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Jan 18, 2016
May 22, 2010
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Far East TN Smokie Mnts.
Non profit owner and church owner

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New Member, from Far East TN Smokie Mnts.

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RevAnarchist was last seen:
Jan 18, 2016
    1. Dollface
      No. it isn't
    2. clarisse150
      Hi Reva! It's nice to see you back, it have been a so long time! I had few little personals problems these last months, and, I haven't been a lot in the forum... Also, I haden't see any answer to my last messages :(. I will come more often in the forum, now! I'm not offensed, I have no any reason to be offended by you! I'm very very happy to speak back with you! I missed you! For my schooling, I've finished the High School, and I'm now in my first year as law student... It's not really easy! I'm in the second hardest Law Univeristy of France, have goods marks here is very hard, it's quite demoralizing... Then, I continue to have (very) bad marks at English, as in High school; because here, there's also English... We're studing british and american law... My bad leavel in English will follow me for all my student life... But there's other subjects where I ain't so bad here, so, it quite ok. It's so nice to see you back, I hope having news from you very soon! God bless you!
    3. really?
      Like your photos. Thanks for posting them :smile:
    4. stjames1_53
      no problem. dance with sauer...............I've never had an issue with you. You are one of the sharp tools in the shed. I do live in the US
    5. FairDemFem
      I absolutely love the idea, however I believe my future husband is dead set on the one he wants. However, you seem like an amazing person I am sure he and I both would like to get to know! So, let's get to knowing each other, friend! :)
    6. RevAnarchist
      Thanks for the reply! Yeah brother I am the take the back road kind of guy. I would make a good hermit when I am not traveling so fellow hermit types are my kind of people. I just really like country folk, I can get the beach scene etc here in the USA.
      Actually I am getting some years on me so I am kind of looking for a place to retire that is easier on my wallet than the USA. My savings went out the window after I crashed my Harley some time ago. Thanks again for the info! ~~
    7. daddyofall
      No problem. Glad to hear you'll be paying us a visit. Well the must places i'd say are Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra, but it also depends if you're coming here for the sun and beaches, or for the more rustic and rural areas. For instance we got a whole village that is built in a hill where some houses were made/carved out of the rocks in the hills, which many people don't seem to know about. We also got a very rustic medieval village, called Obidos that is completely surrounded by the old Castle/Fortress walls.
    8. clarisse150
      I'm as you when you were young, I sometimes drink one, but, I'm far to drink one all the days! They drink a lot of coffee in US army? For that, I will look extremely strange, as usual, nobody understand me for that, well, I don't heard a lot of music, I don't really enjoy it, don't know why, it annoy me... What sort of music did you heard, you? Spend a nice day! God bless you!
    9. clarisse150
      Clari? Lol, that's nice, that's the first twice that somebody call me like that! No problem, I love my new name lol! Don't worry for that, there's no problem, I wasen't a lot an my computer the days ago, so, if you had send me a message before, I would not to be able to answer!... I was working for my exams, I've only got one other, and, after, this is the end for this year, I'm happy, I will have more than 2 months of holidays! Your so nice, Reva <3! I love your country too, I hope that I will visit US one day, it must be a very nice country, I ever love it!
    10. RevAnarchist
      >>>>part one >>>>>>>

      Reva says; Hi Clari (notice the different spelling? A unique friend should have a unique name eh? Ha ha!) Hey, If you don’t like It I will not use it! Well, again I must apologize for my late response to you my best international pen pal, from one of my favorite, and most beautiful countries in the entire world, France! Oh I forgot, French is the most beautiful language too! If I could send flowers I would, well that is what old fashioned guys do for making mistakes ha ha, even for his sister mom or girl friend!

      end of part one
    11. RevAnarchist
      >>>> part two >>>>>>>

      Clari 150 says “Oh, ok! Well, in France, as in all the countries, I think, young people tends to drink less and less hot drink, I know a lot of people of my age who don't like coffee... And the stay unpopular... I personnaly like it, even if I don't drink one all the days lol”

      Reva; Oh my friend, I can’t imagine no coffee, but when I was about 17 I could take it or leave it, that was when I joined the US Army after that I was a coffee and espresso fiend.

      end of part two
    12. RevAnarchist
      >>>>part three>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

      Clari; Ok, no problems! Spend a nice day, Brother Reva! God bless you!

      Reva ; You too sister, take care and God bless. Hey what is your favorite music?

