Trump Cites Progress In Keeping Carrier Air Conditioning Plant In Indiana

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by PARTIZAN1, Nov 25, 2016.

  1. GrayMan

    GrayMan Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2010
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    I totally get what you are saying. Unfortunately arrogance, ignorance, or a reading comprehension is getting in the way of other people understanding you. Hopefully 'buy american' will resurface as a brand. I think slowly perhaps Trump is branding America just like he did his name. I think pride will resurface in American goods. This may not be the same emotional system as you speak of to drive people to buying American but it will help drive those, who are less empathetic to there fellow americans, to buy American goods for different emotional reasons.

    People not being able to afford to buy American is only worsened by the fact that people treat things as disposable goods. Instead of fixing things they buy new ones. Many have lost the ability to be 'handy'. I found YouTube helps but I think most people don't want to put in the effort to try.
  2. Fred C Dobbs

    Fred C Dobbs Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2016
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    In fact Trump will not be President until January. Obama could have mad that phone call to Carrier but had no idea how to do it. He was too engrossed in toilet rights and BLM..
  3. justrying

    justrying Banned

    Jul 25, 2016
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    No, he lost 200 jobs to Mexico.

    Trump making america great again
  4. bwk

    bwk Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    If you think those folks who voted in 2012 are dumb, wait until the Indiana taxpayers who voted for Trump find out how Trump sucker punched them into paying their own taxes to keep Carrier in Indiana. Lol! Now those folks must be feeling really dumb;
  5. justrying

    justrying Banned

    Jul 25, 2016
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    but, but, Trump saved 1100 Carrier jobs...oops!!!!
  6. bwk

    bwk Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    At the expense of $700,000 dollars of Indiana tax payer money. So much for cutting taxes right? Lol! You just can't fix (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*).
  7. bwk

    bwk Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    And neither did Trump. Sucker punching the Indiana tax payers goes against everything he said he would do. You folks screwed this up big time by voting for this con man. What a joke.
  8. bwk

    bwk Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    How is making the Indiana tax payers pay $700,000 in taxes to keep carrier there partially, because they are still losing 700 jobs, a counter productive policy?
  9. Seth Bullock

    Seth Bullock Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Better to have just let those jobs go to Mexico. Right? :blankstare:
  10. bwk

    bwk Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    And the one's that stay, the Indiana tax payer will be paying for.:roflol: So much for lowering taxes right? This (*)(*)(*)(*) is too funny.
  11. bwk

    bwk Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    Do yourself a favor and try and pretend you can debate this argument. Changing a dirty shirt to give you another dirty shirt is still wearing a dirty shirt. When the guy giving you a dirty shirt told you it would be clean shirt. The guy lied.
  12. Ericb760

    Ericb760 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 17, 2015
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    When Trump outsources his "Make America Great Again" brand from the Chinese sweatshops he now uses, back to the American sweat shops Bernie used to manufacture his campaign products, I'll take a shot of American made whiskey.
  13. Seth Bullock

    Seth Bullock Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 26, 2015
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    So debate, then! It would have been better to just let those jobs go to Mexico. Right? That's what I hear you saying.
  14. Fred C Dobbs

    Fred C Dobbs Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2016
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    And BHO would have lost 1300 jobs to Mexico, right?
  15. Fred C Dobbs

    Fred C Dobbs Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2016
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    It wasn't that long ago that Democrats were talking of saving GM and were very proud they did. Now that Trump saved those 1100 jobs with carrier they seem unhappy and hurt.

    If you want to really understand BHO's business savvy think Solyndra and those 'shovel ready jobs'. Did you see BHO discussing Carrier with their employees and feeling something magical had to be done in order to save those jobs?
  16. Fred C Dobbs

    Fred C Dobbs Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2016
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    That's your debate?
  17. Darkbane

