Democrats Use Blacks Like Toilet Paper

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by precision, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    First, you are historically wrong.

    The Civil Rights Act of 1957 was passed under IKE but was basically a voting rights law that held little enforcement capability. In fact, the worst punishment that could be given for breaking the law was a $300 fine or 45 days in jail. Still, despite controlling both the Congress and the White House for all but 16 of the 60 years between 1872 and 1932 Republicans made little or no effort to enforce previously passed legislation after Reconstruction.

    Passage of a CRA in 1957 with any semblance of force behind it was not going to happen. IKe wanted more but backed down when Johnson told him it wouldn't pass and Johnson had to back down because the committee chairs were controlled by senior democrats from southern states.

    Your numbers on voting in favor of the CRA of 1964 display your own bias. Voting in this action was almost strictly along geographic lines as opposed to party lines. Democrats and Republicans from the "Solid South" voted against the bill. Democrats and Republicans from outside the south voted for it. Your percentages are skewed because of the relative numbers of Republicans vs Democrats in congress at the time.

    And, of course, Reagan vetoed the voting rights act...

    as noted. your view of history is fact averse.
  2. joepistole

    joepistole New Member

    Apr 26, 2016
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    LOL,,,,walk back? :) Are you that seriously that deluded or dishonest? Just exactly what have I walked back, please do be explicit and exact? You can't, because you are making stuff up again. You are trolling.

    Grasping as straws....? What straws? The fact remains you have had nothing to offer other than insults. You keep evading the unpleasant truth here. You keep scapegoating and obfuscating. I can hold your feet to the fire on this all day long and not break a sweat. :)

    The fact remains, blacks and other racial groups are not as dumb as you and others of your ilk need them to be. Unfortunately for you and your so called "conservative fellows, blacks and other racial groups are well aware of Republican polices and how those policies adversely affect them. When white supremacist groups endorse the Republican Party candidate, as they have done, and the candidate doesn't reject that endorsement, that speaks volumes. Blacks and other racial groups know which party best represents them and and their interests. and it's the Democratic Party. It certainly isn't the Republican Party which berates them as being too dumb to know what's good for them and tacitly accepts endorsement from racial supremacist groups.

    Yeah, unfortunately for you, blacks and other racial groups aren't as dumb as you and your fellow conservatives like to make them out to be. Keep digging. If you want to dig yourself a deeper hole, I'm happy to oblige. :)

    The fact remains, the Republican Party has become a party of old white men. It's a rapidly shrinking demographic, and the party is responding with anger, extremism, and misinformation. It has tried and it has successfully disenfranchised many blacks and other minorities in states they control. But even those tactics won't save the party. The irony of Republicans calling others dumb is just too sweet. Academic study and study has consistently shown Republicans to be the least well informed, even less informed than folks who consume no news at all. That's bad. Do I need to show you they studies? I can.

    Unfortunately for you and your fellow conservatives and for the nation and the world for that matter, conservatives, the Republican Party have become anti-science. They reject empiricism and the rigor and logic of science. They deny climate change. They deny evolution. Some even believe women can't get pregnant if they are "truly" raped. They have their own rules/beliefs about economics, biology, and a host of other issues that are not borne out by evidence and reason. And you want to call other people dumb? :)
  3. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    Who's proving the OP right? And back to your insults, what Democrats are slave masters cracking whips? Is it the Asian Democrats? The "hispanic" Democrats? The Jewish ones? The black ones? I see a lot of talk about racist Democrats cracking whips and using blacks like "toilet paper", but nobody goes into details which Democrats it is.
  4. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    Yep, the conservatives down south were opposed to the CRA being passed, while the liberals up North supported it. He wants to focus strictly on the parties, because he knows if you dig further, you realize the racists who were opposed to the CRA being passed and who lynched blacks were all conservatives. And while many of those racist conservatives used to be Democrats back then, the racist ones now vote Republican and are very likely supporting Trump right now in 2016.
  5. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    I suspect when the whole Trump fiasco ends (whether he's elected president or not), the Republican party will be making some massive changes, and dare I say purging a whole group of voters from their party. They already know that they can't win without substantial minority support, as evidenced by Romney's loss in 2012. In fact, after the 2012 loss, the GOP released an "autopsy report" detailing what they needed to do in order to garner more support from minorities, gays, women, etc, and the ironic thing is Trump completely goes against everything stated in that report. The GOP did NOT want Trump to be the nominee in any way shape or form. They wanted someone along the lines of Jeb Bush, Rubio, or Kasich, but now they are stuck with an orange loud mouth reality T.V. star as the face of their party. Sucks for them, but in a way they created this monster by pandering to the far right for years, and the monster Trump is the result of that.
  6. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    You seem to be repeating yourself in this post. Let's review:

