I want to start an online outreach to Satanists....

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by DennisTate, Nov 1, 2017.


Can demons be given hope?

  1. No... the demons have zero hope!

    4 vote(s)
  2. Yes..... Elijah must "restore all things"

    6 vote(s)
  3. I am not sure but I will research this further.

    1 vote(s)
  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    A couple of months ago I ran into a writing on one aspect of the conflict between:

    One part of the conflict was what justification would be valid for an ethical Rabbinical Jewish husband to divorce his wife?????

    If I remember correctly... John the Baptist and Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus were closer to the line of thought of Shammai when it came to divorce....

    and the Scribes and the Pharisees were terrified of the implications of NOT being free to divorce their wives for virtually any reason that they felt
    was valid......

    Here are some quotations by a writer who dealt with this topic in a way that I had never read until recently:


    Are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John's grandchildren: Palestinians?????

    Last edited: Mar 9, 2024
  2. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Some good stuff -- boot her out for burning breakfast a funny one .. but seldom are things so simple in reality .. as in .. it was not the norm in Jewish Society at the time to just boot your wife out for no reason.

    But we misunderstand the comments in the Sermon on Mount .. "Put her Away" .. what does this mean .. is an obvious colloquialism .. but for what .. and does this Greek Colloquialism represent the Hebrew it is translating ..

    OK- "Adultery" in the OT - did not mean a man could not step out on his wife ..or wives .. and all the patriarchs had concubines. This rule only applied to the woman in the partnership who was not allowed to sleep around. The wives and daughters were more a form of property such that sleeping with another man's property is akin to theft. .. and we have various monetary penalties for various sex crimes .. based on the value of the property involved in said crime.

    So .. if you slept with a virgin daughter .. against her will .. you have now committed a property crime .. the consequences of which are to 1) pay the bride price .. 2) marry the girl . make this girl one of your wives .. and what this means .. is that you are obligated to take care of this woman .. to provide for her basic needs .. for the rest of her life .. and you may never divorce yourself from this obligation

    So .. when Jesus says .. you must not put her away .. he is saying you must not divorce from your obligation to take care of this woman. Hearken back to my previous post ... the "What part of --- "This sums up the law and the prophets" --- was not made perfectly clear by our lord and savior .. .. or something to that effect .. Have you not heard .. of the Golden Rule ? .. and its importance to the Holy Order of Zedek .. Which the Hillel or the other may or may not have had anything to do .. . but applies in this passage .. 1) being from the same sermon .. and 2) being the point of the whole sermon .. a sermon in which the Topic .. is how to get through the pearly gates ..

    If you are going to hack your way into the golden Pool .. you are going to need the Golden Tool .. as suggested by Lord Jesus .. .. affectionately latinized as HeyZeus ..

    You know who else tell us about the Golden Rule ... voices from the universe singing out long before the good Rabbi and Lord Jesus. Is Ye who have ears not be listening to the whisper of the Gods ? What is Truth .. and tell me more about how this hack gets us through the pearly gates and how it applies to ..

    Let ye who is without sin .. cast the first rock .. Judge not .. a few more examples of the Golden Rule and then the big finish .. Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of heaven—only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.

    and that's when I thought .. well if that is the case .. best be figuring out what that is .. Right ? .. after all isn't that what James 2 is all about .. how is one put right with God .. and those early christian folks he called foolish .. for believing in "Faith Alone" dogma that was going round.

    The big splash of the Sermon on the Mount is that the Will of the Father is to do the Golden Rule .. and to use the Golden tool .. and to not be a Fool.. and as promised .. we had other 'Gods whispering the same thing .. into the ear of the Babylonian King Hamurrabi .. dictated by Lord Marduk if not mistaken .. Buddha spoke this rule .. as did Confucius. .. and when push comes to shove .. even Muhamad. "there is no compulsion in Islam" .. something like that ..

    and last but not least -- The God Supreme of the OT vs the OT God who's name was Jealous.

    A great sin has been committed against the one God . .. a few people in one of the Israelite cities have been worshiping other Gods - and the one God is Jealous and so orders the death of every living soul in the entire town .. Women, Children, babies , fetuses .. collective punishment ..

    the other God .. God Supreme .. says the child not to be killed for the sins of the Father .. each person according to his own sin. .. A Golden Rule and Rule of Law Principle in action... one person not to be punished for the actions of another .. If you don't others punishing you for the sins of another .. don't yourself punish someone for the sin of someone else.. Do unto others .. both positive and negative aspects.

    Now .. how does this relate to Zedek ? and this great and wonderful grand priesthood ? Zedek is Justice and Righteousness .. doing what is just and right.. avoiding what is injust .. and not right .. this is our Patron God .. this is Jesus .. The prince of Peace .. Jerusalem being the city of Peace .. The Logos -- the true word of God.. enabled by the Holy Spirit .. his sole mission to tell you the will of the Father.. which is to do what is just and right ..

    When Melchi-Zedek and Abraham worship EL Supreme together -

    Now I left the NET translation as is .. but "Most High God" .. is not the proper translation . The word in this passage is EL Oliun = God Supreme .. which yes is kind of like God most high ... but God most high is a different epithet EL Elyon .. and so regardless of how we translate .. these can not be translated the same .. EL Elyon .. "God most High" .. is not EL Oliun "God Most High" and in interlinear translation that I posted previously they translate EL Oliun God Supreme.

    but never mind the name nit picking .. the point of this passage at this point .. is note how they bring out bread and wine .. in celebration of the Most High.. in leu of a sacrifice to the most high .. Right :) !! could just be me but thought it was an interesting choice for a celebration ritual.

    Jerusalem was one of a number of Holy Cities in Abraham's time .. Babylon was another.. .. one time.. when Assyria captured Babylon they sacked the city - raised it to the ground .. this was looked upon as a very bad thing . and bad things ended up happening to the Assyrian King ..

    How is it that that the God that introduced himself to Abraham .. the God he recognized as Enlil from Babylon .. Chief God of the Sumerian Pantheon .. something one is taught in elementary school in Ur .. where Abe Grew up .. his father an Idol Maker so I guess Abe would have been taught at home as well.. and of course at church and everyone went to church in those days - made his way over from Babylonia to Canaan .. and set up a priesthood in Jerusalem .. a Canaanite City .. and thus a God that the Canaanites worshiped .. and in fact the Canaanite High God .. that is worshiped by the Priests of the Order of Zedek.. obviously . as being head of the Divine council .. the twin Gods Righteousness and Justice sit at the right hand of the Father .. Right? ..
    Is that not what the good book says ? Does Jesus not sit at the right hand of God the Father .. as Judge - Jury - and executioner ? ... the symbol of Justice and Righteousness .. twin aeons .. emanating forth from the Godhead ...
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