      . Clari; Ok, no problems! Spend a nice day, Brother Reva! God bless you!

      Reva ; You too sister, take care and God bless. Hey what is your favorite music?

    13. clarisse150
      Oh, ok! Well, in France, as in all the countries, I think, young people tends to drink less and less hot drink, I know a lot of people of my age who don't like coffee... And the stay unpopular... I personnaly like it, even if I don't drink one all the days lol
      Ah, you love drink 8)? I've some friend who drink a lot... Well, thanks God, I'm not like them in this point, I don't think that we must admire, in fact, it's more because I'm afraid to do that!... Don't know how I will felt after that!...
      Ok, no problems! Spend a nice day, Brother Reva! God bless you!
    14. RevAnarchist
      part one ~

      Clare said ; Ah, yes! Nice idea! Well, I'm not good at that subject, yet, I don't know a lot about that...! I really must work during that holidays!... (Yes, this is more coffee! I've never see somebody discuss with tea, so, I think it must be only in foreing coutries! Maybe some people drink tea, but, they shoul be rare! ) [/quote]

      Reva Answers ; I didn’t know for sure! Coffee is popular everywhere but I did not want to sound dumb, by that I mean not knowing what the favorite drink of my parent and grand parent original nation was!
    15. RevAnarchist
      part 2

      Clare says; You don't drink wine? I'm young, so, I don't drink a lot, even if I drink a little!some countries tea is popular at all times of the day. I love good coffee and talk.

      Reva Answers ; Ha ha! Confession time? Well I would drink socially to make someone feel comfortable etc but other wise I am a tee totaled. Lol when I was your age I drank far too much far too often! I admire you for not drinking to excess. I know its tempting to drink more than one intends! Well .. As the title of a song goes; what were once vices are now habits! I usually overindulge and the DUI laws are so draconian I don’t think drinking is worth it and I have better things to do with my time, you know dragons to slay damsels to rescue ! (*LOL*)

      This is getting long Clare, so I will post this first and the rest later today or in the morning. God bless you and yours sister.

    16. clarisse150
      Ah, yes! Nice idea! Well, I'm not good at that subject, yet, I don't know a lot about that...! I really must work during that holidays!... (Yes, this is more coffee! I've never see somebody discuss with tea, so, I think it must be only in foreing coutries! Maybe some people drink tea, but, they shoul be rare! ) Would love it to! Should be nice! You don't drink wine? I'm young, so, I don't drink a lot, even if I drink a little! I know a lot of Atheist too, some of them say that Christian are stupids, etc... Well, they don't believe in religion, but they don't know anything about it; how can they juge something that we don't know? It's make me sad when these Atheist are some people that I love, that's so sad for their soul, as you say!... But, some people get believer before to die, maybe they will, I don't know!
      God bless you, spend a nice day brother Reva!
    17. clarisse150
      Hi, brother Reva! Don't worry for that, I sometimes reply latter to!...Thanks you, that's nice to say that lol; Buddhism look to be a very interesting religion, but, a little far to our religion. In Christian religion, thought body is a little see as "dirty", well, I don't know well what we must think about that. An old soul? What does it mean? Yes, I will start it next year, but, I will work about it during hollidays! I've buy books about that in order to don't be loose next year. It look to be a nice subject! I actually like it, even if a lot of students more older than me wich are learning it say that it's boring!... Philosphy is extremely important in the literary section where I am... I hope I will be goot at!... If I'm not, it will be a disaster lol...! But, I think it will be all right, I'm a good student, except for maths, and, as you can see, for foreing langages!...
    18. RevAnarchist

      Hi my Sister ! Again I must apologize for so late a reply! You are such a beautiful free spirit even though your bod (body) is stuck on earth in school right now! Ha ha. I think the Buddhists try to make their human body strive to become more like their spirit body. Also I think Jesus told us to try to become more like a spirit, the holy spirit that always does good and abhors (hates) violence. You have an old soul Clare and that’s very good. OH wonderful! I just read your going to start philosophy next year! I hope you love it, because you are a natural for it.

