Obamacare A Big Lie From The Start...

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by onalandline, Apr 10, 2012.

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  1. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Further proof that, contrary to the lies of the right wingers who prefer to see Americans die for lack of health care, ACA is working to save money and lives.

    Thank you President Obama!
  2. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    naw, just more proof that abammy's koolaid is still being produced in mass quantities.....
  3. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Again, notice that the right wing critics offers no proof to refute the truths posted above. All he does it to repeatedly make insulting comments.
  4. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    dude, 25 people in this forum say differently (with proof). Continuing the lie is no better than starting it
  5. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Nationalized WillardCare, based on the GOP's 2012 presidential nominee's "ultimate conservative idea" - the individual mandate , is here to stay until something better is proposed.
  6. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Not only are there those covered under employer-administered healthcare plans who regard their $250 billion annual taxpayer subsidy as an entitlement, but they expect such private enterprises to assume part of their cost as well, and demand that those businesses be distracted from their proper focus upon free-market competition by the bureaucratic imposition of administering those plans.

    Republican Jindal's call for capping such federal subsidies could well result in American businesses no longer having to compete in the global marketplace whist handicapped by such unnecessary costs and operational handicaps.

    There is no discernible connection between being employed and needing healthcare. The irrelevant association grew out of what startd as an incidental perquisite.

    Jindal does have a valid conservative point, but one conservatives may not like since it means losing their federal entitlement.
  7. onalandline

    onalandline Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 9, 2008
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    I don't trust the republicans either. It does not take a rocket scientist to see that Obamacare is not doing what the President said it would. It is, however, screwing things up.
  8. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Funny, my actuary friend say it's working as well as can be expected and is a big improvement over what we had, but he's an expert on Health Insurance, who actually understands how these things work...
  9. LiberalHypocrisy

    LiberalHypocrisy New Member

    Apr 18, 2014
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    Can he give examples of how it's working, so we can methodically tear his argument apart with facts instead of "my friend said" statements?
  10. unrealist42

    unrealist42 New Member

    Mar 3, 2011
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    I can give you an example. I live in Massachusetts where we have had Romneycare, which is the model for Obamacare, for six years. I am self employed and buy my own health insurance with my own money and no subsidies. By my calculations I have saved about $30,000 in health insurance premiums for vastly better insurance since I began buying my health insurance on the state run exchange six years ago.

    That is a lot of money in my pocket. You Obamacare haters can go on all you want and refuse to be part of it but anyone who is self employed is a fool, tossing their own hard earned money out the window to make some political point that won't matter a bit when their child comes down with cancer or they fall off a roof and find out that their pre-Obamacare insurance will not pay for $100,000 of the medical bills so they have to sell off everything and file for bankruptcy and get charity from their church and food stamps and welfare and move in with their mother.

    Obamacare will not let your medical misfortunes cause you to lose everything you have worked so hard for. If you have any health insurance plan through Obamacare the maximum you will have to pay out of your pocket is around $6,000, far less than what you could be on the hook for before. If you are the rugged individualist working to make their own way through life this is the best deal you could ever get for health insurance, especially if you have a family.
  11. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Quite the contrary, we patriots are the ones who have easily proven that ACA is working.

    Good to see seniors defending it at the expense of the deluded governor from Florida:


    Kinda reminds everyone of the embarrassment Ted Cruz faced when he tried to slander ACA.
  12. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    well, I'm grateful that when it ends, and it will , you'll still be at ground zero, and I will still have mine, paid fr by myself.....btw,I didn't pay taxes this year, does that mean you'll suffer?
  13. onalandline

    onalandline Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 9, 2008
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    OK, your friend just settled it...not. About 40% of those that have signed up, have not paid their premiums. Ask your friend if not paying premiums works well with the Obamacare equation.
  14. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    You've been wrong about everything so far, so here's a clue.
    In Massachusetts, Americans have been living under ObamaCare for 6 years now, and the they favor it by a two to 1 ratio.
    Where are all the horror stories?
    There were a lot, until the press started to follow them, and then they all turned out to be BS.

