Democrats Use Blacks Like Toilet Paper

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by precision, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. Seth Bullock

    Seth Bullock Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Strike three.
  2. Caustic_Avenger

    Caustic_Avenger New Member Past Donor

    Aug 19, 2013
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    Good. Now hit the showers. Afterwards you can make up some leaflets about your big "stop making babies and stay in school" ideas and pass them out in minority neighborhoods. Get back to us on how that worked out for you.

    Let me clue you in on something for starts, kid. Reread your entire proposal. Black people would assail you with "white privilege" attacks that would have you walking around in circles. The fact that you don't know why means you're not cut out for the "community development" thing. You 100% completely totally don't get it, and you sound as if no one has ever tried to do anything of that kind before, and meanwhile you're thinking you've invented the wheel. Your naivete is astounding. I'm actually doing you a favor before you try to present that to black people and end up getting your ass kicked.

    As far as I'm concerned, white people have done enough. Black people have enough to deal with just trying to figure out how not to run into legal issues.
  3. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Going fishing huh?

    Going to drive your truck and boat to the marina on publicly funded roads?
    Got a radio on that boat so you can call the publicly funded coast guard if you get in trouble?
    If someone does steal your boat going to cal those publicly funded police for help?

    Yeah your "self reliant" as long as the gubmint is there to help.

    BTW...Your philosophy and current or past Republican philosophy do not align. In fact, you'd be a libertarian EXCEPT for your claim to oppose anything upsetting the "fabric of order." You either do not understand your own beliefs or you are not honest about them.

    Chuckle that, and this;

    Self Reliant Man

    Dependent on government for far more than the average citizen;
    Able to confuse himself with a single thought;
    Look out on the forum!
    It's a government contractor!
    It's a "conservative" screaming "leave my medicare alone"
    No, it's Self Reliant Man
    Yes, Self Reliant Man
    Who, disguised as a productive member of society
    Is unable to live without government support for more 3 second and
    fights a never ending battle to suck at the government teat like a perfect vacuum!
  4. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I marvel at the remarkable lack of reading ability the left leaning members have shown in this thread. It's truly a sight to behold. If you do think there is a pot/kettle comparison, you are free to make it with an example. But it's unlikely you'll be able to do that because I don't think you yet realize your faux pas. Meanwhile, I'm entertained...
  5. joepistole

    joepistole New Member

    Apr 26, 2016
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    0 that so Lil Mike. :) I'm always amazed by the arrogance and severe cognitive impairment which has become pandemic in so called "conservative" circles, always scapegoating so called "liberals" i.e. anyone who doesn't mindlessly accept Republican dogma as gospel.

    You called me a rube for pointing out the fact the poster, a conservative, a Republican, inferred that blacks were too dumb to know what's good for them, because if they were smart enough they wouldn’t be Democrats. Yeah, you were definitely a kettle calling the pot black. Your calling other posters rubes, is definitively the pot calling the kettle black.

    Unfortunately for you and your fellow so called conservatives, blacks are much smarter than you and your Republican fellows give them credit. They know their history. They know what Democrats have done. They know what Republicans have done. And it’s not limited to just blacks. Minorities know who is has disenfranchised them at the ballot boxes across the land. They know which party has been friendly to their causes and interests, and it sure the hell hasn’t been the Republican Party. Unfortunately, for you and your so called conservative fellows, people are not as dumb as you need them to be. The Republican Party has become the party of old poor white men. It’s a shrinking demographic. Those are facts. Now you can call other people names has you have done, but unfortunately for you and your so called conservative fellows, it won’t change the facts.

    Lil Mike you and those like you are not nearly as smart as you want people to believe – far from it. Surveys say, you are mostly likely lesser educated, poor, and white. Unfortunately, so called conservatives today march around proclaiming anything or anyone who doesn’t comport with their i.e. your right wing ideology as liberal and therefore not worthy of consideration, just as Hitler’s brown shirted Nazi’s once did. Yeah, there are liberals, and some of them do the same things you do. But they are, by far, in the minority these days. The American liberal party, the Democratic Party, has become very mainstream. That’s why Democrats win national elections and Republicans can’t win national elections. The Democratic Party has become a very moderate party. Just as today’s Republican Party isn’t the party of Reagan, neither is the Democratic Party of today the party of Carter.
  6. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    time for a new thread..... Trump is treating republicans like Toilet paper
  7. precision

    precision Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    LOL @ asking Khan about gay marriage!!! :roflol:

    Blacks are supporting Democrats due to historical reasons AND because Republicans have nursed that angry white man formula to the max. They might get some traction if they got off that pablum and started sponsoring some programs that made a difference in the lives of black folks.

