Last Activity:
Jan 3, 2015
Apr 14, 2009
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Long Island N Y

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In Memoriam, from Long Island N Y

Past Donor
flounder was last seen:
Jan 3, 2015
    1. Rapunzel
      Well, get some rest. Chicken soup and lots of alcohol...LOL
    2. Rapunzel
      Heard you were sick with the flu. Are you OK??? Please check in!!!!
    3. HillBilly
      well , it was what you did when you couldn't do anything else... didn't work on snow , was rough on paint , but worked great on ice ... you could pour some chlorox bleach on the back tires , and it'd warm them up and give traction when nothing else would..
    4. Eighty Deuce
      Eighty Deuce
      Hell, if he was my kid, I might have gone Taliban on his dumb ass ! I'm gonna have to look at myself twice in the mirror tomorrow to be sure I'm not going looney thinking these pukes are looney .. Hahaha

      Anyhow .. good shooting. Count was useless. Couldn't bring an idea to the table to spare the wrath of the Taliban .. Ooooops ;)
    5. Eighty Deuce
      Eighty Deuce
      Kudos young man ! The zit on our asses needed to be popped .. Hahahahaha !
    6. kk8
      hey! I don't know why but everytime I try to give you or changed a rep, it tells me I have to spread it around?? How long does that take, I have given out at least 3 since I gave you one...it seems like you are always doing it...What's up?
    7. Eighty Deuce
      Eighty Deuce
      Obama had a bigger slush fund to blow than Bush had deficit. Thank God we got the House back, and by a large margin. I think we have a very competent crew calling the shots. No way Obama adopts any real cost reduction. Just cosmetic crap. We won't make any substantive changes to the budget until Obama is out, but we got the folks in place to win everything back. That's about our best scenario.

      You getting snow tonight :)
    8. Eighty Deuce
      Eighty Deuce
      Yes, I saw the document earlier on. Hate to say it, but all this reminds me of the voter crap ACORN gets away with, and such as what happened in Minnesota and Franken. The Dems know where they can get away with the corruption. Too often the fix is in.

      It needs to be such as a State Attorney General somehwere going after this in Federal Court. There is quite a legal wall they have to punch through though. That path is fraught with all kinds of obstacles, even if Obama is lying through his teeth. They need a true whistle blower. Its a political hot potato to hold onto otherwise.
    9. Eighty Deuce
      Eighty Deuce
      The video was good, and the guy came across very well. The first major mistake in the interview, though, was when the host made the comment that "Obama would still be a legal citizen", even if born in Kenya, and the guy did not correct him. The issue is not being a citizen. Its being native-born, a far higher threshold than just being a citizen, and it was a great chance for the guest to say that this was the issue relative to Article 2. I have said in the threads that I would not fault Obama for how his Mom hiked him around, and wouldn't care if they passed a hasty Amendment to keep him President rather than have a Constitutional Crisis. However, Obama would have been a liar, and that trumps all else in my book.

      I do not believe we will get an adequate legal challenge. The main Republican Party does not want to go there. Could get into all kinds of drawn-out detail over forged or not forged documents .... just a no-win that diverts from the issues. It'll have to be a state, such as what AZ is doing, and even then, they need to keep it low key. Too many landmines going after this bigtime.

