The cop later makes up a charge against him to arrest him to cease the camera. The guy committed no crime and was arrested. You can't be arrested for an obscured plate.

    The following should happen to the cop:

    1. Immediate termination.
    2. Immediate arrest for felony assault and battery.
    3. Immediate loss of his firearms until his day comes in court.


    What actually happened? Suspended for 38 days, 8 of which was for leaving a drunk driver to go chase down the bikers. Illegal arrest, felony assault and battery, and keeps his job.

    If me or you would do that, we'd be looking at felony charges. When you're paid to uphold the law, you are held to a higher standard than the average citizen, not a lower one.

    This is one of the reasons people hate cops and rejoice when they hear of one being killed on the job. (I know many people who actually have done that. Not me personally, but many others who have had trumped up charges against them, lost their job and their home, only to be later found not guilty or had the charged dropped altogether. But by that time, the damage had long been done.)
  2. gamewell45

    gamewell45 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 10, 2011
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    Everybody hates cops until they need one. Then they become your best friend.
  3. toddwv

    toddwv Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 18, 2009
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  4. Libertarianforlife

    Libertarianforlife Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2013
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    Oops. Well look what time it was posted. Cut me some slack, Jack. I kept reading it and pronouncing the word correctly and thinking that didn't sound right but I was too tired to care.

    Nobody needs cops. What do they do? Take down a report or pull you over for a taillight out so they can collect money for their local town. A TV news crew could suffice. I'm 35 and never needed a cop. They never prevented a damn thing from happening at my house. They only ever got there after the fact to take photos and a written report for me. I purchased a used car that had recently passed inspection. I get pulled over in a 1 horse town for "window tint too dark." I know nothing about window tint, I just bought a used car. 160 dollars later and 15 minutes late for work I'm in disbelief. The car shouldn't have passed inspection like that, the fact that it did should have covered me. I attempted to fight it in court but the time written on the ticket was illegible and it was the wrong time so I missed court and had to pay. Stupid (*)(*)(*)(*)ing small town cops.

    Most recently at 1030 pm a truck was riding very slowly down my street with a spotlight shining into our yards and homes. I hopped on my bike and went after him and he took off. I chased this guy down the street on my motorcycle and called 911. It took 20 minutes for the cop to arrive with me being on the phone with 911 the whole time.
  5. Libertarianforlife

    Libertarianforlife Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2013
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    Who are you? The grammar police? You apparently don't know what a spelling error is. Not a single word in the OP is spelled wrong. So before you come on here playing "grammar cop" at least do it correctly, or else you really embarrass yourself, as you have done here. Nothing beats being corrected, and being incorrectly corrected! LOL Learn the difference between "spelling" and "grammar" genius.

    Our (*)(*)(*)(*)ing president mispronounced "corpsman" and people listen to him. I didn't make spelling "errors" I didn't misspell anything.

    By all means, lets put our educational credentials for comparison. Ready to play?
  6. Rickity Plumber

    Rickity Plumber Banned

    Dec 9, 2013
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    Read further before you start bashing me. You know that blue box with the quote marks? Better start by clicking on that or better yet, read the OP.

    This time with comprehension. Perhaps read post number three. This will give even the clueless a clue.
  7. Rickity Plumber

    Rickity Plumber Banned

    Dec 9, 2013
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    bring or come to an end.
    "the hostilities had ceased and normal life was resumed"
    synonyms: come to an end, come to a halt, end, halt, stop, conclude, terminate, finish, draw to a close, be over.

    take hold of suddenly and forcibly.
    "she jumped up and seized his arm"
    synonyms: grab, grasp, snatch, take hold of, get one's hands on.

    Get it now?
  8. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    You know that statement is sheer nonsense, rubbish, right? LOL

    More and more, people that used to call a cop are not doing that here in my area. Last year, I smelled something weird coming from my next neighbor here in a rural area. My brother who dropped by said it was the odor of meth being cooked. So, I called the sheriff's department. By the time they got here, the smell was gone, and the people who were there has left. He asked us some questions, and then out of the blue asked me if I cared if he checked out the inside of my own home. What???? I was so surprised by this, that it took me a few seconds to respond. Then I lost it. I told him to get the hell off of my property and if he wanted to search my house, he better bring back a search warrant. He asked if I had something to hide. I responded, "get the hell out of here." He left.

    A week later as I was going to the store to get some coca cola for the grandkids. he pulled me over. Checked my insurance, my license, and asked to search my car. I had a brake light that was out. He told me if I refused he would sit there and get a search warrant. So, I let him. And of course he found nothing for I do not use drugs nor drink alcohol. I was actually worried that he would plant a drug in my car as that happened to someone that I knew, but thankfully he did not. But if he would have, what defense could I have mustered to prove him wrong?

