24 murdered in another attack on Christians

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by free man, May 26, 2017.

  1. free man

    free man Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Israelis do not hate Iranians, in fact many Israelis are Iranian (including my wife's mother BTW).
    We love to hear Farsi and to eat Farsi food.
    My father used to work in Iran, this was before the 'revolution'.
    He was building Bandar-Abas and Bandar-Bushier, as were many other Israelis.
    The first Iranian Emperor is haled to this day in Israel and by all the Jews in the world for letting the Jews to build their temple in Jerusalem (after it was destroyed by the Babylonians).
    However current Iranian leaders call for the destruction of Israel over and over.
    The Israelis had learned for History to take very seriously such threats and to respond to it promptly.
  2. Iranian Monitor

    Iranian Monitor Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    As I said, Iran's leadership is vehemently (and unabashedly) anti-Israeli. So I don't expect a different attitude towards Iran by the Israelis. But that doesn't mean that if someone on the pro Israeli side of the equation says white is black and the world is flat, I will agree.

    I have my own views on how all this should play out. Those views aren't ones that fit the mold or agenda of any of the major players in the region. But in due course, I am confident that the solutions that need to work out would follow what I have in mind. In this regard, I consider Israel's establishment as a Jewish state in Palestine to have been premature and I reject the notion that any group (be they Jewish, Muslim or otherwise) has the right to claim land that is inhabited by others as its own. At the same time, I also believe that just like in common law on property, where you have a concept called 'adverse possession' vesting title to a person who may have taken properly unlawfully but openly and kept it for a long period, eventually you cannot correct some past wrongs without making things worse. In other words, as far as Israel proper is concerned, my own view is that what is done is done. A generation has been born on that land, while the Palestinians with claims to that land in Israel proper are largely gone. As long as political Zionism is rejected and put aside, and ideologies of the kind are discredited, I favor a confederate solution for Palestine that will include Israel (pretty much as it is presently constituted), an autonomous capital city of Jerusalem, along with states in Gaza and the West Bank. The rest of the ideas and solutions discussed to me are either unworkable and a mirage (the two-state solutions) or simply offensive to any sense of human decency and ones that will set the grounds for another 100 years of wars and conflict. And the region has had too much war and conflict.
  3. Iranian Monitor

    Iranian Monitor Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    Btw, here is a video of an interview by an Israeli television station talking to a staunchly pro Israeli, religious, right of center, Jewish women columnist who traveled to Iran a few years back (4 years ago). She says plenty of things I reject and disagree with, but in the midst of her anti-Iranian government bias and prejudice which (given her politics, is to be expected), the one thing that is truly surprising was her response to the question: "what surprised you the most about the country [Iran]"? She answered, in minute 11:42, as follows: "how much I loved the country." The interviewer says: "really?" And she explains: "aside from Israel, I have never fallen that deeply in love with a country..."

    Last edited: Jun 1, 2017
  4. jimmy rivers

    jimmy rivers Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2017
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    Who do you think is actually buying into your nonsense? I'm just curious who you think you are successfully convincing with these statements, since most aren't even remotely coherent.

    This poster is claiming that it was "inflows of money" that caused hezbollah to attack their fellow lebanese, just hilarious.

    If the money was coming from KSA, why didn't iran/hezbollah attack them, why did they attack fellow lebanese and torture them? Derrrrrrrrrrrr.......
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2017
  5. jimmy rivers

    jimmy rivers Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2017
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    I promote the same for iran; a confederacy between the baluchis, azeri, bahai, iranian arabs, kurds and others who the fake iranian terrorist regime has marginalized. In fact, a partition of the country might even be in order.

    To expedite this, since those groups have been so badly mistreated, I advocate a method iran uses in arab countries; namely arming, funding and training militias of these groups to conduct an insurgency against the iranian regime, just as iran has done in lebanon and elsewhere, under the guise that they are "resistance" forces against russia or some other distant party. If iran can play this game, so can everyone else.
  6. jimmy rivers

    jimmy rivers Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2017
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    Of course the iran regime apologists and terrorist advocates wants a confederacy in place of Israel; iran and its lackeys/boot lickers want everyone else in the mideast weakened so that it can continue to expand its imperialism and hegemony, conduct further terrorism to undermine other regimes in the region, and continue to create and fund its terrorist proxy armies without any resistance.

