How to reduce health care prices 80% in two easy steps:

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by james M, Oct 11, 2017.

  1. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Because here is the question and you have yet to answer it. If you need more help it is the second sentence. Sorry I forgot a question mark at the end so perhaps that is why you couldn't figure out it was a question.

    Yes I understand you have no clue about how the healthcare system actually functions. perhaps you will be kind enough to explain how when you are lying in a hospital bed with a serious emergency you are going to get competitive bids for testing or surgery.
  2. james M

    james M Banned

    Jul 10, 2014
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    you would know before the emergency which emergency room was the least efficient and most expensive and avoid it if indeed competition had not already driven it out of business.

    Do you understand now?
  3. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    Just apply price gouging like laws if a drug is a popularly needed one say Lyrica and it costs a buck cents a pill to make and your selling it for $8.25 a pill then say you can't do that and have the government look at the costs to make it offsetting any government grants and original research and if that was a proper $1.50 adjustment then say you may charge $2.25 plus a standard 100% markup for a new drug and can charge $7.50 a pill. When you lose the rights then the pill will be dropped to for that dosage to a 30% markup to $1.30 a pill. It favors the drug producer and developer with fair profits for getting it out there but then when it goes generic it must be sold largely at cost. Do this for any drug there is a Hepatitis C drug sold for $1k a pill they should never be allowed to do that if the drug is produced cheaper using government funded baseline research and grants but should be allowed a 'fair' profit. And do this for everything else medical devices, medical procedures and treatment have a book and say for a deep wound suturing and related treatments itemized the ER can only charge $200 since no testing and other things will be needed as an example.
  4. james M

    james M Banned

    Jul 10, 2014
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    competition should set price not govt because a govt monopoly can make mistakes while the free market cant. Do you understand? Do you want a libcommie govt to set all prices? Do you understand why capitalism works and communism slowly starved 120 million to death?

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