Last Activity:
Feb 9, 2021
Jul 26, 2011
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Jonsa was last seen:
Feb 9, 2021
    1. Empress
      Welcome back.
    2. Taxonomy26
      "My fantastic opinion is" jn Jazz' thread....

      Your Fantastic action was to Bump up a string to the Top, from the bottom of the board/10 hours old, and YOU Helped PROMOTE it for this littel antisemite. Learn how to post. Let it die when its that far down the board
      1. Jonsa
        You don't get it. I'm a bigot - I viscerally react to these low lifes and actually take some little comfort in exposing, belittling, ridiculing and excoriating said pond scum.
        Sep 8, 2017
    3. RevAnarchist
      Hi Jonsa. Are you a female? I noticed that nice guy Jack Nappyier had suggested you were a JTIF. I was thinking you were a guy so JTIF aka JTF does not apply. If its a takeoff on JTF its a forum violation in case you are interested. I usually iggy those type of insults if I am in a heated debate or discussion. However if someone out of the blue slams me I report them to save myself from my temper lol…anyway just saying. BTW I see the Judge visited you. He misuses the word Semite. Again just a heads up.
    4. RevAnarchist
      Hi Jonsa. Are you a female? I noticed that nice guy Jack Nappyier had suggested you were a JTIF. I was thinking you were a guy so JTIF aka JTF does not apply. If its a takeoff on JTF its a forum violation in case you are interested. I usually iggy those type of insults if I am in a heated debate or discussion. However if someone out of the blue slams me I report them to save myself from my temper lol…anyway just saying. BTW I see the Judge visited you. He misuses the word Semite. Again just a heads up.
    5. RevAnarchist
      Hi Jonsa. Are you a female? I noticed that nice guy Jack Nappyier had suggested you were a JTIF. I was thinking you were a guy so JTIF aka JTF does not apply. If its a takeoff on JTF its a forum violation in case you are interested. I usually iggy those type of insults if I am in a heated debate or discussion. However if someone out of the blue slams me I report them to save myself from my temper lol…anyway just saying. BTW I see the Judge visited you. He misuses the word Semite. Again just a heads up.
    6. The Judge
      The Judge
      Nope, I don't hate any Semites. In fact, I don't hate anyone. But, if you feel that you must insult me since you think that I'm a Jew, then, well, that is your right to do so but it's not logical. I can understand that you might feel that you must insult me since I oppose racist generalizations, but I don't view such as being logical and that behavior certainly doesn't help Israel if your platform is waving its banner.
      1. Empress likes this.
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    My karma ran over your dogma.

    "I count religion but a childish toy, and hold there is no sin but ignorance."- C Marlowe.

    “Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.” ― George Gordon Byron