    When do you say, gee, this is working? Do you say that after a year? Two years?
    I knew it was going to work two years ago, what good is a set of beliefs that cause you to so drastically misjudge reality?
  15. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    no they haven't Obama care wasn't launched until 5 years ago..there is NO WAY that MissMass can claim that it had obocare 6 years ago :roflol:
    btw, I'd like to see those pools and demographics of those who claim it works. Are they the ones spending other people's money or paying for their own?
  16. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    RomneyCare is the EXACT same thing as ObamaCare, designed by the same guy, who says it's the same F-ing plan.
    We've had it, it works, nearly everyone is insured, and guess what, only 123 people signed up the first month, ObamaCare has mirrored that experience.
    Although a lot of people have been fooled by right wing propaganda at every step of the process.
    The question is, how long do you cling to the right wing nonsense, after seeing every prediction fail in reality?
    It was going to be repealed, no one was going to sign up, young people weren't going to sign up, even if people did sign up they wouldn't get coverage, at some point you aren't being fooled anymore, you're just foolish if you believe the nonsense coming from the people who have been lying to you about everything...
  17. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    From Boehner to Rush: Republicans Are Crushed as Obamacare Enrollment Hits 17.8 Million

    By: Jason Easley

    Republicans are so crushed by the news that total ACA enrollment has reached 17.8 million that they are immediately trying to forget Obamacare, and are changing the subject to Benghazi.

    The numbers via an HHS press release:

    Importantly, 2.2 million (28 percent) of those who selected a Marketplace plan were young adults ages 18 to 34 — a number that grows to 2.7 million when counting ages 0 to 34, the report found. The report also shows, for the first time, the race and ethnicity of the 69 percent of enrollees in the Federally-facilitated Marketplaces who voluntarily reported this information.

    HHS also announced today that more than 4.8 million additional individuals enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP through the end of March 2014, compared to enrollment before the Marketplace opened last October.

    “More than eight million Americans signed up through the Marketplace, exceeding expectations and demonstrating brisk demand for quality, affordable coverage,” said HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. “In addition, over 4.8 million more people have been covered by states through Medicaid and CHIP programs, around 3 million more Americans under 26 are covered under their parents’ plans, and recent estimates show that an additional 5 million people have purchased coverage outside of the Marketplace in Affordable Care Act-compliant plans. Together we are ensuring that health coverage is more accessible than ever before, which is important for families, for businesses and for the nation’s health and wellbeing.”

    If we exempt the three million kids who stayed on their parents’ plan, because they didn’t enroll, the total number of people who now have coverage thanks to the ACA is 17.8 million. The majority of ACA enrollees are white (62.3%) and female (54%). Thirty-four percent of those who enrolled are under age 35, and 28% are age 18-34.

    Republicans have reacted to the fact that they were completely wrong about the ACA, by changing the subject to Benghazi.

    It isn’t just John Boehner and the Republican Party. From Fox News to Rush Limbaugh, nobody is talking about their crushing defeat on the ACA. The word is Benghazi. The news is so bad that Republicans aren’t even trying to spin it. They have resorted to pretending that it doesn’t exist.

    Reality can’t be allowed to touch the Republican masses. They must be distracted with another bogus scandal before they realize that the Republican Party has completely failed to destroy Obamacare.

    The Republican Party looks like they are in the middle of a full blown nervous breakdown, as they are incapable of handling the success of the ACA.
  18. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    it's only works if you don't have to pay for it. The ones chanting and repeating the mantras are the ones who don't pay, wont pay, and never will pay for their own asses. Deadbeats.
    Being forced to pay for someone else's health care is immoral and unethical.......
    let's not get into that lying thing, Reid, Pelosi, Obby, Feinstein and that ilk have been lying to us from the very start.
    I DIDN'T LIE ABOUT LYING! that would be Reid.......
    bah, all of them lie, including the republicans...I wonder what it took to pay them off....maybe a little Chicago arm twisting, eh?
    By God in heaven, we'll have health care if it bankrupts us! is no success
    so I guess Romney is a (*)(*)(*)(*)ing liar and a failure, eh?
  19. unrealist42

    unrealist42 New Member

    Mar 3, 2011
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    Then you must believe that it is moral and ethical for people who are sick but cannot afford the health care they need to lay down and die in the gutter like a good Christian should.

    I pay for my own health care with my own money. I do not get any government subsidy.
    I am in favour of Romney/Obamacare because it has improved the coverage I can get, saved me a large amount of money, and prevents me from going bankrupt due to medical bills. Under the plan I have now the absolute maximum that I will pay is $3,000. I could have chosen a more expensive plan and paid nothing for all care, zero. I could have chosen a less expensive plan with a $6,000 maximum. I am healthy and can afford the $3,000 if I have some health catastrophe so I chose a plan that I believe gives me the best balance between premiums and out of pocket costs. Other people are in different situations and can choose differently.

    Insurers are free to participate or not and free to charge whatever they want for the plans they offer on the government run exchanges. The only requirements are that they meet a minimum standard of coverage and a maximum out of pocket amount. The plans are then grouped into categories determined by deductibles and out of pocket maximums. The actual coverage provided by every plan on the exchange is the same, which makes the decision of what plan to choose a matter of how much you want to pay in premiums and how much out of pocket you are willing to bear.

