American White Voters Solidarity Movement

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Kurmugeon, Aug 31, 2012.

  1. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    I chose my words with care. Please read with care what I said...

    "I am Not Naive enough to think that we will ever achieve a society completely free of Theft, Prostitution, or Racial Tribalism; that does not mean that would should not AIM to achieve that noble goal."

    I also AIM to become a $Billionaire and a rock star international playboy with dozens of knockout women throwing themselves at me!

    I am Not Naive enough to think that a worn out, workplace injured, 50+ year old Kurmugeon will ever achieve that goal.

    That does not mean I stop working out, watching what I eat, showering, and tinkering with my Entrepreneurial Inventions.

  2. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    It’s in the best interest of all people to not put the interests other people above and below one another based on race
  3. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    So you're against affirmative action, minority set asides and quota hiring, and any organization that includes the word "Black" in the title, right?
    Let's do away with THOSE first.
  4. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    Might be a good idea but you need something to counter discrimination and we have to try and proved all people with opportunities
  5. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    wake yourself up there was never some great white harmony people have always divided themselves into way smaller units then broad skin tone if you’re going by historical human nature you want whites killing other whites to

    and i guess women should be property as well since that’s so traditional

    This white person is getting sick of the species love of zealous racism any 1 else who feels that way is my brother or sister before the likes of you
  6. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    No one is preventing anyone from doing anything in america.
    How much longer do we need "affirmative action"? Another 100 years? 500? forever?

    If this country lasted another THOUSAND years negroes would still be using "slavery" and "discrimination" as an excuse to blame white people for failing/dropping out of school, smoke crack, not get a job, abandon their kids, contract AIDS, commit every crime at a staggering rate, underperform on culturally unbiased tests of highly heritable cognitive abilities, and generally act like a bunch of jungle savages.

    A hyena has the "opportunity" to steal the fresh kill from the lions...He can try any time he wants....No one is preventing him or denying him the "opportunity".

    Does he have the ABILITY?..that's a different story.

    White people don't owe negroes anything.
  7. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Black voters are solidly behind Obama and very few of them support Romney but white voters are evenly divided between Obama and Romney. About 37 or 38 percent of whites back Obama but Romney only wins 54 percent of whites. Obama has too little support among white voters to win a second term and Romney has yet converted enough of them to rout Obama because white voters are more likely to vote based on issues rather than race. Arizona has banned classes that advocate ethnic solidarity because it's dangerous to promote racial resentment toward a particular race or class of people.
  8. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    The way to stop racial discrimination is to stop DOING IT!

    Having the Government provide the Racial Discrimination on some sort of Quasi-legal, loosely defined, but officially sanctioned basis is WORSE than having a group of Rogue private citizens committing the discrimination.

    The way to end racial discrimination is to focus of abilities, production (including academic achievement), ethical behavior, in short, on MERIT!

    Why should Tiger Woods or some wealthy Rapper have their kids receive a Scholarship just because of the color of their skin, and deny a Scholarship to a hard working, talented, and well behaved white kid from the back hills of Tennessee be denied, just because he is a "Evil Pale Male"?

    Furthermore, if one side in a country is going to play race card, Tribal exclusion political games, then BOTH sides are forced to do so...

    All I am trying to do is create a framework on which WHITE Americans can band together to advance their racial interested in a game that White Americans tried very hard to avoid, but are not facing a bleak future if they don't start meeting the rough and tumble of 2012+ America.

    I want a principled framework that limits the excesses of that Banding Together and Racial Interest Advocacy to something that does NOT include making a White Equivalent of "King" Shamir Shabaz.

    The Democratic Party has become a thing of Evil Racial Division and Pandering, it needs to be countered, defeated, and abandoned.

    Then we can forget all of this silly Race Focus muck and get back to solving the country's real problems.

  9. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    Do any of my 5 Principles promote racial resentment, or for that matter, anything other than completely race neutral equal treatment?