    I do not know whose destruction I will applaud more when it inevitably happens: the fake iranian regime, or its water carriers who have lied on its behalf and denied its monstrous crimes. The latter will likely vanish into the shadows like cockroaches after the regime is liquidated, much like the American Communist party members did in the 1950s, and the Castro advocates and useful idiots after the crimes of the cuban regime were exposed.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2017
  7. Iranian Monitor

    Iranian Monitor Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    For some reason, some of the silly accusations by "jimmy rivers" against me, reminded me of this quote from John Simpson, talking about Iran:

    John Simpson: Iran is the most charming country on Earth

    Unlike John Simpson, I am obviously not "banned" from Iran. I live in Iran. But I was separated from this country for a long time. And while I have no connections to any political group, nor paid by anyone to advocate for Iran, I am all too willing to do what this Jewish American woman did after she visited Iran twice and felt ashamed of all the lies and misconceptions about Iran. In her case, she eventually joined an Iranian-American advocacy group promoting, among other things, a more accurate picture of Iran. If there is a similar group willing to pay me for doing what I do, I would gladly accept to do what I do for free and be paid for it too:) But long before joining the group she searched and found to help correct misconceptions about Iran, she had already written her views of the country she had visited and which didn't fit any of the propaganda images portrayed about it.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2017
  8. jimmy rivers

    jimmy rivers Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2017
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    Silly accusations that you are totally incapable of disproving. It has not gone unnoticed that every comment I've ever made about iran's murderous terrorism you've avoided and tried to deflect, particularly with nonsense like your pathetic inclusion of a freaking travel reporter whose comments mean NOTHING. Its such a "great" place they banned him for five years - he's lucky they didn't stick him in Evin prison.

    When you have the courage to admit iran is a murderous, terrorist scumhole that has killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in syria and lebanon, murdered journalists like zahra kazemi, shot people like Neda in the streets, arrested/tortured people like Atena, mass murdered thousands of Israel via terrorist proxies, and is interfering with 5 other countries' governments in the mideast, THEN come post again. You have ZERO credibility, none.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2017
  9. Iranian Monitor

    Iranian Monitor Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    I have given what I believe are the true facts about Iran, including its support for Hezbollah, the fact that Iran is vehemently anti-Israeli, and the fact that Iran's leadership sees Iran as the head of the axis of resistance to US/Israeli hegemony in the region. And the fact that Iran openly supports the regime of Bashar Assad. These are all true. Much of the rest that "jimmy rivers" says about Iran is simply propaganda. Some of its outrageous lies, others half truths that create a false impression, and others simply in the nature of "missionary work" to encourage hatred and prejudice against Iran.

    The problem with the latter, though, is that anyone who has actually visited Iran can attest to the fact that the country is simply terribly misrepresented. Each day, you will find a report saying the same thing, including this one which was published merely hours ago.

    While I resent the political propaganda against Iran, the reason I post articles that go beyond the politics is because what I ultimately hate is how badly the country itself is misrepresented by propaganda artists who try to paint a picture of Iran which is absurd and utterly false. Otherwise, with equal regularity, there are political articles that promote the opposite agenda of "jimmy rivers", such as the ones below from just the past few days.

    America’s Iran Hysteria
    5/30/2017 1:25:00 PM
    By Danny Sjursen

    There Is No Peace In The Middle East Without Iran
    05/31/2017 09:29
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2017
  10. jimmy rivers

    jimmy rivers Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2017
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    Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and specifically state what I've posted is untrue? Do you have the courage or character to do so? Doubtful. For iran apologists, its a lot easier to just screech like a parrot over and over instead of addressing facts, no surprise there.

    Here's some more information on the terorrist cancer that is the iranian regime:


    "Throughout the war, the Iranian regime had directed Shiite militias inside the country, at times arming them with an especially lethal device known as an “explosively formed penetrator,” which fired a molten bullet that could pierce armor. Iranian-made E.F.P.s killed hundreds of American soldiers."


    "Under the leadership of Quds Force chief Qasem Soleimani, these military clients became the cornerstone of Iranian efforts to transform Iraq from an erstwhile foe into a friendly neighbor. More recently, the IRGC has deployed them to great effect in Syria’s civil war, where it likely controls more troopsthan the Syrian government, and in the war against the Islamic State in Iraq. It has also developed close ties with the Houthis in Yemen, and has supported that group’s attempt to secure control over the Yemeni state."
  11. jimmy rivers

    jimmy rivers Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2017
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