    Darkbane Banned

    Jun 13, 2015
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    and thats why I said we need to remove those regulations as well as the corporate tax code... problem solved... look a one-liner like everyone else... (it seems when I explain details instead of giving tired old rhetoric one-liners like you and everyone else, people go deer in headlights)
  18. bwk

    bwk Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    Negative! That's the truth and everyone with half a brain knows it. Trump changed one bugger for another bugger, and the Indiana tax payer paid for it. That's $7million dollars over ten years to the tax payer when the taxpayer wasn't supposed to have anything to do with it. The whole deal is a con game. He took the Indiana tax payer hostage. Nothing gained!
  19. bwk

    bwk Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    Yes! It balances out to net nothing. The tax payers of that state were held hostage and they got hurt. Now they will pay $7 million dollars over the course of ten years and Trump lied about reducing their taxes. When did we start holding the middle class hostage to keep companies here, and at the cost of higher taxes? This goes exactly against what the Right wanted and said what they would not do. You folks are full of it. You never make any sense.

    So I did debate it, and you all lost the debate.
  20. Seth Bullock

    Seth Bullock Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Well let's just calm down and put on our thinking caps for a few minutes.

    First of all a philosophical point .... What is a manufacturing plant in its most basic sense? You know what it is? It is a group of people working and cooperating with each other to produce something that other people will trade money for. That money is shared among the people at the plant, and they make a living. In turn, they take their money and trade it for things that they want, and someone else gets to make a living. And, in order for the plant to operate, it trades money for the things it needs, thereby helping to make a living for other people outside the plant. The owner or owners make their living from the profits.

    Now I ask you ... What is intrinsically wrong with this model to the point that society should penalize this group endeavor by taxing it? I'm not talking about taxing personal income. I am talking about taxing the endeavor itself. When the government taxes the profits from a business, it doesn't just tax the owners. It taxes the whole group, and it makes it that much harder to be competitive in an age when American business must compete with overseas companies that pay slave labor wages.

    So I will begin by telling you that I don't just support lower corporate taxes in general. What I support is 0% tax on the profits made by any company that produces a product in the U.S.

    Now before you go accusing me of pandering to the rich, what I am saying here is that the cooperative group endeavor should not be penalized. Where we get tax justice is when we tax personal income. And here is where I diverge from my conservative friends. Because I do believe in a progressive tax system, and I do believe that the very wealthy do not pay enough. I really think the first $70,000 of income earned by an individual, or the first $100,000 earned by a couple ought to be tax free. But I also think that after the first $200,000 the tax rate ought to start climbing rather significantly and that by the time personal income reaches up into the millions, it ought to be at 50%. So there's your tax justice. But the entity that produces that wealth should be left alone.

    So your cries about the Carrier deal "robbing the taxpayers" falls on deaf ears with me. My position is that government should not be robbing the workers and owners in the first place.

    The next thing I want to point out is that a $7 million reduction in taxes over ten years is peanuts.

    Keeping those people in business, and those workers employed actually supports the government. How?

    Employed people pay for things. Like?

    Schools, police and fire protection, roads, libraries, courts, jails, planning, building inspectors, animal control, water and sewer, social services. They also pay to support the poor, rather than being the poor. All of those things I just listed are provided by government.

    So ... Working people support government services. Unemployed people depend on government to provide sustenance, costing the government (the taxpayers) money. The more unemployed people there are, the more the government has to pay for sustenance, and the less they have to provide other essential services.

    If you want to see what happens when people aren't working, look at Detroit. Look at its crumbling buildings and neighborhoods, its crumbling schools. The city can't hardly pay for anything anymore. It's virtually bankrupt.

    Those employed workers also pay for things not provided by government. Cars, food, clothing, mortgages, rent, home furnishings, etc, thus helping other people make a living.

    I am just astounded that you Democrats could possibly be carping at a deal that keeps people working at good jobs and supporting their families. I am astounded that you would rather have those jobs go to Mexico because of a measly $7 million over ten years that would have otherwise gone to state government. It's as if you guys think people should labor for the good of the government rather than the reverse. You guys are not the Democratic Party I grew up with. Democrats of a generation ago wouldn't even know you guys. You have turned into the party that believes good jobs should be shipped to Mexico, that the people should labor to support government, and that the stock holders, bankers, and oligarchs should be allowed to reap their grotesque profits unabated off the backs of slave laborers in third world countries.

    How did that happen to you Democrats? WTF happened to you guys???