      Hawaii elected an idiot Governor. And there's not an intelligent lib left in PF. Not one. ;)
    10. Eighty Deuce
      Eighty Deuce
      I don't know the law regarding such that well. In Hawaii, it was up to the then Hawaii Democrat Party Chairman to certify the Democrat ticket. Whether other states might allow the State Attorney General to do it, or if there are provisions for an Attorney General to challenge a party's slate, then we shall see. Its really a mess when you think about it. As he is the sitting President, I can understand why folks do not want to go there now. If that original has now "disappeared", then there is no end-proof. And ultimately, the people did vote for him. Were the Republicans to file suit, it creates sympathy, might end up with egg on their face, and it surely detracts from everything else.
    11. Eighty Deuce
    12. Eighty Deuce
      Eighty Deuce
      They just plain got too far along with it before they took the issue seriously. They sure are arrogant enough, at that point, to run with the lie.
    13. Eighty Deuce
      Eighty Deuce
      Heck, I wasn't a birther before. Don't know that I am now. I just want the truth, and that Governor out their sure stirred things up. You can tell he was never an attorney. Don't ask a question when you don't already know the answer. Don't say you will produce something unless you know it exists. Ooooops.
    14. changed
      Don't reply to that thread
    15. HillBilly
      yeah , tires make a lot of differance.... did you ever use the chlorox trick ?
    16. brianm_34
      Thanks for the rep flounder!!! It isn't as easy to build as it used to be.
    17. Eighty Deuce
      Eighty Deuce
      When I served with him, we was 100% Infantry. I got out in '80, and soon after that, he resigned his commission, went to Divinity School, then came back in as a Chaplain, serving until 2005. While I have Commendations signed by him as Herbert J. McChrystal III. I guess it sounded so much like his Dad, retired General Herbert Jr., he didn't use it much, possibly making a change when he came back in. He still gets around, having spoken at Ft. Stewart, GA, this past April. I found a picture of he and his wife Judy, whom I remember well, also. Yes, nice to scratch that itch. :)

    18. Eighty Deuce
      Eighty Deuce
      Riddle solved. I remember telling you that I started in this forum tracking down an old unit commander whose last name, McChrystal, had been in the news. In this case, Herbert J. McChrystal III, oldest brother of General Stanley McChrystal, and how it led me to another member here, Herkdriver, who had joined briefly with Herbert in the 90's in a military school, while I served with Herbert in the 70's. Back then, Herbert was a Captain in the 2-325, and Stanley was just a punk lieutenant down the street with the 505 or 505, I forget. Almost nothing could be found of Herbert III on the internet. Then I remembered that he also went by "Scott", why I do not know. And I hit paydirt looking up Colonal Scott McChrystal. Here's a link to Stan's older brother. Same face I remember ... maybe a couple more wrinkles is all:

      Take care. Jim
    19. brianm_34
      Later flounder going to bed.
    20. HillBilly
      well , a Caddy has a wider stance on the road than most cars , and heavy as well , and a man told me one time that Chevy had special ' winter tires ' for them , probably studded.. I ran studded mud / snows for years on my 1972 2 wd F-150 , made it just fine on ice , better on ice than snow , actually...
    21. HillBilly
      yeah , i sure hope that this doesn't become a long term thing ,,, 100* summer / - 0 * in winter is just weather I'm too dang old to willingly adapt to.... but I feel safer in cold weather ,, i'm alergic to bee stings and ants & other stingers , and weather this cold kills them out , all but the honeybees , hornets & yellowjackets...

      Dixie & Tonka love the snow as well , stay out for hours , then I freeze in the 15 seconds
      it takes me to open the door and let them in...brrrrrr...

      people have to learn how to drive on snow and accept the fact that nobody drives on ice.
      even in a 4wd... but after they are in the ditch a few times or have to wait or walk for help they learn to wait until it warms up or until the road crews get some sand on the roads. i always carried 6 bags of play sand in my truck , came in handy a few times..
    22. HillBilly
      : ) Hey Flounder , you about to get shoveled out of that snow ? Dang if this global warming ain't about to eskomize me, hahaha...
    23. Eighty Deuce
      Eighty Deuce
      Jeeez ... remember how pictures of W looking goofie were always fair game ? Now we get one of Obama that is truely unflattering while being revealing, and the Dems blow gaskets ! That photo will haunt Obama all the live-long day, as he looks so out of his league. Hu and others do not respect him. Those guys can size up character in all of 10 seconds, if it takes that long.

      Hope all is well.
    24. daisydotell
      Have you heard from changed..?
    25. Lary
      3? Wow thats cool...Why'd you get rid of them?
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  • About

    Long Island N Y
    Marital Status:
    Dog fish parrot
    Wife son daughter
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    us new york
    golf,horse back , cooking,planting,singing guitar tropical fish fishing boating skiing Baseball


    Infraction??, but he insulted me FIRST!!
    So report him.He reported you, we usually check reports first. Next time report him
    Oh, I will thanx...