    Even if the Democrats matched Republicans, Republicans could still say they did something. If it was something that was actually substantial people would see that and no matter what the Democrats said, the efforts would be noted. Over and above that, why I said faith based is that what Democrats aren't going to match is support for things like traditional families, things which the socially conservative wing of the Republican base could focus on. That type of stuff sits well with black folks and if matched with some good job training and educational programs, I think there is some hay to be made there for Republicans. I suppose the thing is that Republicans have to want to do it. Part of he problem as I see it is that they have committed themselves to that angry white man pablum and such activity would alienate that part of the base.

    Its going to be interesting to see how that globalist thing plays out. If what is happening in Europe is any indication, as far as I can tell, the future doesn't appear to be promising for that point of view. But who knows, let's see what happens.
  8. precision

    precision Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    Great point! I agree 100 percent!!!

    Agreed again!! Another great point!!!

    That was great!! Love it! :roflol:

    I can see Bill Clinton and Debbie W Schultz coming to a black guy in the middle of the ocean, taking some pictures as they put the life preserver out, in then speeding off while Clinton asking, "are you sure you got some good pictures?" The poor black guy is out there in the middle of the Pacific going, "Hey!! What's up??? Come back!!!" :roflol:

    Not only would it save money over the long term having a truly productive person in society that is paying taxes, but it is good for the social condition, and therefore the long term stability of society as well. Again, great point!!!

    I think that is a good idea. However, I have said repeatedly that such programs are going to be accompanied by some training and recruiting first class teaching talent. These are going to have to be people who are well compensated and who have been carefully screened to get people who actually care enough to go the extra mile to be directly involved in their students lives in a very personal way. Part of the problem is the poor home environment that some students grow up in. We are going to need people who can relate to that, break through that, and make people see that there is another way, but they are going to have to work hard to get out. I think if we had that, along with what you have put forward, then we would be really getting somewhere.

    Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts! Its nice to see someone thinking like that!!!!
  9. precision

    precision Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    Oh sh*t! Here we go again. Damn, are people getting this sh*t from some talking point website? They keep repeating the same crap over and over and over again. Damn!!!


    Damn!! If I had time, I would do a funk version!!! That was just too white!!!! :roflol:
  10. precision

    precision Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    That means its time for some of my kind of music. When I heard John Coltrane for the first time, I changed radically musically. That's when I really became a very serious student of music. His influence cannot be overstated.

    Here's my favorite jazz pianist of all time, Kenny Kirkland, playing his tune "Mr JC." What I have always liked about this type of sound is that it captures the modern dilemmas well. The tension, the contradictions are all encapsulated in a very sophisticated use of harmonic dissonance. Really like that!!

  11. precision

    precision Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    This stuff is priceless!!!!

  12. Seth Bullock

    Seth Bullock Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Thanks! I live in a western state where teachers are compensated well and receive very good fringe benefits. In my school district, 61% of the teachers hold Masters Degrees, and they have an average of 14 years experience. So sure, I think you can get good teachers. I think America can afford this. I think America would be a healthier country economically and socially if we took the initiative and gave a "hand up" instead of just cynically giving away "hand outs". The only thing that is really lacking is the vision and the leadership needed to make it happen.

    And if Republicans espoused ideas like this, wouldn't they be creating ... future Republicans?
  13. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I appreciate the effort it took to type out that nonsense, and believe, there would be plenty of occasions when it wouldn't be nonsense; it might actually be a legitimate criticism of someone (although unlikely it would be me). However I'll cut to the chase to save you further embarrassment, even as entertaining as it's been. I'll focus on this statement of yours, "You called me a rube for pointing out the fact the poster, a conservative, a Republican, inferred that blacks were too dumb to know what's good for them..."

