The key points from Trump's State of the Union address

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by LafayetteBis, Feb 6, 2019.

  1. LafayetteBis

    LafayetteBis Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 24, 2016
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    Brilliant essay!

    Any more one-liner nonsense to share with us ... ?
    AZ. likes this.
  2. LafayetteBis

    LafayetteBis Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 24, 2016
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    Well done!

    Far too many Americans still think that Socialism is a alive and well - and they want none of it! (Well, neither would I!)

    But its replacement (called Social Democracy) lends credit to the back-side of that story: Neither is low upper-income taxation (that feeds into the coffers of a certain political party) change anything in the far-to-low taxation of upper-income in America.

    And Donald Dork just reduced them again - he was looking forward to their "donations" to his upcoming campaign for reelection ... !
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2019
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  3. grapeape

    grapeape Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2015
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    Again, YOU made the claim, then say “what does it matter”, THEN you double down with the same “surrendering freedoms and liberties” that you cant even define. I’ll ask a final time. WHat “Freedoms and liberties” are we loosing ?

    Then you make some claim to AOC that I never even hinted about.

    AZ. likes this.
  4. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Yes. What does it matter? What Socialist goals do you want to achieve and what do you require from me to achieve them?
  5. grapeape

    grapeape Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2015
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    I never said I wanted “socialist goals”. YOU said it was taking away our “freedoms and liberties”. And now you cant tell us what.

    Just admit you make things up that you have no idea what they are and move on.
    AZ. likes this.
  6. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Well, have you reviewed Cortez' manifesto which has 70 co-sponsors in the House of "Representatives"?

    Obama promising to “fundamentally change” America was never really elaborated on it and the media never asked him to. But Sandy O has laid it out. She’s let the cat out of the Democratic bag.

    She and Sen. Edward Markey opened Pandora’s box this week and 70 prominent Democrats immediately signed on, including many of the recent presidential hopefuls, so this woman is not a lone nut case.

    What crawled out of Pandora’s box? Everything destructive.

    This young woman wants to shut down American energy -- nuclear included. She seems not to worry about how we’ll heat our homes or cook our food or travel from one place to another. She’s utterly unaware that it takes a great deal of energy to grow crops, manufacture goods, and build houses. She plans on -- within 10 years -- getting rid of 99% of the gasoline-powered cars in this country.

    She wants to stop of air travel and substitute high-speed rail -- which we don’t have, which has proved a disastrous waste of money in California, and which will make it tricky to cross oceans.

    She wants the government to provide everyone, whether they work or not, with a guaranteed income, good housing, medical care, free education, and a vegan diet -- the latter to cure the problem of cow flatulence, which, if not stopped, will destroy the planet.

    She wants -- and within 10 years -- all buildings in the country stripped down and retrofitted to make them energy efficient -- with what energy and with whose money, she doesn’t say. When asked how she would pay for this she replied, “We will finance the investments for the Green New Deal the same way we paid for the original New Deal, World War II, the bank bailouts, tax cuts for the rich, and decades of war -- with public money appropriated by Congress.” (Note the word “investments” -- like she’s proposing some new business enterprise.)


    Venezuela’s 80,000% inflation rate doesn’t strike her as a cautionary tale and evidently her econ degree didn’t require a course in inflation and its causes and effects.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2019
  7. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Remember that she came out with her manifesto that 70 Democrats, including several presidential candidates, immediately signed on to, the same week as the SOTU.

    72% of America approved of President Trump’s triumphant State of the Union address earlier in the week. We took pride in being Americans. He talked about liberating Jewish Holocaust victims, about storming the beaches of Normandy, about curing childhood cancers, about protecting our southern borders. He reviewed how prosperous the country has become in just two short years, and he helped us look ahead at the possibilities appearing on our national horizon. Space exploration, innovations and inventions, medical breakthroughs, and soaring prosperity.

    It was heartwarming, encouraging, hopeful, and it stirred our pride in being a hard-working, imaginative, courageous people. It opened the door for cooperation in Congress.

    Then Cortez and her tribe of dreary henchmen come along and confidently assure us that the world will end in 12 years if we don’t plug the cows and quit breathing. In her future America, we will all be some kind of government drones and will spend our days stumbling around town scrounging for food and waiting in lines for our government handouts. We won’t be able to go anywhere, or buy anything because nothing will be available to buy. We won’t be able to invent anything, make anything, or fix anything. We will be cold, bored, and utterly trapped. The government will control what we eat, what we do, what we learn.