    Frankly, I hardly go anywhere in my car these days. I ask my daughter to come over a couple times a week to take to shopping and the rest of what I need I buy online and get it delivered.

    So, yes, I despise cops. And I despise any human being that would be one.
  9. martin76

    martin76 New Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    Who needs cops? least not the decent people... if you don´t want trouble...get away from the cops, further you can.

    Video shows what are cops... three cops and two neurons. Boastful, violent, unjust ... the scum of society.Who with two neurons into the head would want to work as professional murderer for the administration?

    Cops, No thanks. Health authorities advise: Cops are injurious to health

    Another video: you can see the cops education, politeness and elegance, This Cops vs two 14 yo boys... What a great heroe!!!....Not only they are coward, they lack of any kind of intelligence (nor practical or emotional)..


    Cops: No THANK YOU.
  10. Libertarianforlife

    Libertarianforlife Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2013
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    I got it before, without you.

    I stand by what I said, I didn't misspell anything. I misused a word, but I didn't misspell anything. So like I said, when you are acting as grammar police, you better do it right or it is YOU who looks like an idiot.

    And I agree, screw cops. Who could support any cops when they do this?

  11. godisnotreal

    godisnotreal Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2010
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    Bikers should not be allowed to ride in groups of more than 3-4.
  12. CKW

    CKW Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
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    Its been my experience that people who don't have ANY respect for the police or have hatred for the police, feel the same regarding laws, respect for property, people in general etc.

    They aren't perfect for sure---but they are people trying to create a law and order society for the rest of us.
  13. godisnotreal

    godisnotreal Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2010
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    The guy on the bike should just have given the cops his stupid camera. He would have saved himself a lot of grief. Arguing with a guy who carries a gun and a badge is not a good idea.Some people are just not too bright.
  14. Libertarianforlife

    Libertarianforlife Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2013
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    Yes, by all means, bow to the pigs and let them do what they want. After all, they "carry a gun and a badge." Damn that law that says they need a search warrant. A badge and a gun puts you above all that.

    No, the guy handled himself BRILLIANTLY. He made damn sure he didn't consent to his camera being taken, thus invalidating any "evidence" the pigs got from it.

    The pig getting suspended proves the guy did nothing wrong.
  15. godisnotreal

    godisnotreal Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2010
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    There are some principles worth fighting for and other that are not. If I were I were the guy on the bike in this case (which I would never be, because owning or operating a motorcycle is stupidity in itself), I would have gladly given the cop my camera and I'd be on my way home and had an enjoyable rest of my day. Instead of being assaulted and then thrown into a jail cell. Arguing with a cop is never a good idea. It's just stupidity.

    The SMART guy is the lawyer who took the guy's case. He's making money off the whole thing. The guy on the bike just got screwed.

    It's like wearing a designer jacket in a a high-crime neighborhood. Do you have a right to do it? Yes. Are you morally wrong by doing it? No. But is it stupid to do so? Yes.
  16. gamewell45

    gamewell45 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 10, 2011
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    If your a libertarian, then you of all people should show respect for the laws of your state. A tail light out can cause an accident; if tinted windows are prohibited, then you should know the motor vehicle laws of your state and obey them; if you disagree with the laws, then work to change them; regardless you, like the rest of us, are not above the law.

    Like you said, you live in a 1 horse town; so obviously you knew in advance that you won't have the police presence you'd have in a larger town or city. Btw, just so you know, in the state of New York, it's a $500 dollar fine to hold a handheld cellphone unless its connected to a blue tooth or similar device where you do not physically hold the phone. Jus' saying do you don't get hammered with a ticket in NY.:)
  17. gamewell45

    gamewell45 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 10, 2011
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    Instead of being offensive, you could have shown better manners (after all you were the one who called him) and told him politely that you had nothing to hide and that he was being invited to leave the premises once his investigation was completed. But instead you responded that he should "get the hell out of here". You always attract more fly's with honey then vinegar.

    Right or wrong, he most likely remembered the call and how nasty you were and found a reason to pull you over; Furthermore you should know that a brake light that is out can cause an accident (there is a reason for maintaining brake lights you know). Since he didn't plant any drugs or other items in your car, that proves he's an honest cop.

    That's the safest way to keep any liability off your shoulders. Good thinking on that one.