    Here in Massachusetts the number of insurers offering plans on the exchange has increased and prices have not increased. Businesses have cited figures from the public exchange in their negotiations with insurers for employee coverage and the result has been the stabilization of health insurance premiums across all sectors. The old days of annual double digit health insurance premium inflation are over in Massachusetts.

    Interestingly enough, the insurance exchange model pioneered by Massachusetts is being adopted by the private sector. A number of companies and groups of companies have repudiated the age old model of periodic secret negotiation with single insurers and established health insurance exchanges open to any insurer willing to meet their requirements, which have the handy, already established minimum standard of Obamacare. It is estimated that a widespread adoption of the exchange model in the private sector could result in a significant reduction in private sector health insurance premium rates and significant savings in health plan administration, reducing the growth in US private sector health care expenses by $1-2Trillion a year by 2020, which will do a lot towards getting US health care spending in line with the rest of the developed nations and make US manufacturing and service companies more competitive in world markets.

    There is a lot of very smart people trying to figure out why the private sector did not do this decades ago. The reality is that they could not, only the government had enough power to shift the entire paradigm of health insurance provision and now that it has private business can adopt it.

    The reality is that there is no going back to the good old days because far too many people have figured out that today is far better for them.
  20. unrealist42

    unrealist42 New Member

    Mar 3, 2011
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    Reality, a tough place for people like you.
    The latest reports are that over 17million have health insurance from Obamacare.
    It seem to be doing well for them.
  21. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Wellpoint Boosts Profit Forecast On Younger, Larger ACA Enrollment

    Wellpoint (WLP), one of the nation’s largest health insurance companies, added 1.3 million more subscribers across its government and commercial businesses thanks in large part to the Affordable Care Act.

    Wellpoint now says it expects its medical enrollment to grow for the full year by 1.3 million to 1.4 million members, including more than 400,000 that came from government-run exchanges in the first quarter, according to the company’s earning report today. Wellpoint also raised its earnings per share forecast to “greater than $8.40 per share.”

    “Our membership is growing across our platforms and we are pleased with the progress we have seen in the exchanges,” Wellpoint chief executive officer Joe Swedish said.

    Wellpoint’s profit outlook is improved in part because the mix of business is tracking how the company projected from the exchanges.Wellpoint is a major operator of Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans, including those operated under the Anthem brand.

    more ......

    More business expansion, more money and lives saved thanks to ACA.

    Thank you Mr Obama! :flagus:
  22. hudson1955

    hudson1955 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 11, 2012
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    Not replying to any comments here or responding to any main stream news; just commenting on real life problems faced by practicing doctor/surgeons/hospitals due to Obamacare. My husband is a surgeon/phy, since the first of the year nearly half of patients scheduled for surgery had to cancel as they were informed by their insurance company that either 1. their surgeon and/or hospital was now out of network or 2. even though they were told the hospital was in network, the hospital would not accept their insurance as even though told care would be covered, after admitting and treating the patient the insurance company refused payment. \

    Pre-authorizations are not honored. Companies can not give patients clear answers as to how their hospital admission, surgery, treatment will be covered(percent of co-pay, payment for treatment or surgery responsible for the admission and so on. It is a crap shoot.

    Things will only be getting worse as more provisions of the PPACA take effect. Especially, when the insurance companies begin cancelling long held "small business group health insurance plans".

    This is a disaster waiting to happen regardless of the attempt by Dems to state otherwise.
  23. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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  24. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    Here is another issue since my state and many others failed to expand Medicaid, lets say your husband was on call at the hospital and a very poor person comes in and must be treated lets say a life-threatening infection needing surgery. And they can't pay the bills racked up including your spouses how does that affect him and the system? Medicaid may pay low but it pays its got to be better than nothing which is what would be paid back now.

    Seems to me issues you raised are either ones that complaints can be filed with the state insurance commission or its the hospital or both it seems no different than before save more people have insurance and there are mix-ups.
  25. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    and still not everyone has insurance in Mass...............wonder why that is........
    Let's see if you can do the magic numbers...
    est. 30 million without insurance before Maobama....His numbers
    est. 12 million lost insurance before ACA
    total is 42 million without insurance.....
    est. 10 million ordered up ACA
    insurance purchases are close d out ntil the end of the year.
    That leaves over 30 million without healthcare, still yet.
    Not everyone that has ordered up their insurance plans have paid.
    1.7 trillion dollar start up costs.
    No government agency has ever operated in the black. This is no different. It creates even more debt.
    How is this a success story? Is it because you've personally benefitted from ACA?
    How are you paying for it? Subsidies? Got your own private health insurance?
    Do you realize that folks like you are shackling yourself and demanding everyone shackle themselves because you do so voluntarily?
    Nope, this is immoral and unethical for someone else to demand I support them.............
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