    This thread isn't about Republicans, or old white men, or conservatives. It's about how Blacks are treated within the Democratic Party. That has nothing to do with Republicans. Blacks are not a significant constituency of Republicans so Republicans are not relevant to this discussion. And yet all I hear are Republicans this and Republicans that. Sheesh!

    As has been pointed out multiple times in this thread, the OP is neither Republican or conservative, or white. So again, the constant harangue about old white racist conservative Republicans have zero context in this discussion. The fact that this is pointed out constantly in this thread and you (among others) cannot seem to address it shows some sort of weird cognitive dissonance where you have to flip back to irrelevant talking points about old racist white Republicans, as you did in your last reply.

    That's why this thread has been a source of much amusement to me. It's really stunning how ill prepared Democrats are to even have this discussion. If the Daily Kos doesn't issue talking points on how to address it, you can't seem to think in order to discuss the issue. All you can do is regurgitate talking points that are irrelevant to the topic because that seems to be all you have.

    I would love to hear your thoughts on addressing the topic of this thread, but at this point, it's pretty apparent that's never going to happen. Instead you'll go on about white men, the southern strategy, racist Republicans, or some sort of irrelevance because you don't seem to have the ability to discuss an issue in which you don't have presupplied notes on.
  7. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I gave examples of the whip cracking earlier in this thread.
  8. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    There are no southern Democrats who opposed the CRA who are not today, either dead or Republicans.
  9. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    You know what's funny is that I'm arguing in another thread with conservatives who are claiming that America should only be a white country, and that the mere existence of minorities is destroying a mythical "white culture".

    but hey, liberals are the real racists! Conservatives are good color blind folks who see everyone as Americans.
  10. Matt84

    Matt84 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2015
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    Odd, they sure do love "black conservatives" and parading them around on FOX News when it's convenient.
  11. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Yes, color blind. sort of like "snow blindness." You know, from being surrounded by all that White.
  12. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    Yeah, they claim to love "black conservatives" so much, yet in the privacy of a voting booth always vote for the white guys. Just ask Allan Keyes, Herman Cain, and Ben Carson. Keyes and Cain have basically been forgotten, and so will Carson.
  13. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    Let me reiterate that I believe most conservatives are not racist. Many are conservative for fiscal reasons. They sad thing for them is their party has been hi-jacked by the far right, many who are very racist, and who are very socially conservative. These are the people who are destroying the party, and who are completely responsible for the rise of Trump (who's not a conservative himself). The GOP created this monster though by pandering to the far right for years, and now they have to deal with the consequences.
  14. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    There is a difference between Conservative and "conservative."

    Conservative policies end up being incidentally racist because they fail to take into account known human behaviors. Their ideology assumes that people always act in a way that will better their interests and thus everyone's interest.