    Let's go back to the original comment I replied to when I referred to you as a rube:

    The poster was neither Republican, conservative, or white, which you would know if you had actually read the thread. You let your silly prejudices make assumptions for you, with the consequences is that you end up looking like an idiot. I will say however, you are not the only one. I would actually urge you to go back to the beginning of the thread and read it all the way, and you'll see that you are by no means alone. There are plenty of other left leaning people who either refused to read the thread, but still felt they had to comment on it, or have extremely poor reading comprehension, or...they're just idiots.

    So go back and read the thread and then maybe you can add intelligently to the discussion.
  14. joepistole

    joepistole New Member

    Apr 26, 2016
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    0 was your crap. As much as you may dislike it, blacks are not dumb. There are good reasons why 99% of black voters aren't voting Republican. You infer, without evidence, that people are dumb and that's why they are Democrats, and then you wonder why they don't like you? Gee, you Republicans are just so damn smart. :ROFL:

    The Republican Party is in complete disarray. Republicans are loosing even in traditionally solid red states like Georgia and the Democratic nominee is winning by double digits. Senior Republicans are deserting the party in droves e.g. Meg Whitman, Sally Bradshaw, Richard Hanna, Maria Comella et al. and the remaining Republican leaders are comtemplating ousting the party's nominee, and you think everyone else is dumb and you are smart. :ROFL: There is a word for that, it's called delusional. :)
  15. joepistole

    joepistole New Member

    Apr 26, 2016
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    LOL...instead of feigning worry or concern about others in order to cover up your embarrassment, you should try being honest. But then that kind of goes against the whole conservative gig. The only embarrassment here is yours, hence all the obfuscation. The fact remains, you were calling the kettle black. The facts remains blacks are not dumb as you folks have inferred. Did I say anything about poster's race? No I didn't....oops. And you are deriding people as liberal or left leaning all the while mindlessly reciting conservative memes? Oh no, you guys aren't conservatives. :) If you had any of those reading comprehension skills you like to accuse others of not having, you would know I used the word conservative and Republican interchangeably. And you are calling people idiots, and you are accusing others of having reading comprehension difficulty...seriously? :) You are doing what you do best, scapegoating and being dishonest.
  16. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    I know. There were plenty of racist laws in the non-Southern states. That was my point. Supreme Court decisions such as Plessy vs Ferguson established an ability for Jim Crow Laws to be imposed by local and state governments in all states.

    Democrats dominated the South until fairly recently. Only in the last couple of decades has the republicans gained control of many of the Southern state government, governors offices and statewide elected offices. This has been long after Civil Rights stopped being the main political issue it was during the Civil Rights Era.

    Republicans have always been leaders of the Civil Rights movement. It was the Northern Democrats the came along grudgingly. Take JFK for example. He helped LBJ gut the 1957 and 1960 Civil Rights legislation pushed through congress by Eisenhower and Richard Nixon. The 1964 CRA was written by a Republican and passed with more support from Republicans in both houses than Democrats. It would not have passed a Democrat majority in both houses because of Democrat opposition.

    It was baked into the laws in all states. Even in California we only recently took out some of the racist covenants, conditions and restrictions (CCR's) that many states had that banned minorities and blacks from buying homes in white neighborhoods.
  17. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    Yeah, that particular poster has engaged in numerous personal attacks in this thread (including calling other members slave masters who crack whips), and has been rightfully reported for personal attacks. Note though that not one single right winger in this thread has been able to prove that the Democrats "use blacks like toilet paper", and that includes the OP, and instead have flung personal attacks at specific members here.

    - - - Updated - - -

    So much talk about Democrats and Republicans. Those who opposed the CRA were conservatives. The ones who for it were liberals. Civil rights is a conservative versus liberals issue, and always has been. I do understand your desperate attempt to focus on the parties though, full well knowing the racists who were opposed to the CRA being passed were conservatives.
  18. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    The myths you are propagating, like all myths, are just plain wrong.

    The CRA was written by the Kennedy administration and introduced to the House by a Democrat from NY.
    The division of people supporting/opposing the bill was strictly along geographic lines as opposed to party lines. When considering support for the bill NO Republican from the "Old South" voted for the bill. Supporters of the bill from outside the "Old South" broke downs as 95/98% House/Senate for Democrats and 85/84% for Republicans.