    That doesn't sound like as much fun as Trump's offer.
  8. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    And we ended it for a reason. Who is going to work and produce with a tax load, including state and local approaching 85%?

    Besides, Cortez and the Democrats terrifying future they offer, nothing on Cortez' list of must-dos is even remotely possible. Rebuilding just the private homes in this country would have to be done at a pace of at the very least 120,000 houses a week for 10 nonstop years. And it would have to be done without cars and trucks and oil and natural gas and any of the products produced using those items and commodities. And if the government is going to provide you with a living whether you want to work or not, who’s going to do the manual labor?

    In fact, the whole labor thing is very unclear. You’ll be penalized with a 70% tax if you do something that is really successful, so why lift a finger? I have no idea who will be willing to do all this work. Doctors already hate what ObamaCare has done to the medical profession -- what will they do when faced with full-on socialized medicine? And just how does she think people and goods will get around?

    I suspect she has little understanding of the vast regions of nearly uninhabited land one has to travel to cross this country -- it’s not all Brooklyn. Those of us who have crossed the Rockies and the deserts of this great land know that high-speed rails won’t cut it even if they could be built. Neither will electric cars; I can’t imagine plug-in stations dotting the barren highways in eastern Oregon.
  9. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Well, keep in mind that both Trump and Cortez and her 70 Democrats, including several presidential candidates, laid out their competing visions on the same week.

    Trump wants to see everyone working, inventing, producing, enjoying, and employing all the gifts God has bestowed on us. He wants us to treat every person with the love and respect due someone created in the image of God. He wants this for all American citizens regardless of race or ethnicity, of age, of religion, whether we’ve been born yet or not. Isn’t that what all Americans want? Isn’t that what decent people want?

    We want freedom -- Americans have always wanted, fought, and died for freedom. Cortez' nightmare doesn’t allow for that. For one thing, it takes a certain level of prosperity before freedom means much. Cortez' vision is being played out in Venezuela; it’s not freedom when you have to eat the family dog. It’s not freedom when you can’t go where you want to go and get there the way you want to get there. It’s not freedom when you can’t build what you want to build, imagine what you want to create, or take care of your family how and where you want.

    Cortez laid out the choices. We can choose misery, hunger, and hopelessness or we can pull on our grown up work boots and make this country greater than we’ve ever thought possible. We can allow ourselves to be regulated into oblivion, or live up to our potential and in the process help everyone else to do so, too. We can be cowed into submission by an elaborate lie, proven false over and over, or we can recognize that God made this planet for us to live on, to enjoy, to use and develop. We can become the kind of craven, listless do-nothings that will sell their souls for a mess of pottage, willing to believe lies and nonsense -- or we can roll up our sleeves, thank Almighty God that we are Americans and start building a glorious future, again.

    America was born free and we will remain that way.
  10. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Government was given the power to tax in order to fulfill the obligations granted to the Government by WE THE PEOPLE. It's not the job of the government to masterplan our society and force us into submission with punitive taxation. We have the FREEDOM AND LIBERTY to follow our OWN dreams, not those of socialist master planners. Government reasonably regulates the interactions between free people so that our liberty is secured, not so they can fulfil the dreams of a Government master planned future, that's the thing of nightmares.
    No they don't we have vastly more than we had in the 60's. You clearly didn't live through those times. 8-track cassettes were an upgrade that allowed you to play your own music in the car, that didn't have air conditioning, rather than listening to one of the 3 radio stations on the AM dial!

    As for our economic growth, the rest of the first world just bombed the living crap out of each other's industrial base and we had the only only intact first world, unbombed industrial base in the world, yeah we boomed, despite marginal rates approaching 90%, which no one paid obviously, they were filled with carve outs, set asides for the politically connected with these vast tax evasion schemes. You should set up a 60's house. No a/c. Black and white TV with no remote, big can of folgers and no starbucks. The rest of us will keep our freedom, we want to work on the future Trump laid out, future looking, not going back to the old socialist vision of Cortez and the 70 fools.