    "conservatives" are, for the most part, White Supremacists. Race hate is their policy.
  15. joepistole

    joepistole New Member

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Well written, indeed, this is a mess of their own making. No doubt, there will be a great deal of introspection within the party after the election. But I'm not sure what the party can do about it. They have created a monster that they cannot live with and they cannot live without, the Republican i.e. conservative entertainment industry. For sometime now, the Republican Party has been lead by and controlled by Republican entertainers to the point where the Republican nominee has become a Republican entertainer. Trump is the ultimate personification of the Republican entertainer. While entertainers are great at ginning up the base, they are really bad at policy and anything other than ginning up the base. I'm not sure how Republicans extricate themselves from this mess. And without the base, Republicans i.e. conservatives don't have a party; all they have are a few old white guys sitting on their wallets. That's the great dilemma Republicans face.
  16. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    What you say is very true, and also very sad, because I have no interest in seeing one party "ruling" unopposed. Somehow I'm hoping the GOP reinvents itself, even if it takes many years and many losses for it to happen
  17. joepistole

    joepistole New Member

    Apr 26, 2016
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    The problems Republicans face is their ideology is very self centered, centered on the preservation of the interests of a few at the expense of the many. Now they cannot openly admit that; they cannot be honest else the people they need would never support their ideology. So they appeal to the basest instincts. It works. That's why they do it. And now they've gotten their private parts stuck in a vice.

    Your correct, conservative ideology is deeply flawed. It's just as deeply flawed as communism was because it isn't consistent with human behaviors. It like communism assumes that suddenly after you do x, y, and z, magically people will stop acting like humans. It ain't going to happen. As long as humans are humans, humans will always act like humans.
  18. joepistole

    joepistole New Member

    Apr 26, 2016
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    I absolutely agree. Fortunately, at this point Democrats are fairly mainstream. But I have seen Democrats run the cart off the rails too. And I'm sure they will if left to their own devices. The two parties need each other. We as a nation need two healthy parties and unfortunately that's not what we have today. Republicans i.e. so called conservatives will need to make some very difficult decisions, and unfortunately, I don't know if that's even possible at this point.
  19. joepistole

    joepistole New Member

    Apr 26, 2016
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    I asked you some questions Lil Mike. Why have you not answered them? Why do you continue to obfuscate? :) Why do you keep avoiding the issues? Why do you keep trolling? :)

    The unfortunate fact for you, and I'll repeat it until the cows come home if necessary, blacks are not as dumb as you and your fellow so called conservatives believe them to be be. Blacks are not dumb as you guys have inferred. They know which party best servers their needs and it isn't the Republican Party. That's the unfortunate bottom line for you guys. For you guys to call them dumb because they know which party is better for them, well unfortunately, that's par for the course with you guys. You guys cannot conduct a reasoned argument, so you call people names. The irony here is you calling other people dumb.
  20. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    At this point the actual sane Republicans/conservatives are better off trying to start a whole new party. Maybe it's best if the GOP just evaporates into oblivion. They can start from scratch, and make sure what happened to the GOP never happens again.
  21. Sundance

    Sundance Banned

    Jan 18, 2016
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    Democrats only like blacks when they stay on the Democratic plantation.

    If they don't behave, like Ben Carson, they are torn apart with the rage of a Nazi on crack.

    I couldn't believe the hatred that was brought down on Carson by the left.

    No wonder he supports Trump.

  22. Sundance

    Sundance Banned

    Jan 18, 2016
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  23. Sundance

    Sundance Banned

    Jan 18, 2016
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    I don't like this guy, but he was spot on here ...

  24. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    You continue to confirm that my conclusions about your reading comprehension were correct.

    I neither said nor inferred that Blacks were dumb. If you have some link of mine that says so, please post it.

    As to which party represents them best, that's between you and the OP. They're not in the Republican Party. If anything in this very thread I argued that it makes sense for Blacks to both block vote and be in the Democratic Party; something you would know if you actually read this thread:

    In the meantime, if you have any more nonsense that is totally not applicable to either the thread or me, go ahead and let's get it out there. The entertainment value of it so far in this thread has been pretty good!
  25. joepistole

    joepistole New Member

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Oh, where was this black rage of which you speak?

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