    Republican control of the South didn't happen after the "Civil Rights Era," it happened BECAUSE of it. Also known as the "Southern Strategy."

    This period, starting in 1969, began the slow spiral where the Republican party stopped being the Republican party and transmorgified into the "republican" party of today wherein it is doubtful that a single supporter of the CRA of 1964 could be elected as a Republican.

    Living in denial of the facts does not change the facts.
  19. precision

    precision Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    Again, great points. What I find lacking is that we need people who really understand the types of problems that black children face trying to become educated. A lot of that is environmental and cultural in nature. What is needed are educators that understand this well, have sufficient courage, and are morally and mentally strong enough to be able to step into these students lives and be able to make a difference. They are going to have to get into these students home lives. Go to their homes, get to know their parents, provide guidance outside of the classroom, and spend as long as it takes, ON A DAILY BASIS, to get the job done. While it may be that teachers in some instances have a decent level of compensation, to do the type of thing that I am talking about, they are going to have to be compensated more on a level currently in line with what we compensate doctors. Because they are going to have to be just that if we really are going to turn things around for these students. They will have to be trained as "brain surgeons" in the symbolic sense. Not only that, but I think that we need to have some of these athletes and entertainers that these kids look up to accompany these individuals into the black community so that by symbolic association, the minds of these students will elevate these educators to the status of these entertainers and athletes. For the sake of making money, certain wealthy people have allowed these entertainers and athletes to be put up on a very high pedestal. I have seen it, once my side business was located in one of the major malls here, right across from this store that sold athletic wear. I remember at Christmas I came in to open up and there was this HUGE line of black people waiting for the store to open up. I was like, what in the world could these people be looking for in that store? It turned out that there was a new style of Michael Jordon shoe that had just come out. Not only that, but if I remember right, the shoe cost somewhere around $200! Damn!!! Even I don't spend more than $200 on that type of shoe. Man, but those shoes were selling like hot cakes. Damn!!! I was thinking I wish Nike would sell those shoes to me. Any rate the point is this, athletes like Michael Jordon and these high profile entertainers need to get involved. Just like they can associate their names with shoes and elevate them to the point where people will spend that type of money for them, they can also associate themselves with education and educators to elevate them to a platform of respect. Republicans could help make all that happen. Actually I think that instead of wasting people like Sheldon Adelson's money supporting what is almost certainly going to be the failed campaign of Donald Trump, that money could be spent for such a program. Just think if someone got a lot of wealthy Republican donors like that together, and they started sponsoring such programs what it would do for the Republican brand in the black community. People are going to look and say, wow Republicans are not as bad as I thought. They really get out and have a positive impact on people's lives. Not only that, but when you couple it with the fact that, like I was saying to someone else, black folks tend to be socially conservative, black people are going to start to realize that they feel more at home with Republicans than they do Democrats.

    But you are right, its going to take leadership and the will to do it. The question is whether or not Republicans really want to reach out to the black community. Or would they rather continue to nurse on the pablum of the angry white man.

    As Shakespeare said, "To be or not to be, that is the question!"

    Damn!! That was another good one! I actually made Shakespeare fit into that one!!!!
  20. precision

    precision Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    Here we go again!!!

    Since I can't stomach no more of that "lily white" kid stuff, here's something that I really like!

    Go back jack, do it again, wheel turning round and round.

  21. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    That was a pretty bad attempt to avoid a walkback.

    You are free to grasp at straws but I think your posts here stand on their own, much to my entertainment!

    Keep 'em coming!
  22. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I don't think there is a right wing burden to prove that Democrats "use blacks like toilet paper." The OP is neither right wing, Republican, or conservative, so that's not where the accusation came from. In fact, this is an argument between Democrats. It's been lefty posters who have insisted in dragging Republicans into this issue that think that people on the right have any obligation to prove that supposition one way or the other.

    I will say that the left members of the forum have done and excellent job themselves by making a case for that by constantly denigrating the OP just for asking the question. Pointing that out isn't a personal attack by the way, although it may feel that way to someone who's been exposed as "treating Blacks like toilet paper."
  23. Seth Bullock

    Seth Bullock Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Leadership. That, of course, is the thing that is most needed and which is the most sorely lacking.