    So you label all cops based on the actions of one or a few? I think that's a very lame position to take on those who are out there to help you when you need it. Next time a little courtesy might get a lot more consideration then you received.
  18. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    if only that was the only time cops entered peoples lives then everyone would love them

    we teach our children young this is not what to expect

    when society thinks illegal equals bad and then finds that illegal doesn't always equal bad, it sends a mixed message to our youth, one that says it's ok to break the law because the law is just trying to prevent you from having a good time - same problem with prohibition of Alcohol that is happening with with young adults now, take away the right to go to bars and they went to houses to party and if your gonna break the law to drink, why not break it to do any drug, making it illegal for young adults to drink made alcohol a gateway drug - prohibition makes criminals of non-criminals

    many cops are adrenaline junkies, one of the reasons many took the job, not all, but many

  19. Libertarianforlife

    Libertarianforlife Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2013
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    I never said I was above the law. This has nothing to do with being a libertarian. Where the hell do you people get this stuff?

    If you want to talk laws let talk laws:

    A vehicle cannot receive a new inspection sticker with illegal window tint. It cannot pass inspection. If it does, a law was broken. I know nothing about tinted windows and whats legal and whats not and I have no way of checking it anyway. I bought a car that had been inspected in the last couple of months. (the window tint job was obviously older than that and the guy who sold it to me told me that he bought it with that tint on it 5 years ago.) That inspection was considered a legal document stating the window tint was legal. The person who broke the law was the one who put the sticker on the window of the car. Not me. I just bought a used car.
  20. gamewell45

    gamewell45 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 10, 2011
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    That's a cop out and you know it. Yes you never verbally said you were above the law, but you implied it in your post. Libertarians are supposed to be law and order people who respect the constitution and laws of our land.

    You were the one who violated the law; your supposed to be familiar with the motor vehicle laws in your state. To blame the inspector is like blaming the gas station attendent who sold the gasoline to the person who used it to burn down a building.
  21. Libertarianforlife

    Libertarianforlife Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2013
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    So he's not responsible for knowing the laws regarding inspecting vehicles? It's like I can't get it through your head that the inspection sticker was a LEGALLY BINDING DOCUMENT stating that the car's tint was legal. Had I been able to read the damn pigs handwriting and I showed up to fight it in court, there is a very high chance that I would have won. Only AFTER I found out that the tint was illegal would I have been able to be given a ticket.

    Like if you buy a gun and later cops trace that its stolen. You legally bought the gun, you didn't know it was stolen. You know its illegal to possess a stolen gun but if you don't know its stolen how is it your fault? Just like if you buy a car and have no reason to believe the car is stolen yet you find out after being arrested for possession of a stolen car, you can get out of it most of the time if you prove that you purchased it with no ill intent.
  22. gamewell45

    gamewell45 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 10, 2011
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    Your wrong. If you were right as you maintain, then you wouldn't have gotten a ticket right? It would have been dismissed in court. Since it wasn't, obviously you were wrong even though you felt you were right.

    If you applied that rationale in a court of law and it was rejected, then what does that tell you?
  23. Libertarianforlife

    Libertarianforlife Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2013
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    Do you even read what I write?

    I never got to court. I showed up to a locked door. The time was wrong on the ticket so I had to pay. It said 2pm but I thought it said 7pm. The bottom of the 2 was on the line that the time was written on so I saw it as 7pm. By that time court was over so I was done. I never got in front of a judge so you CANNOT say that I am wrong.

    Whether I got a ticket or not is meaningless. The cop doesn't know I didn't put the tint on, but I could produce the paper work showing I bought the car like that with an almost new inspection sticker. Until a judge declares you guilty you are innocent. I never got in front of a judge. Never got the chance. I only paid the ticket because a warrant was going to be issued on me because I didn't show up for court.
  24. martin76

    martin76 New Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    I think more than adrenaline junkies, the cops are soulless beings, who are frustrated who sexual pleasure is based in using the force, the injustice against weak and vulnerable human beings. I think a cop is a being without soul, without neuron...a being hate the human, the liberty, the right to be different.. a frustrade being needs to be reaffirmed by imposing it will to humans..The Police or the violence of the cowards... they are very "hard" and "courage"... 3 to 1, with guns, shields, and a badge...
    When I see a cop by one side of street, I cross the street, If it is possible I change the street... when I go a shop in and I see a cop inside, I go out at a minute.. I don´t want contact with cops.. the slaves of power.... if a cop asks me, I don´t know anything...if I am compelled to answer... if I see a man cops are looking for he has turn left, I say "I am not sure, but I think I saw a man turn right"...

    I am a human being, I don´t like the being without souls like cops. They get money for damaging, for humiliating people, for me are the symbol of the evil of a state.


    no-thank-you-jpg.jpg no-thank-you-jpg.jpg
  25. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    we do not have inspections here, but I drove a truck with the windows having a light tent, drove it for probably five years before some cop decided to pull me over, I also bought it that way, went down and had it removed, paid the ticket, on with life... but it is weird that in some states it legal and in others it's not

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