    If so, show me where?!
  10. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    if we’re going to go by merit don’t we need to adjust for thing like economic back ground rather then racial? Merit is good but its only fair if you start every 1 in the same place with the same opportunity’s
  11. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    maybe this 1 a little form 0 All people, regardless of history or minority/majority status, have a right to gather, discuss, and politically advocate the interests of their race, ethnicity, just seems like its fuel for a us vs. them mentality based on what you look like
  12. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    And back in the 1960s/70s, when Affirmative Action was created, we COULD and SHOULD have chosen to create programs which offered people of talent, demonstrated ambition, and ethical behavior, a chance at things like low cost higher education, healthcare, business loans....

    By the way, back in that era, if we HAD be based such "opportunities" on Merit, rather than Race, the majority of the benefits still would have largely gone to Blacks and Hispanics, because that is where the un-used Merit and NEED was largely located at that time.


    The Democrats and Liberals forced the nation to make such "opportunities" based on RACE.

    You will never find anyone in America More Racist than Liberals!
  13. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    Taken out of Context!

    I go on to state exact what define what "advocate the itnerests" means, and I quite specifically do NOT say this group XYZ should get something more or less than group PDQ.

    How can you promote racial resentment by demanding absolutely, truly EQUAL Treatment?

    How can equality create resentment, unless somebody thinks they have a RACIAL RIGHT to more than the "Other"? Is that NOT the TRUE racism?

    Maybe I'm creating resentment by DARING, as a "Proven GUILTY Dirty White Male", that I might actually have a say in American Race Politics?

  14. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    Your right even demanding equality for your group if you actually are being mistreated is advocating for said group i was being dumb my mistake
  15. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    I greatly admire your ability to admit it! A rare trait indeed! :winner:

    This race debate stuff is tricky and HARD because it is so emotionally loaded and filled with pre-laid Gotcha landmines.
  16. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    But American Democratic Party foisted Racial Pandering will never go away until someone has the courage and temerity to Organize White Americans into demanding that they receive EQUAL Rights.

    Understand that I use the term White in the title, but in my 5 Principles, you will not find any reference to White, nor any advocacy or goal of anything less than total and complete equal treatment for ALL people of ALL Races, Ethnicities, Creeds, Genders, Political viewpoints, sexual Preferences, or Religions.

    I believe that White Americans have the Right-to-Advocate their own Best Racial Interests, which happens to be, after long and careful consideration, advocating for TRUE EQUALITY for EVERYONE.

    I believe that after careful consideration, Black Americans will discover that it is ALSO in the Best Racial Interests for Blacks to advocate for TRUE EQUALITY for EVERYONE.

    Right now, the American Civil Rights Movement is stuck in a quagmire of a twisted Racial Tribal Political Warfare and Spoils system.

    It got into that mode by the American White Guilt causing three generations of White Americans to allow raiding of their rights and wealth to be transferred via government policy and programs, to many others.

    Well, as long as someone is profiting from it, and no one has the courage to challenge it, it won't go away.

    In 2012 America, the sad reality is, that to move back to what you state your and conservatives goal is:

    We have to DEFEND the EQUALITY of one of the groups, to make America a country where there is NO Profit in dividing us up into separate groups.

    If we take away the quasi-legal "Right" to Raid White People for Wealth and Opportunity, by having Whites band together to demand their own EQUALITY, then we will take the away the SPOILS which keeps the whole sick, twisted Divide-and-Pander system going.

    Sometimes, you have to fight fire, with fire. In this situation, we have to fight Racial Division, by focusing on the EQUALITY of one of the divided separate group of Americans, namely Whites.

    Piracy will stop when there is no more LOOT to be Snatched!

    The way to end Racial Division in America is to go back to demanding TRUE EQUALITY for Everyone, including American Whites.

  17. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    That's all good stuff..but negroes will NEVER relent.
    As long as there is a host, parasites will bleed it. It's a cultural thing with them..They are all raised in a culture of racial resentment and jealousy against "the man"..and that's the goal..get over on the "man"...
    Racial resentment is a growth industry for negro activists..Their whole purpose and goal is to perpetuate it...They will never let it go. 50 years of "civil rights" and billions upon billions of dollars wasted hasn't changed one single thing. They have to use the white man as their excuse to fail..and bleed the taxpayers....It's all they have.