    On the one side are the Republicans. They are not elected by black people, and so they do not concern themselves with their problems and possible solutions to those problems. And, they are "not allowed" to even speak of it if they are white, for to do so is thought to be racist, or "subtly racist". And black conservatives are viciously attacked by the left with equal or greater ferocity for being "sell outs". The upshot is that we get silence from Republicans. They have been successfully muzzled.

    And then you have the Democrats. Democrats love the support they get from the black community on election day, and so they love the platitudes and photo ops. They sort of try to create a picture. They are always saying they are "making progress". But, from my perspective, that "progress" is merely symbolic, but not substantive. And I also think there is a quiet maliciousness in their motives. For example, they will congratulate themselves when a black mayor of a city is elected, but they leave that mayor with a crumbling city and no tools to fix it. Business and industry are gone, the tax base is weak, schools are crumbling. And, these same Democrats in Washington are supporting trade agreements like NAFTA that rob cities of their wealth, and they rob people of good jobs and hope. The elite, in turn, who are enriched by these agreements, make generous donations to their reelection campaigns and wine and dine them. And while being privately wined and dined, they continue the public narrative of the "victimhood" of black people. The maliciousness is in the fact that they feed the narrative of victimhood with one hand while the other hand is making sure that that victimhood continues. We see liberals jump to "prove" the narrative of ongoing racism by the murders committed by a nut named Dylan Roof. They run around the country eliminating confederate flags and civil war memorials. And they leap at every police shooting as another opportunity to feed the narrative. So let's say Dylan Roof is punished with a life sentence or death. Let's say every last confederate flag is removed and every last civil war memorial is taken down. Let's say there was never again an unjustified police shooting that went unpunished. Would that solve the problems of the poor? Would they magically have better schools and safe neighborhoods? Would business and industry return to their cities and towns? Would gangs, drugs, and crime disappear? Would personal choices improve? No, no, no, and no.

    I'm not saying that symbolism is completely unimportant. It is important, but it is not the answer all by itself. Democrats love symbolism. Real answers and long term solutions, not so much. And my cynicism and my knowledge about how politicians work make me think there is a reason for this. Look at the third statement in my signature, and that's what I think about Democrats, the poor, and race relations in this country.

    I hesitate to mention this because I don't want this to come across as a partisan political jab, but what has Barrack Obama done? He - our first black president - has been in a unique position to give the leadership that is needed. And our next president is going to be Hillary. She will continue everything that I've been talking about. She is the epitome of what is wrong with her party. Pandering, hypocritical, manipulative, and a complete liar as the icing on a rotten cake.

    And don't even get me started on the major media... If the Republicans and Democrats are two legs of the problem, the major media is the third leg.

    I'm sorry to paint such a bleak picture. But it is good to air out ideas like we have. This has been a great conversation. Cheers. :beer:
  24. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Attempting to steal credit from the Republicans and give it to Democrats by labeling it conservatives vs liberals doesn't work because nothing could be farther from the truth. Woodrow Wilson was the father of the progressive movement. FDR was a far left liberal. Both had terrible civil rights records while Calvin Coolidge was a conservative with a great civil rights record. Civil service jobs were desegregated under Conservative Republicans, and re-segregated under liberal Democrats. Attributing the guilt to political ideology rather than political party doesn't assuage the Democrats of their terrible history of slavery, Jim Crow, lynchings, segregation and all the other crimes and abuses levied on black Americans.
  25. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    I can back my facts up with data and have done so. You can't. Your convoluted twisting of numbers for the support of CRA and who authored it is ridiculous. I was pushed by Ike and Nixon, gutted by JFK and LBJ, reintroduced again by a republican from Illinois.

    The "Southern Strategy" is a myth. I asked one guy to name how the strategy worked and he basically said that Nixon employed blacks through affirmative action which made whites angry and vote for Nixon. That makes no sense whatsoever.

    It really stupid for you to say that Republicans don't support the CRA since we've pushed for CRA's for over 100 years, and it was extended and passed with overwhelming support from Republicans and signed by Ronald Reagan.

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