    Kill all the cows? We have a hundred million head of cattle in this country. 150 years ago we slaughtered the buffalo herds, which interestingly, numbered about the same. Nothing new in their vision, just a return to a lot of heartbreaking mistakes.
    With Cortez and her 70 fools controlling everything and we are forbidden from doing anything until we spell it out, they calculate the carbon footprint and grant permission if they feel like it? Meanwhile the politically connected will enjoy private planes and all the amenities that we used to enjoy and more, of course.

    No thank you.

    Trump's vision is much brighter and far more realistic.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2019
  11. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Hasn't this been happening for a long long time already?
    Either thru social safety nets, food stamps, housing assistance, etc, or 3 squares and a roof in the jailhouse.
  12. grapeape

    grapeape Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2015
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    SO your now doubling down with something that someone else said ? FFS man.

    The right is obsessed with AOC for some reason. You take something like a “green energy plan”, and make it that the left is somehow stripping everyone of the liberties. Please take a basic civics class and pay particular attention to the parts about a democratic republic.
  13. grapeape

    grapeape Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2015
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    Again, you have to bastardize everything to make it all ARMAGEDDOOONNNNNN......

    Only those on the right who are sooooooooo against anything the left does, that they will bend and control themselves into herniated positions to support anything Trump says, could make up this kind of crap. But then again, your convinced that if we dont build a wall America will be invaded by hostel armies f poor migrants who are only coming here because they want to eat our babies.
  14. grapeape

    grapeape Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2015
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    Oh FFS.

    You should prolly start building your survival bunker to save you from all the Kale their going to force you to eat
  15. Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    Once again, I must inquire:

    Do you mean to tell me that there actually WERE "Key Points" in that Utterly Ludicrous Propaganda Speech?

    Go figure.:flagus:
  16. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Trump wants to see everyone working, inventing, producing, enjoying, and employing all the gifts God has bestowed on us. He wants us to treat every person with the love and respect due someone created in the image of God. He wants this for all American citizens regardless of race or ethnicity, of age, of religion, whether we’ve been born yet or not. Isn’t that what all Americans want? Isn’t that what decent people want?

    We want freedom -- Americans have always wanted, fought, and died for freedom. Cortez' nightmare doesn’t allow for that. For one thing, it takes a certain level of prosperity before freedom means much. Cortez' vision is being played out in Venezuela; it’s not freedom when you have to eat the family dog. It’s not freedom when you can’t go where you want to go and get there the way you want to get there. It’s not freedom when you can’t build what you want to build, imagine what you want to create, or take care of your family how and where you want.

    Cortez laid out the choices. We can choose misery, hunger, and hopelessness or we can pull on our grown up work boots and make this country greater than we’ve ever thought possible.

    Cortez and her 70 henchmen have a very dark vision of America, I think we will go with Trump's sunny, optimistic, bipartisan proven approach that is leading us toward yet another Bright New Dawn!

    It's always Morning in America, vs, 12 years and then you are destroyed!
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2019
  17. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    She is the one claiming TWELVE YEARS AND THEN DOOM! Just like Fat Al Gore proclaimed, 12 years ago.
    What does it matter, you claimed that the Left's goals required nothing of me.
    80% of the Women and girls that enter our nation illegally are raped during the trip. We want to shut these rape routes down. Democrats would rather shutdown the Federal Government than close the Rape Routes. Democrats haven't been this committed to something since they were committed to maintaining and furthering slavery.
  18. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    It sure would have been nice if the 70 Democrats and several Presidential Candidates would have told her that she can't end all fossil fuel use and nuclear power plants, end flights in the US, retrofit every building, kill all the cows and print money to do all this, rather than all quickly signing on to the Cortez Manifesto.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2019
  19. Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    They probably DID tell her that.

    But, they just enjoy seeing the RW whipped into a frenzy over nothing.
  20. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    There's a few tRUMPers that are like drama queens.
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  21. Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    Trump's 2020 Stump Speech (in a nutshell)
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  22. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    AND she considers any "Latino" to be and indigenous person and therefore not an illegal alien and entitled to all these US benefits.
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  23. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    She's a Reconquistador!
  24. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Its a ridiculous argument in the case of some Mayan or Aztec Indian. DELUSIONAL when applied to some Latino like Shakira

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