    19. RevAnarchist
      Maybe if I could get more time to play we could discuss some philosophic stuff over a virtual cup of coffee. (do the French prefer coffee or tea generally speaking?) I know granddad a French national said coffee was the only drink. If I ordered tea they would hang me by a rafter! But I was a small boy then maybe France has changed so is tea now a breakfast beverage in your beautiful France ? I would love to be sitting in a little café in rural France with a fragrant Columbian coffee or an espresso talking with you. If we drank enough Espresso’s talk would be no problem. What about wine? I am not a big wine or spirit of any kind drinker! I know the French would not like my dietary habits lol, NO WINE! Oh my! Lol! Oh,

      >>>>>>>>>>>>>>NEXT PART BELOW LOL>>>>>>>>>
    20. RevAnarchist
      >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PART TWO<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

      lastly…You mentioned unbelievers (atheists). Hmmm’ as an ordained minister I meet a lot of hardened atheists. I tell them my philosophy is live and let live. I am sad for their soul but I don’t try to change atheists. I do tell them why I am a Christian but that’s all. The universe needs atheists too in order to work as it does. eh? Gotta’ (Gotta’ short way of saying I’ve got to go.) go for now ((((((Clare)))))), take care and most of all be happy and safe!

    21. Validation Boy
      Validation Boy
      Do you like what you see?
    22. clarisse150
      Second part
      Well, that easy too to know what are their politics opinion; people in France say that teacher are all for left, and, that's real that I have rarely see a teacher who look had idea of right... I don't share their opinion, and, I don't think that it will start next year; I don't want think as everybody, I don't like that!... Strange, I sometimes envy people older than me lol... Want to be more free, it's better! Yes, world is changing, I hope it will be better, and, not worse as a lot of people are thinking!... Thanks you <3 Spend a nice day! God bless you!
    23. clarisse150
      Hi, brother Reva! Don't worry, I like long answers, that's nice to speak with you! Ah, yes, there's not a lot of women here, that's real! Well, in all politics forum where I'm go, we are not very numerous lol; I'm always very happy to speak with you, brother Reva (Of course, you can call me like that, I like this name too!). Philosphy? I will start to learn it next year; that what we must do in litterary section where I'm: 5 hours for a week! That's a lot... Some of my friend wich are more older than me and does philosophy this year say that it's very boring...! I don't think that it will change me; I've already a lot of teachers which are Athest and who don't hide that, even if they should hide that 'cause we are in the government's school...
    24. RevAnarchist
      NOTICE TO Clarisse-150 >>>>>> Hi sister Clarie’ I hope you can make sense of my reply to your VM (see below),

      >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Part One<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

      The reply to your PM was too long (OH NOOO00ooo! Lol) over 10,000 words ha ha!!! Sooooo I was forced to post it in three sections! ha ha!

      Sister Clarisse-150 said ; Hi, reva! I'm happy to see your answer! I missed to speak with you too!

      Big Bro REVA ; Hi my very best PF friend, well female friend, no you are my BEST virtual friend including men and women. lol. I always am happy to see your name in my inbox Clarie’ (can I call you Clarie‘ as a term of endearment ?) Your Screen name is pretty, but I am lazy to type it.. ha ha!). Clarie’ is pretty name too, and easier to type, my fingers are umm' not working properly. (depleted Uranium in my blood).

      Sister Clarisse-150; Thanks, Reva, the feeling is reverse! That's better have strange believe that to don't have any...
    25. RevAnarchist
      NOTICE TO Clarisse-150 >>>>>> Hi sister Clarie’ I hope you can make sense of my reply to your VM (see below),

      >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Part One<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

      The reply to your PM was too long (OH NOOO00ooo! Lol) over 10,000 words ha ha!!! Sooooo I was forced to post it in three sections! ha ha!

      Sister Clarisse-150 said ; Hi, reva! I'm happy to see your answer! I missed to speak with you too!

      Big Bro REVA ; Hi my very best PF friend, well female friend, no you are my BEST virtual friend including men and women. lol. I always am happy to see your name in my inbox Clarie’ (can I call you Clarie‘ as a term of endearment ?) Your Screen name is pretty, but I am lazy to type it.. ha ha!). Clarie’ is pretty name too, and easier to type, my fingers are umm' not working properly. (depleted Uranium in my blood).

      Sister Clarisse-150; Thanks, Reva, the feeling is reverse! That's better have strange believe that to don't have any...
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    Far East TN Smokie Mnts.
    Non profit owner and church owner
    Marital Status:
    My beloved young wife died after five years of marriage...
    Real Name:
    One beloved old basset hound, Mr Bogie
    Hi come back soon!
    Country flag:
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    us tennessee
    I am a Christian minister and own a couple of start up non profits (humanitarian)

    God, Art, Science, outdoor activities, drinking parties, (jeeust kidding), more and many...