    Ask any negro if he's satisfied with the way civil rights has worked for himand if "racism" has been addressed sufficiently...The answer will be "no"..they always want more.

    The only way to "solve" our problems is to accept that balkanization will occur here eventually and prepare yourself accordingly.
  18. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    Unfortunately, we have through Liberal Pandering, condemned about 80% of three generations of African-Americans to the Quasi-Slavery of Welfare and Racial Preference Dependancy.

    But there is still a 20% of African-Americans who have REJECTED the lure of the Welfare and Racial Preference Pandering.

    Some of the BEST of my Co-workers are Black.

    Additionally, Some of the Worst of Government Handout Grubbers are White.

    There is a sub-set of Americans who are addicted to the public Dole, but no RACE has a patent on that misery.

    Also, we have to admit that it was primarily WHITE Liberals who created the Pandering for their own empowerment and enrichment. For every Dollar actually given to "Help the Poor Minorities", they kept 6-8 Dollars for the "Administrator Salaries" of that farce.

    That said, America does not OWE any of its citizens anything beyond an EQUAL opportunity to pursue thier fortunes.

    I would say that if we OWE African-Americans anything, due to the sorted and unfortunate history of America, it is to be ever vigilant that we do not slide back into the Jim Crow laws kind of double standards. We do not OWE anyone any kind of reparations, payments, preferences, advantages, exemptions... , but we do OWE African-Americans the justice of looking honestly and in-depth at any accusations of their being treated with anything less than TRUE Equality.

    But then, we OWE that to ALL Americans, including Whites.

    No, I strongly disagree with your statement, I will not summarily dismiss an entire racial group of Americans based on such a predjudicial assessment.

  19. Not The Guardian

    Not The Guardian Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    We already have a American White Voters Solidarity Movement. It's called the KKK.
  20. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Well, subtract the 20% you mentioned above and we're left with 80%.

    PER CAPITA, negroes far exceed whites in this category..Just as they do in violent crime statistics.

    No one is denying negroes opportunities..As you admit, the game is rigged in their favor.

    There are no absolutes....For example we know rattlesnakes are dangerous..They may not bite you EVERY time....but why tempt fate?
    They are to be avoided and ideally should be relocated where they can do less harm.
  21. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    Have you ever seen the film “The Day the Earth Stood Still”?

    A Robotic, Impartial, Coldly Calculating Judge like Gort would look at this statement, look at history, and condemn every race on Earth.

    Besides, it violates Principle 1] You’re advocating a deference based on Race.

    Ain’t Principles Grand!
  22. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    He'd also laugh at humans for being naive enough to allow themselves to be manipulated by propaganda that encourages affirmative action and mediocrity..etc...over ability and merit.
  23. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    I don't think Cold Calculating Robots Laugh at all... or Smile, or Frown, or Cry; that's kind of the point of building them.

    I am all for getting back to Merit, or as MLK put it; "where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character".

    I don't really think anyone, certainly not most Whites, were fooled by the Propaganda.

    Just as we all knew better, deep down inside, we knew that Obama was lying when he threw Rev. Wright under the bus. Obama was and IS a Black Liberation Theologist.

    I think that most White Americans are simply cowed, intimidated, and too afraid of public ridicule and/or laced with racial guilt to challenge the racial injustices done them over the last thirty years.

    Enough! It is time for White Americans to band together to demand EQUALITY!

  24. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    I agree with all of that. Things will eventually change.
    One way or another.

    White people are beginning to wake up. Of course there will always be white cultural and racial traitors...Just like in any "war".
    When the chips are down the negroes will slit their throats and any that do survive won't be welcome in either camp.
    That's the price they pay for turning on their own race.
    Ethnic cleansing will happen here just like it did in the balkans.
  25. stig42

    stig42 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    no theirs ok black people and white people we don’t have to be racist like you your no different form a racist of any other color all of you have betrayed your fellow man

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