    Or is this all just partisan carping and sour grapes? What if Hillary had been elected and she worked out this deal before her inauguration? Would you be carping, or would you be congratulating her?

    I think you'd be congratulating her. Yeah, I'm pretty sure of that.

    There's your debate.
  21. bwk

    bwk Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    Often times I am so amazed at folks who either don't see the whole picture or don't want to.

    Donald Trump sent a clear message to all corporations that they now can hold the taxpayer hostage while corporations receive tax benefits and other incentives while the jobs themselves will end up being very low wage jobs. Why do you think Carrier was leaving to begin with, and still, they are sending 1300 jobs to Mexico? Don't you see what Trump is doing? He's creating a culture for low wage jobs and tacking on more tax burden for the working class. Two problems he said he would fix, not create.

    Folks like you and Trump live in fantasy land. Corporations discovered years ago they can make way more money overseas by paying workers much, much less. Even tax breaks weren't enough to keep them here. They knew they could still make more money elsewhere, even with the tax incentive. Heck, once we gave them all these tax breaks, many companies just dissolved, tossed in their profits and tax breaks, bunched them all together and put them in tax free accounts, steadily drawing big interest. Why would these folks come back here?

    Seriously, if what Trump did was something really great, why is carrier sending 1300 of their jobs to another country? The idea behind this move is crystal clear. It was a sales pitch to the American people that corporations are bringing good paying jobs back to the U.S. No they aren't. Why? Because they don't have too. We already lined their pockets back during the Bush years. All some of them did was take that extra money and they invested it overseas to make an even bigger pile for themselves. Those companies no longer need us, we need them. So threaten them with a tariff all you like. They'll just sell their products elsewhere. The damage we did during Bush was done a long time ago.
  22. Matthewthf

    Matthewthf Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 7, 2016
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    Obama did the same thing with companies. He offered them tax cuts to help them stay and even gave them millions of dollars. This is no different so if you have a problem with it why not speak up when Obama did it? Trump did nothing wrong. He saved jobs. Hillary would have let those jobs go. If the left wants to go off the deep end every time Trump does something good then you guys are going to continue giving your party a bad image to the people of America.
  23. Matthewthf

    Matthewthf Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 7, 2016
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    Again Obama has done the same thing for corporations and some of them have stayed. He was in Newton, Iowa when he said he wanted to give renewable energy companies including TPI tax cuts. He also visited the factory and gave a speech. The company received the tax cuts and at first it was a rocky road but now TPI has gone from several hundred employees to over 1,000 employees and looking to expand the plant so you are so wrong. Infact are wages have actually increased considerably.

    If you have a problem with it why not say something when Obama does it? You Democrats and left people are so fake and will do anything to turn something good into something bad.
  24. bwk

    bwk Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    I thought the whole point of electing Trump was to do something different than Obama? So you folks voted for Obama again I see? You folks don't know which way is up do you?

    Look, what Obama did was a band-aid as well. I commend him for doing the same thing, for the simple reason he was dealing with an obstructionist congress. Congress said no to everything, so it was all he had to work with. It still doesn't solve the problem.

    The only way to solve the problem, is by first recognizing the fact that globalization has taken over the world. This country needs to move from manufacturing to Tech, Pharmaceuticals, clean energy, and advanced high speed transportation. Not to mention, automation is taking over.

    Manufacturing for the most part is dead in the water for the U.S. Sure, you might bring some of it back. But not near enough to make a difference. We have to think outside the box, and Trump doesn't seem to understand that. Obama did, except Obama was held back by obstruction.
  25. Matthewthf

    Matthewthf Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 7, 2016
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    I never thought Obama was really that bad but nice try. I voted for Trump for two reasons. To keep Hillary out of office and to get somebody in that may actually do some change for the better. Hillary would not have saved these jobs yet if she had done this deal you all would probably be praising her for saving jobs but since it's Trump you're all mad and when the left get's mad they throw temper tantrums like little kids and do what they do best. Attack the person that made them mad.

    I feel the problem won't go away until NAFTA is removed. If Trump removes that stupid deal I will be very happy. If he chooses not to remove it then my view of him will change but like I said I am going to give him a chance and wait and see.

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